
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Set environment variables from the given environment input property. For example, given the property, this method will extract environment variables from: the comma-separated string value of, and the values of any properties of the form Variables specified via the latter syntax take precedence over those specified using the former syntax.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapreduce-client-common

public static void setEnvFromInputProperty(Map<String, String> env,
  String propName, String defaultPropValue, Configuration conf) {
 String classPathSeparator =
     ? ApplicationConstants.CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR : File.pathSeparator;
 Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, propName, defaultPropValue, conf,

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-common

 public void testSetEnvFromInputPropertyNull() {
  Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
  Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
  String propName = "";
  String defaultPropName = "mapreduce.child.env";
  // Setup environment input properties
  conf.set(propName, "env1=env1_val,env2=env2_val,env3=env3_val");
  conf.set(propName + ".env4", "env4_val");
  conf.set(propName + ".env2", "new_env2_val");
  // Setup some default values - we shouldn't see these values
  conf.set(defaultPropName, "env1=def1_val,env2=def2_val,env3=def3_val");
  String defaultPropValue = conf.get(defaultPropName);
  // These should never be referenced.
  conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env4", "def4_val");
  conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env2", "new_def2_val");
  // Try with null inputs
  Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, "bogus1", null, conf, File.pathSeparator);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-common

public void testSetEnvFromInputPropertyCommas() {
 Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
 Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
 String propName = "mapreduce.reduce.env";
 conf.set(propName, "env1=env1_val,env2=env2_val,env3=env3_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env2", "new2_val1,new2_val2,new2_val3");
 conf.set(propName + ".env4", "new4_valwith=equals");
 // Setup some default values - we shouldn't see these values
 String defaultPropName = "mapreduce.child.env";
 conf.set(defaultPropName, "env1=def1_val,env2=def2_val,env3=def3_val");
 String defaultPropValue = conf.get(defaultPropName);
 Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, propName, defaultPropValue, conf,
 // Check values from string
 assertEquals("env1_val", env.get("env1"));
 assertEquals("env3_val", env.get("env3"));
 // Check individual value
 assertEquals("new4_valwith=equals", env.get("env4"));
 // Check individual value that eclipses one in string
 assertEquals("new2_val1,new2_val2,new2_val3", env.get("env2"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-common

public void testSetEnvFromInputProperty() {
 Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
 Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
 String propName = "";
 String defaultPropName = "mapreduce.child.env";
 // Setup environment input properties
 conf.set(propName, "env1=env1_val,env2=env2_val,env3=env3_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env4", "env4_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env2", "new_env2_val");
 // Setup some default values - we shouldn't see these values
 conf.set(defaultPropName, "env1=def1_val,env2=def2_val,env3=def3_val");
 String defaultPropValue = conf.get(defaultPropName);
 // These should never be referenced.
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env4", "def4_val");
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env2", "new_def2_val");
 Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, propName, defaultPropValue, conf,
 // Check values from string
 assertEquals("env1_val", env.get("env1"));
 assertEquals("env3_val", env.get("env3"));
 // Check individual value
 assertEquals("env4_val", env.get("env4"));
 // Check individual value that eclipses one in string
 assertEquals("new_env2_val", env.get("env2"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-common

public void testSetEnvFromInputPropertyOverrideDefault() {
 Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
 Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
 // Try using default value, but specify some individual values using
 // the main propName, but no main value, so it should get values from
 // the default string, and then the individual values.
 String propName = "mapreduce.reduce.env";
 conf.set(propName + ".env2", "new2_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env4", "new4_val");
 // Setup some default values - we shouldn't see these values
 String defaultPropName = "mapreduce.child.env";
 conf.set(defaultPropName, "env1=def1_val,env2=def2_val,env3=def3_val");
 String defaultPropValue = conf.get(defaultPropName);
 // These should never be referenced.
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env4", "def4_val");
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env2", "new_def2_val");
 Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, propName, defaultPropValue, conf,
 // Check values from string
 assertEquals("def1_val", env.get("env1"));
 assertEquals("def3_val", env.get("env3"));
 // Check individual value
 assertEquals("new4_val", env.get("env4"));
 // Check individual value that eclipses one in string
 assertEquals("new2_val", env.get("env2"));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-common

public void testSetEnvFromInputPropertyDefault() {
 Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
 Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();
 String propName = "";
 String defaultPropName = "mapreduce.child.env";
 // Setup environment input properties
 conf.set(propName, "env1=env1_val,env2=env2_val,env3=env3_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env4", "env4_val");
 conf.set(propName + ".env2", "new_env2_val");
 // Setup some default values
 conf.set(defaultPropName, "env1=def1_val,env2=def2_val,env3=def3_val");
 String defaultPropValue = conf.get(defaultPropName);
 // These should never be referenced.
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env4", "def4_val");
 conf.set(defaultPropName + ".env2", "new_def2_val");
 // Test using default value for the string.
 // Individually specified env properties do not have defaults,
 // so this should just get things from the defaultPropName string.
 String bogusProp = propName + "bogus";
 Apps.setEnvFromInputProperty(env, bogusProp, defaultPropValue, conf,
 // Check values from string
 assertEquals("def1_val", env.get("env1"));
 assertEquals("def2_val", env.get("env2"));
 assertEquals("def3_val", env.get("env3"));
 // Check individual value is not set.

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager

  YarnConfiguration.NM_ADMIN_USER_ENV, defEnvStr, conf,
