
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Same as #hasElementWithoutWaiting(By) but don't scroll to make the element visible. Useful for example whenverifying that the page has finished loading (and thus there's no element visible and we cannot scroll to it).
[中]与#haseElement Without Waiting(By)相同,但不要滚动以使元素可见。例如,当验证页面已完成加载(因此没有可见元素,我们无法滚动到它)时,这很有用。


代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return true if we are currently logged in, false otherwise
public boolean isAuthenticated()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting("tmUser"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return if the "affect children" option is present or not
 * @since 7.2RC1 
public boolean hasAffectChildrenOption()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting("affectChildren"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * Says if the notifications menu is present (it is displayed only if it has some content).
 * @return either or not the notifications menu is present
 * @since 7.4M1
public boolean hasNotificationsMenu()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting("tmNotifications"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

public boolean isInViewMode()
  return !getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting("editMeta"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-administration-test-pageobjects

public boolean isPasswordSuccessfullyReset()
  // success = no form and a message that is not error or warning.
  return !getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(".xcontent form"))
    && messageBox.getAttribute("class").contains("infomessage");

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-administration-test-pageobjects

public boolean isResetPasswordSent()
  // If there is no form and we see an info box, then the request was sent.
  return !getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(".xcontent form"))
    && messageBox.getAttribute("class").contains("infomessage");

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

public String getLoggedInUserName()
  By userAvatarInDrawer ="tmUser");
  if (!getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(userAvatarInDrawer)) {
    // Guest
    return null;
  WebElement element = getDriver().findElementWithoutWaiting(userAvatarInDrawer);
  String href = element.getAttribute("href");
  String loggedInUserName = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
  // Return
  return loggedInUserName;

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

   * @param panelTitle the panel displayed title
   * @return true if the panel is visible in the left panels or false otherwise
   * @since 10.6RC1
  public boolean hasLeftPanel(String panelTitle)
    return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.xpath(
      "//div[@id = 'leftPanels']/div/h1[@class = 'xwikipaneltitle' and text() = '" + panelTitle +"']"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the previous change button of the original document
public boolean hasPreviousFromVersion()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(previousFromVersionSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the previous change button
public boolean hasPreviousChange()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(previousChangeSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the next change button
public boolean hasNextChange()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(nextChangeSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the next change button of the original document
public boolean hasNextFromVersion()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(nextFromVersionSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the previous change button of the new document
public boolean hasPreviousToVersion()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(previousToVersionSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @return the presence of the next change button of the new document
public boolean hasNextToVersion()
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(nextToVersionSelector));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-administration-test-pageobjects

 * To be called the first time the page is opened, using a password reset link.
 * @return true if the reset link is valid and the form to change the password is being displayed, false otherwise.
public boolean isResetLinkValid()
  // If we see the form, the the link is valid.
  return getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting(By.cssSelector(".xcontent form"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui

 * @since 4.5M1
public boolean canDelete()
  // Don't wait here since test can use this method to verify that there's no Delete right on the current page
  // and calling hasElement() would incurr the wait timeout.
  boolean canDelete = getDriver().hasElementWithoutWaiting("tmActionDelete"));
  return canDelete;
