
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Compares this object with the specified object and indicates if they are equal. In order to be equal, object must be an instance of Byte and have the same byte value as this object.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
 if (!(obj instanceof DeleteVersionVisibilityExpressionFilter)) {
  return false;
 if (this == obj){
  return true;
 DeleteVersionVisibilityExpressionFilter f = (DeleteVersionVisibilityExpressionFilter)obj;
 return this.deleteCellVisTags.equals(f.deleteCellVisTags) &&

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

public ResponseMessage<List<UserDashBoardResponse>> getUserAllDashBoardConfig(Authentication authentication) {
  List<UserDashBoardResponse> configList =
      .filter(config-> DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(config.getStatus()))
      .filter(config -> StringUtils.isEmpty(config) ||
      .map(config -> config.copyTo(new UserDashBoardResponse()))
  return ResponseMessage.ok(configList);

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

protected OAuth2Client checkClient(OAuth2Client client) {
  if (client == null) {
    throw new GrantTokenException(CLIENT_NOT_EXIST);
  if (!DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(client.getStatus())) {
    throw new GrantTokenException(CLIENT_DISABLED);
  return client;

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

public DynamicFormDeployLogEntity selectLastDeployed(String formId) {
  DynamicFormDeployLogEntity deployed = createQuery()
      .where(DynamicFormDeployLogEntity.formId, formId)
  if (null != deployed && DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(deployed.getStatus())) {
    return deployed;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

@Cacheable(key = "'dictDefineById:'+#id")
public DictDefine getDefine(String id) {
  DictionaryEntity entity = dictionaryService.selectByPk(id);
  if (entity == null) {
    return super.getDefine(id);
  List<EnumDict<Object>> items = (List) itemService.selectByDictId(id)
      .filter(e -> DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(e.getStatus()))
  return DefaultDictDefine.builder()

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

public DynamicFormDeployLogEntity selectDeployed(String formId, long version) {
  DynamicFormDeployLogEntity deployed = createQuery()
      .where(DynamicFormDeployLogEntity.formId, formId)
      .and(DynamicFormDeployLogEntity.version, version)
  if (null != deployed && DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(deployed.getStatus())) {
    return deployed;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: hs-web/hsweb-framework

