
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Asserts that the given expression is false. If not, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.


代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework

private void assertNotBuilt() {
    Assert.isFalse(built, () -> "this builder has already been built");

代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework

 * Initializes a BatchingUnitOfWork for processing the given list of {@code messages}.
 * @param messages batch of messages to process
public BatchingUnitOfWork(List<T> messages) {
  Assert.isFalse(messages.isEmpty(), () -> "The list of Messages to process is empty");
  processingContexts =;
  processingContext = processingContexts.get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: AxonFramework/AxonFramework

 * Initialize the AggregateFactory for creating instances of the given {@code aggregateType}.
 * @param aggregateType The type of aggregate this factory creates instances of.
 * @throws IncompatibleAggregateException if the aggregate constructor throws an exception, or if the JVM security
 *                                        settings prevent the GenericAggregateFactory from calling the
 *                                        constructor.
public GenericAggregateFactory(Class<T> aggregateType) {
  Assert.isFalse(Modifier.isAbstract(aggregateType.getModifiers()), () -> "Given aggregateType may not be abstract");
  try {
    this.constructor = ensureAccessible(aggregateType.getDeclaredConstructor());
  } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    throw new IncompatibleAggregateException(format("The aggregate [%s] doesn't provide a no-arg constructor.",
                            aggregateType.getSimpleName()), e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-core

private void assertNotBuilt() {
    Assert.isFalse(built, () -> "this builder has already been built");

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-configuration

private void assertNotBuilt() {
    Assert.isFalse(built, () -> "this builder has already been built");

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-core

 * Initializes a BatchingUnitOfWork for processing the given list of {@code messages}.
 * @param messages batch of messages to process
public BatchingUnitOfWork(List<T> messages) {
  Assert.isFalse(messages.isEmpty(), () -> "The list of Messages to process is empty");
  processingContexts =;
  processingContext = processingContexts.get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-messaging

 * Initializes a BatchingUnitOfWork for processing the given list of {@code messages}.
 * @param messages batch of messages to process
public BatchingUnitOfWork(List<T> messages) {
  Assert.isFalse(messages.isEmpty(), () -> "The list of Messages to process is empty");
  processingContexts =;
  processingContext = processingContexts.get(0);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework.extensions.mongo/axon-mongo

 * Sets the value of this node. Note that a node can contain either a value, or child nodes
 * @param value The value to set for this node
public void setValue(String value) {
          () -> "A child node was already present. " + "A node cannot contain a value as well as child nodes.");
  this.value = value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-mongo

 * Sets the value of this node. Note that a node can contain either a value, or child nodes
 * @param value The value to set for this node
public void setValue(String value) {
          () -> "A child node was already present. " + "A node cannot contain a value as well as child nodes.");
  this.value = value;

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-core

 * Initialize the AggregateFactory for creating instances of the given {@code aggregateType}.
 * @param aggregateType The type of aggregate this factory creates instances of.
 * @throws IncompatibleAggregateException if the aggregate constructor throws an exception, or if the JVM security
 *                                        settings prevent the GenericAggregateFactory from calling the
 *                                        constructor.
public GenericAggregateFactory(Class<T> aggregateType) {
  Assert.isFalse(Modifier.isAbstract(aggregateType.getModifiers()), () -> "Given aggregateType may not be abstract");
  try {
    this.constructor = ensureAccessible(aggregateType.getDeclaredConstructor());
  } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    throw new IncompatibleAggregateException(format("The aggregate [%s] doesn't provide a no-arg constructor.",
                            aggregateType.getSimpleName()), e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-eventsourcing

 * Initialize the AggregateFactory for creating instances of the given {@code aggregateType}.
 * @param aggregateType The type of aggregate this factory creates instances of.
 * @throws IncompatibleAggregateException if the aggregate constructor throws an exception, or if the JVM security
 *                                        settings prevent the GenericAggregateFactory from calling the
 *                                        constructor.
public GenericAggregateFactory(Class<T> aggregateType) {
  Assert.isFalse(Modifier.isAbstract(aggregateType.getModifiers()), () -> "Given aggregateType may not be abstract");
  try {
    this.constructor = ensureAccessible(aggregateType.getDeclaredConstructor());
  } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    throw new IncompatibleAggregateException(format("The aggregate [%s] doesn't provide a no-arg constructor.",
                            aggregateType.getSimpleName()), e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-mongo

