
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Return the current location of the processor. If the Location is unknown the processor should return an implementation of Location that returns -1 for the location and null for the publicId and systemId. The location information is only valid until next() is called.


代码示例来源:origin: io.github.msdk/msdk-io-mzml

 * <p>
 * Gets the required attribute from xmlStreamReader, throws an exception if the attribute is not
 * found
 * </p>
 * @param xmlStreamReader XMLStreamReader instance used to parse
 * @param attr Attribute's value to be found
 * @return a CharArray containing the value of the attribute.
public CharArray getRequiredAttribute(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader, String attr) {
 CharArray attrValue = xmlStreamReader.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
 if (attrValue == null)
  throw new IllegalStateException("Tag " + xmlStreamReader.getLocalName() + " must provide an `"
    + attr + "`attribute (Line " + xmlStreamReader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + ")");
 return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: msdk/msdk

 * <p>
 * Gets the required attribute from xmlStreamReader, throws an exception of the attribute is not
 * found
 * </p>
 * @return a CharArray containing the value of the attribute.
 * @param xmlStreamReader a {@link javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader} object.
 * @param attr a {@link java.lang.String} object.
public CharArray getRequiredAttribute(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader, String attr) {
 CharArray attrValue = xmlStreamReader.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
 if (attrValue == null)
  throw new IllegalStateException("Tag " + xmlStreamReader.getLocalName() + " must provide an `"
    + attr + "`attribute (Line " + xmlStreamReader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + ")");
 return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: io.github.msdk/msdk-io-mzxml

 * <p>
 * Gets the required attribute from xmlStreamReader, throws an exception of the attribute is not
 * found
 * </p>
 * @return a CharArray containing the value of the attribute.
 * @param xmlStreamReader a {@link javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader} object.
 * @param attr a {@link java.lang.String} object.
public CharArray getRequiredAttribute(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader, String attr) {
 CharArray attrValue = xmlStreamReader.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
 if (attrValue == null)
  throw new IllegalStateException("Tag " + xmlStreamReader.getLocalName() + " must provide an `"
    + attr + "`attribute (Line " + xmlStreamReader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + ")");
 return attrValue;

代码示例来源:origin: msdk/msdk

 * <p>
 * Gets the required attribute from xmlStreamReader, throws an exception if the attribute is not
 * found
 * </p>
 * @param xmlStreamReader XMLStreamReader instance used to parse
 * @param attr Attribute's value to be found
 * @return a CharArray containing the value of the attribute.
public CharArray getRequiredAttribute(XMLStreamReader xmlStreamReader, String attr) {
 CharArray attrValue = xmlStreamReader.getAttributeValue(null, attr);
 if (attrValue == null)
  throw new IllegalStateException("Tag " + xmlStreamReader.getLocalName() + " must provide an `"
    + attr + "`attribute (Line " + xmlStreamReader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + ")");
 return attrValue;