public OAuth2SessionBuilder create(String serverId) {
  OAuth2ServerConfig configEntity = oAuth2ServerConfigService.findById(serverId);
  if (null == configEntity || !DataStatus.STATUS_ENABLED.equals(configEntity.getStatus())) {
    throw new NotFoundException("server not found!");
  return new SimpleOAuth2SessionBuilder(oAuth2UserTokenService, configEntity, oAuth2RequestBuilderFactory,
      lockManager.getReadWriteLock("oauth2-server-lock." + serverId));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UpmsUserPermission other = (UpmsUserPermission) that;
  return (this.getUserPermissionId() == null ? other.getUserPermissionId() == null : this.getUserPermissionId().equals(other.getUserPermissionId()))
    && (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
    && (this.getPermissionId() == null ? other.getPermissionId() == null : this.getPermissionId().equals(other.getPermissionId()))
    && (this.getType() == null ? other.getType() == null : this.getType().equals(other.getType()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UcenterUserOauth other = (UcenterUserOauth) that;
  return (this.getUserOauthId() == null ? other.getUserOauthId() == null : this.getUserOauthId().equals(other.getUserOauthId()))
    && (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
    && (this.getOauthId() == null ? other.getOauthId() == null : this.getOauthId().equals(other.getOauthId()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getCreateTime() == null ? other.getCreateTime() == null : this.getCreateTime().equals(other.getCreateTime()))
    && (Arrays.equals(this.getOpenId(), other.getOpenId()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  PayOutOrder other = (PayOutOrder) that;
  return (this.getPayOutOrderId() == null ? other.getPayOutOrderId() == null : this.getPayOutOrderId().equals(other.getPayOutOrderId()))
    && (this.getPayMchId() == null ? other.getPayMchId() == null : this.getPayMchId().equals(other.getPayMchId()))
    && (this.getPayVendorId() == null ? other.getPayVendorId() == null : this.getPayVendorId().equals(other.getPayVendorId()))
    && (this.getAmount() == null ? other.getAmount() == null : this.getAmount().equals(other.getAmount()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  PayInOrder other = (PayInOrder) that;
  return (this.getPayInOrderId() == null ? other.getPayInOrderId() == null : this.getPayInOrderId().equals(other.getPayInOrderId()))
    && (this.getPayVendorId() == null ? other.getPayVendorId() == null : this.getPayVendorId().equals(other.getPayVendorId()))
    && (this.getPayMchId() == null ? other.getPayMchId() == null : this.getPayMchId().equals(other.getPayMchId()))
    && (this.getAmount() == null ? other.getAmount() == null : this.getAmount().equals(other.getAmount()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  CmsCategory other = (CmsCategory) that;
  return (this.getCategoryId() == null ? other.getCategoryId() == null : this.getCategoryId().equals(other.getCategoryId()))
    && (this.getPid() == null ? other.getPid() == null : this.getPid().equals(other.getPid()))
    && (this.getLevel() == null ? other.getLevel() == null : this.getLevel().equals(other.getLevel()))
    && (this.getName() == null ? other.getName() == null : this.getName().equals(other.getName()))
    && (this.getDescription() == null ? other.getDescription() == null : this.getDescription().equals(other.getDescription()))
    && (this.getIcon() == null ? other.getIcon() == null : this.getIcon().equals(other.getIcon()))
    && (this.getType() == null ? other.getType() == null : this.getType().equals(other.getType()))
    && (this.getAlias() == null ? other.getAlias() == null : this.getAlias().equals(other.getAlias()))
    && (this.getSystemId() == null ? other.getSystemId() == null : this.getSystemId().equals(other.getSystemId()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()))
    && (this.getOrders() == null ? other.getOrders() == null : this.getOrders().equals(other.getOrders()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UpmsPermission other = (UpmsPermission) that;
  return (this.getPermissionId() == null ? other.getPermissionId() == null : this.getPermissionId().equals(other.getPermissionId()))
    && (this.getSystemId() == null ? other.getSystemId() == null : this.getSystemId().equals(other.getSystemId()))
    && (this.getPid() == null ? other.getPid() == null : this.getPid().equals(other.getPid()))
    && (this.getName() == null ? other.getName() == null : this.getName().equals(other.getName()))
    && (this.getType() == null ? other.getType() == null : this.getType().equals(other.getType()))
    && (this.getPermissionValue() == null ? other.getPermissionValue() == null : this.getPermissionValue().equals(other.getPermissionValue()))
    && (this.getUri() == null ? other.getUri() == null : this.getUri().equals(other.getUri()))
    && (this.getIcon() == null ? other.getIcon() == null : this.getIcon().equals(other.getIcon()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()))
    && (this.getOrders() == null ? other.getOrders() == null : this.getOrders().equals(other.getOrders()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  CmsTag other = (CmsTag) that;
  return (this.getTagId() == null ? other.getTagId() == null : this.getTagId().equals(other.getTagId()))
    && (this.getName() == null ? other.getName() == null : this.getName().equals(other.getName()))
    && (this.getDescription() == null ? other.getDescription() == null : this.getDescription().equals(other.getDescription()))
    && (this.getIcon() == null ? other.getIcon() == null : this.getIcon().equals(other.getIcon()))
    && (this.getType() == null ? other.getType() == null : this.getType().equals(other.getType()))
    && (this.getAlias() == null ? other.getAlias() == null : this.getAlias().equals(other.getAlias()))
    && (this.getSystemId() == null ? other.getSystemId() == null : this.getSystemId().equals(other.getSystemId()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()))
    && (this.getOrders() == null ? other.getOrders() == null : this.getOrders().equals(other.getOrders()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UpmsUser other = (UpmsUser) that;
  return (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
    && (this.getUsername() == null ? other.getUsername() == null : this.getUsername().equals(other.getUsername()))
    && (this.getPassword() == null ? other.getPassword() == null : this.getPassword().equals(other.getPassword()))
    && (this.getSalt() == null ? other.getSalt() == null : this.getSalt().equals(other.getSalt()))
    && (this.getRealname() == null ? other.getRealname() == null : this.getRealname().equals(other.getRealname()))
    && (this.getAvatar() == null ? other.getAvatar() == null : this.getAvatar().equals(other.getAvatar()))
    && (this.getPhone() == null ? other.getPhone() == null : this.getPhone().equals(other.getPhone()))
    && (this.getEmail() == null ? other.getEmail() == null : this.getEmail().equals(other.getEmail()))
    && (this.getSex() == null ? other.getSex() == null : this.getSex().equals(other.getSex()))
    && (this.getLocked() == null ? other.getLocked() == null : this.getLocked().equals(other.getLocked()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  CmsComment other = (CmsComment) that;
  return (this.getCommentId() == null ? other.getCommentId() == null : this.getCommentId().equals(other.getCommentId()))
    && (this.getPid() == null ? other.getPid() == null : this.getPid().equals(other.getPid()))
    && (this.getArticleId() == null ? other.getArticleId() == null : this.getArticleId().equals(other.getArticleId()))
    && (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getIp() == null ? other.getIp() == null : this.getIp().equals(other.getIp()))
    && (this.getAgent() == null ? other.getAgent() == null : this.getAgent().equals(other.getAgent()))
    && (this.getSystemId() == null ? other.getSystemId() == null : this.getSystemId().equals(other.getSystemId()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()))
    && (this.getContent() == null ? other.getContent() == null : this.getContent().equals(other.getContent()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UcenterUser other = (UcenterUser) that;
  return (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
    && (this.getPassword() == null ? other.getPassword() == null : this.getPassword().equals(other.getPassword()))
    && (this.getSalt() == null ? other.getSalt() == null : this.getSalt().equals(other.getSalt()))
    && (this.getNickname() == null ? other.getNickname() == null : this.getNickname().equals(other.getNickname()))
    && (this.getSex() == null ? other.getSex() == null : this.getSex().equals(other.getSex()))
    && (this.getAvatar() == null ? other.getAvatar() == null : this.getAvatar().equals(other.getAvatar()))
    && (this.getCreateTime() == null ? other.getCreateTime() == null : this.getCreateTime().equals(other.getCreateTime()))
    && (this.getCreateIp() == null ? other.getCreateIp() == null : this.getCreateIp().equals(other.getCreateIp()))
    && (this.getLastLoginTime() == null ? other.getLastLoginTime() == null : this.getLastLoginTime().equals(other.getLastLoginTime()))
    && (this.getLastLoginIp() == null ? other.getLastLoginIp() == null : this.getLastLoginIp().equals(other.getLastLoginIp()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

