我们10秒写入一次数据到ck A表(一次时间相同 500条以内条数),然后有个物化视图是B表, 但是偶然看见 报错 OOM kill
Too many partitions for single INSERT block (more than 100). The limit is controlled by 'max _partitions per insert block' setting. Large number of partitions is a common misconception. It will lead to severe negative performance impact, including slow server startup, slow INSERT queries and slow SELECT queries. Recommended total number of partitions for a table is under 1000.. 0000. Please note, that partitioning is not intended to speed up SEL ECT queries (ORDER BY key is sufficient to make range queries fast). Partitions are intended for data manipulation (DROP PARTITION, etc). (version official build)) (fro
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原文链接 : https://blog.csdn.net/qq_21383435/article/details/122887657