 * Adds a child node to the current node. Note that the name of a child node must not be {@code null} and may
 * not start with "attr_", in order to differentiate between child nodes and attributes.
 * @param name The name of the child node
 * @return A BSONNode representing the newly created child node.
public BSONNode addChildNode(String name) {
  Assert.isTrue(value == null,
         () -> "A value was already present." + "A node cannot contain a value as well as child nodes");
  Assert.notNull(name, () -> "Node name must not be null");
  Assert.isFalse(name.startsWith(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX), () -> "Node names may not start with '" + ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + "'");
  return addChild(name, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework.extensions.mongo/axon-mongo

 * Adds a child node to the current node. Note that the name of a child node must not be {@code null} and may
 * not start with "attr_", in order to differentiate between child nodes and attributes.
 * @param name The name of the child node
 * @return A BSONNode representing the newly created child node.
public BSONNode addChildNode(String name) {
  Assert.isTrue(value == null,
         () -> "A value was already present." + "A node cannot contain a value as well as child nodes");
  Assert.notNull(name, () -> "Node name must not be null");
  Assert.isFalse(name.startsWith(ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX), () -> "Node names may not start with '" + ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + "'");
  return addChild(name, null);

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-core

 * Initialize the BackoffParameters using given parameters.
 * @param acquireAttempts    the total number of attempts to make to acquire the lock. A value of {@code -1} means indefinite attempts
 * @param maximumQueued      the threshold of the number of threads queued for acquiring the lock, or {@code -1} to ignore queue size
 * @param lockAttemptTimeout the amount of time to wait, in milliseconds, for each lock acquisition attempt
public BackoffParameters(int acquireAttempts, int maximumQueued, int lockAttemptTimeout) {
      acquireAttempts > 0 || acquireAttempts == -1,
      () -> "acquireAttempts needs to be a positive integer or -1, but was '" + acquireAttempts + "'"
  this.acquireAttempts = acquireAttempts;
      maximumQueued > 0 || maximumQueued == -1,
      () -> "maximumQueued needs to be a positive integer or -1, but was '" + maximumQueued + "'"
  this.maximumQueued = maximumQueued;
      lockAttemptTimeout < 0,
      () -> "lockAttemptTimeout needs to be a non negative integer, but was '" + lockAttemptTimeout + "'"
  this.lockAttemptTimeout = lockAttemptTimeout;

代码示例来源:origin: vvgomes/event-driven-restaurant

public MenuItem(AddMenuItemCommand command) {
  Assert.isFalse(command.getDescription().isEmpty(), () -> "Description must be present.");
  apply(new MenuItemAddedEvent(command.getId(), command.getDescription(), command.getPrice()));

代码示例来源:origin: vvgomes/event-driven-restaurant

public void handle(ModifyMenuItemCommand command) {
  Assert.state(active, () -> "Item is inactive.");
  Assert.isFalse(command.getDescription().isEmpty(), () -> "Description must be present.");
  apply(new MenuItemModifiedEvent(id, command.getDescription(), command.getPrice()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework/axon-kafka

public FetchEventsTask(Consumer<K, V> consumer, KafkaTrackingToken token,
            Buffer<KafkaEventMessage> buffer,
            KafkaMessageConverter<K, V> converter,
            BiFunction<ConsumerRecord<K, V>, KafkaTrackingToken, Void> callback,
            long timeout,
            java.util.function.Consumer<FetchEventsTask> closeHandler) {
  Assert.isFalse(timeout < 0, () -> "Timeout may not be < 0");
  this.consumer = nonNull(consumer, () -> "Consumer may not be null");
  this.currentToken = nonNull(token, () -> "Token may not be null");
  this.buffer = nonNull(buffer, () -> "Buffer may not be null");
  this.converter = nonNull(converter, () -> "Converter may not be null");
  this.callback = nonNull(callback, () -> "Callback may not be null");
  this.timeout = timeout;
  this.closeHandler = getOrDefault(closeHandler, x -> {});

代码示例来源:origin: org.axonframework.extensions.kafka/axon-kafka

public FetchEventsTask(Consumer<K, V> consumer, KafkaTrackingToken token,
            Buffer<KafkaEventMessage> buffer,
            KafkaMessageConverter<K, V> converter,
            BiFunction<ConsumerRecord<K, V>, KafkaTrackingToken, Void> callback,
            long timeout,
            java.util.function.Consumer<FetchEventsTask> closeHandler) {
  Assert.isFalse(timeout < 0, () -> "Timeout may not be < 0");
  this.consumer = nonNull(consumer, () -> "Consumer may not be null");
  this.currentToken = nonNull(token, () -> "Token may not be null");
  this.buffer = nonNull(buffer, () -> "Buffer may not be null");
  this.converter = nonNull(converter, () -> "Converter may not be null");
  this.callback = nonNull(callback, () -> "Callback may not be null");
  this.timeout = timeout;
  this.closeHandler = getOrDefault(closeHandler, x -> {});