public boolean equals(Object that) {
  if (this == that) {
    return true;
  if (that == null) {
    return false;
  if (getClass() != that.getClass()) {
    return false;
  UpmsSystem other = (UpmsSystem) that;
  return (this.getSystemId() == null ? other.getSystemId() == null : this.getSystemId().equals(other.getSystemId()))
    && (this.getIcon() == null ? other.getIcon() == null : this.getIcon().equals(other.getIcon()))
    && (this.getBanner() == null ? other.getBanner() == null : this.getBanner().equals(other.getBanner()))
    && (this.getTheme() == null ? other.getTheme() == null : this.getTheme().equals(other.getTheme()))
    && (this.getBasepath() == null ? other.getBasepath() == null : this.getBasepath().equals(other.getBasepath()))
    && (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
    && (this.getName() == null ? other.getName() == null : this.getName().equals(other.getName()))
    && (this.getTitle() == null ? other.getTitle() == null : this.getTitle().equals(other.getTitle()))
    && (this.getDescription() == null ? other.getDescription() == null : this.getDescription().equals(other.getDescription()))
    && (this.getCtime() == null ? other.getCtime() == null : this.getCtime().equals(other.getCtime()))
    && (this.getOrders() == null ? other.getOrders() == null : this.getOrders().equals(other.getOrders()));

代码示例来源:origin: shuzheng/zheng

&& (this.getKeywords() == null ? other.getKeywords() == null : this.getKeywords().equals(other.getKeywords()))
&& (this.getDescription() == null ? other.getDescription() == null : this.getDescription().equals(other.getDescription()))
&& (this.getType() == null ? other.getType() == null : this.getType().equals(other.getType()))
&& (this.getAllowcomments() == null ? other.getAllowcomments() == null : this.getAllowcomments().equals(other.getAllowcomments()))
&& (this.getStatus() == null ? other.getStatus() == null : this.getStatus().equals(other.getStatus()))
&& (this.getUserId() == null ? other.getUserId() == null : this.getUserId().equals(other.getUserId()))
&& (this.getReadnumber() == null ? other.getReadnumber() == null : this.getReadnumber().equals(other.getReadnumber()))

代码示例来源:origin: MorphiaOrg/morphia

public void testByte() throws Exception {
  final ContainsByte cb = new ContainsByte();
  final ContainsByte loaded = getDs().get(cb);
  assertTrue(loaded.val0 == cb.val0);
