
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Concatenate two byte arrays.


代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

 * Concatenate two byte arrays.
 * @param a lower half
 * @param b upper half
 * @return New array that has a in lower half and b in upper half.
public static byte [] add(final byte [] a, final byte [] b) {
 return add(a, b, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-api-common

 * Concatenate two byte arrays.
 * @param a lower half
 * @param b upper half
 * @return New array that has a in lower half and b in upper half.
public static byte [] add(final byte [] a, final byte [] b) {
 return add(a, b, EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY);

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-api-common

 * Return a byte array with value in <code>a</code> plus <code>length</code> prepended 0 bytes.
 * @param a array
 * @param length new array size
 * @return Value in <code>a</code> plus <code>length</code> prepended 0 bytes
public static byte [] padHead(final byte [] a, final int length) {
 byte [] padding = new byte[length];
 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  padding[i] = 0;
 return add(padding, a);

代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

 * Return a byte array with value in <code>a</code> plus <code>length</code> appended 0 bytes.
 * @param a array
 * @param length new array size
 * @return Value in <code>a</code> plus <code>length</code> appended 0 bytes
public static byte [] padTail(final byte [] a, final int length) {
 byte [] padding = new byte[length];
 for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  padding[i] = 0;
 return add(a, padding);

代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

public Builder add(byte[] part) {
 key = Bytes.add(key, Bytes.toBytes(part.length), part);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

public Builder add(long part) {
 key = Bytes.add(key, Bytes.toBytes(part));
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

public Builder add(int part) {
 key = Bytes.add(key, Bytes.toBytes(part));
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

public Builder add(byte[] part) {
 key = Bytes.add(key, Bytes.toBytes(part.length), part);
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

private Collection<byte[]> getRowChanges() {
 // we resolve conflicts on row level of individual table
 List<byte[]> changes = new ArrayList<>(buff.size());
 for (byte[] changedRow : buff.keySet()) {
  changes.add(Bytes.add(getNameAsTxChangePrefix(), changedRow));
 return changes;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

private Collection<byte[]> getRowChanges() {
 // we resolve conflicts on row level of individual table
 List<byte[]> changes = new ArrayList<>(buff.size());
 for (byte[] changedRow : buff.keySet()) {
  changes.add(Bytes.add(getNameAsTxChangePrefix(), changedRow));
 return changes;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

 * Gets the stop row for scan up to the read pointer of a transaction. Stop row is queueName + (readPointer + 1).
public static byte[] getStopRowForTransaction(byte[] queueRowPrefix, Transaction transaction) {
 return Bytes.add(queueRowPrefix, Bytes.toBytes(transaction.getReadPointer() + 1));

代码示例来源:origin: cdapio/cdap

public ReplicationStatusKey(String rowType, String regionName, UUID regionServerID) {
 byte[] rowKey;
 rowKey = Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes(Bytes.toBytes(rowType).length), Bytes.toBytes(rowType));
 rowKey = Bytes.add(rowKey, Bytes.toBytes(Bytes.toBytes(regionName).length), Bytes.toBytes(regionName));
 rowKey = Bytes.add(rowKey, Bytes.toBytes(regionServerID));
 this.rowType = rowType;
 this.regionName = regionName;
 this.rsID = regionServerID;
 this.key = rowKey;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-hbase-compat-base

public ReplicationStatusKey(String rowType, String regionName, UUID regionServerID) {
 byte[] rowKey;
 rowKey = Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes(Bytes.toBytes(rowType).length), Bytes.toBytes(rowType));
 rowKey = Bytes.add(rowKey, Bytes.toBytes(Bytes.toBytes(regionName).length), Bytes.toBytes(regionName));
 rowKey = Bytes.add(rowKey, Bytes.toBytes(regionServerID));
 this.rowType = rowType;
 this.regionName = regionName;
 this.rsID = regionServerID;
 this.key = rowKey;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

HBaseConsumerStateStore(String datasetName, QueueName queueName, Table table) {
 super(datasetName, table);
 this.queueName = queueName;
 this.table = table;
 this.barrierScanStartRow = Bytes.add(queueName.toBytes(), QueueEntryRow.getQueueEntryRowKey(queueName, 0L, 0));
 this.barrierScanEndRow = Bytes.stopKeyForPrefix(
  Bytes.add(queueName.toBytes(), QueueEntryRow.getQueueEntryRowKey(queueName, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0)));

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-watchdog

public Map<Integer, Checkpoint> getCheckpoint(final Set<Integer> partitions) throws Exception {
 return Transactionals.execute(transactional, context -> {
  Table table = getCheckpointTable(context);
  Map<Integer, Checkpoint> checkpoints = new HashMap<>();
  for (final int partition : partitions) {
   Row result = table.get(Bytes.add(rowKeyPrefix, Bytes.toBytes(partition)));
   checkpoints.put(partition, createFromRow(result));
  return checkpoints;
 }, ServiceUnavailableException.class);

代码示例来源:origin: caskdata/cdap

public Map<Integer, Checkpoint> getCheckpoint(final Set<Integer> partitions) throws Exception {
 return Transactionals.execute(transactional, context -> {
  Table table = getCheckpointTable(context);
  Map<Integer, Checkpoint> checkpoints = new HashMap<>();
  for (final int partition : partitions) {
   Row result = table.get(Bytes.add(rowKeyPrefix, Bytes.toBytes(partition)));
   checkpoints.put(partition, createFromRow(result));
  return checkpoints;
 }, ServiceUnavailableException.class);

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-data-fabric

 * Simple method to return a queue entry row key. This method is not for performance usage (e.g. in enqueue).
public static byte[] getQueueEntryRowKey(QueueName queueName, long writePoint, int count) {
 return Bytes.add(QueueEntryRow.getQueueRowPrefix(queueName), Bytes.toBytes(writePoint), Bytes.toBytes(count));

代码示例来源:origin: caskdata/cdap

DefaultCheckpointManager(DatasetFramework datasetFramework, TransactionSystemClient txClient,
             String topic, byte[] prefix) {
 this.rowKeyPrefix = Bytes.add(prefix, Bytes.toBytes(topic));
 this.lastCheckpoint = new HashMap<>();
 this.datasetFramework = datasetFramework;
 this.transactional = Transactions.createTransactionalWithRetry(
  Transactions.createTransactional(new MultiThreadDatasetCache(
   new SystemDatasetInstantiator(datasetFramework), txClient,
   NamespaceId.SYSTEM, ImmutableMap.of(), null, null)),
  RetryStrategies.retryOnConflict(20, 100)

代码示例来源:origin: caskdata/cdap

public Checkpoint getCheckpoint(final int partition) throws Exception {
 Checkpoint checkpoint = Transactionals.execute(transactional, context -> {
  Row result = getCheckpointTable(context).get(Bytes.add(rowKeyPrefix, Bytes.toBytes(partition)));
  return createFromRow(result);
 }, ServiceUnavailableException.class);
 LOG.trace("Read checkpoint {} for partition {}", checkpoint, partition);
 return checkpoint;

代码示例来源:origin: co.cask.cdap/cdap-watchdog

public Checkpoint getCheckpoint(final int partition) throws Exception {
 Checkpoint checkpoint = Transactionals.execute(transactional, context -> {
  Row result = getCheckpointTable(context).get(Bytes.add(rowKeyPrefix, Bytes.toBytes(partition)));
  return createFromRow(result);
 }, ServiceUnavailableException.class);
 LOG.trace("Read checkpoint {} for partition {}", checkpoint, partition);
 return checkpoint;
