
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the size of the block contents, regardless of internal representation. The same logical data values should always have the same size, no matter what block type is used or how they are represented within a specific block.

This can differ substantially from #getSizeInBytes for certain block types. For RLE, it will be N times larger. For dictionary, it will be larger based on how many times dictionary entries are reused.


代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto

public long getLogicalSizeInBytes()
  return positionCount * value.getLogicalSizeInBytes();

代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto

public long getLogicalSizeInBytes()
  long size = logicalSizeInBytes.get();
  if (size < 0) {
    size = 0;
    for (Block block : blocks) {
      size += block.getLogicalSizeInBytes();
  return size;

代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto

public void testLogicalSizeInBytes()
  // The 10 Slices in the array will be of lengths 0 to 9.
  Slice[] expectedValues = createExpectedValues(10);
  // The dictionary within the dictionary block is expected to be a VariableWidthBlock of size 95 bytes.
  // 45 bytes for the expectedValues Slices (sum of seq(0,9)) and 50 bytes for the position and isNull array (total 10 positions).
  DictionaryBlock dictionaryBlock = createDictionaryBlock(expectedValues, 100);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 95);
  // The 100 positions in the dictionary block index to 10 positions in the underlying dictionary (10 each).
  // Logical size calculation accounts for 4 bytes of offset and 1 byte of isNull. Therefore the expected unoptimized
  // size is 10 times the size of the underlying dictionary (VariableWidthBlock).
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 95 * 10);
  // With alternating nulls, we have 21 positions, with the same size calculation as above.
  dictionaryBlock = createDictionaryBlock(alternatingNullValues(expectedValues), 210);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getPositionCount(), 21);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 150);
  // The null positions should be included in the logical size.
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 150 * 10);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql/presto-main

public void testLogicalSizeInBytes()
  // The 10 Slices in the array will be of lengths 0 to 9.
  Slice[] expectedValues = createExpectedValues(10);
  // The dictionary within the dictionary block is expected to be a VariableWidthBlock of size 95 bytes.
  // 45 bytes for the expectedValues Slices (sum of seq(0,9)) and 50 bytes for the position and isNull array (total 10 positions).
  DictionaryBlock dictionaryBlock = createDictionaryBlock(expectedValues, 100);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 95);
  // The 100 positions in the dictionary block index to 10 positions in the underlying dictionary (10 each).
  // Logical size calculation accounts for 4 bytes of offset and 1 byte of isNull. Therefore the expected unoptimized
  // size is 10 times the size of the underlying dictionary (VariableWidthBlock).
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 95 * 10);
  // With alternating nulls, we have 21 positions, with the same size calculation as above.
  dictionaryBlock = createDictionaryBlock(alternatingNullValues(expectedValues), 210);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getPositionCount(), 21);
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getDictionary().getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 150);
  // The null positions should be included in the logical size.
  assertEquals(dictionaryBlock.getLogicalSizeInBytes(), 150 * 10);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql/presto-orc

while (chunkPositionCount > 1 && chunk.getLogicalSizeInBytes() > DIRECT_CONVERSION_CHUNK_MAX_LOGICAL_BYTES) {
  chunkPositionCount /= 2;
  chunk = chunk.getRegion(0, chunkPositionCount);

代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto

while (chunkPositionCount > 1 && chunk.getLogicalSizeInBytes() > DIRECT_CONVERSION_CHUNK_MAX_LOGICAL_BYTES) {
  chunkPositionCount /= 2;
  chunk = chunk.getRegion(0, chunkPositionCount);
