
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Return the length of the encoding this object will produce.


代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  int length = 0;
  for (Enumeration e = getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
    length += ((ASN1Encodable)e.nextElement()).toASN1Primitive().encodedLength();
  return 2 + length + 2;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (encoded != null)
    return 1 + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(encoded.length) + encoded.length;
    return super.toDLObject().encodedLength();

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (encoded != null)
    return 1 + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(encoded.length) + encoded.length;
    return super.toDLObject().encodedLength();

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDERObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDERObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDERObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

private int getBodyLength()
  throws IOException
  if (bodyLength < 0)
    int length = 0;
    for (Enumeration e = this.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();)
      Object    obj = e.nextElement();
      length += ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive().toDERObject().encodedLength();
    bodyLength = length;
  return bodyLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (!empty)
    ASN1Primitive primitive = obj.toASN1Primitive();
    int length = primitive.encodedLength();
    if (explicit)
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
      // header length already in calculation
      length = length - 1;
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + length;
    return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + 1;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (!empty)
    ASN1Primitive primitive = obj.toASN1Primitive();
    int length = primitive.encodedLength();
    if (explicit)
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
      // header length already in calculation
      length = length - 1;
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + length;
    return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + 1;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag.spongycastle/core

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (!empty)
    int length = obj.toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    if (explicit)
      return  StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
      // header length already in calculation
      length = length - 1;
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + length;
    return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + 1;

代码示例来源:origin: com.madgag/sc-light-jdk15on

int encodedLength()
  throws IOException
  if (!empty)
    int length = obj.toASN1Primitive().toDLObject().encodedLength();
    if (explicit)
      return  StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
      // header length already in calculation
      length = length - 1;
      return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + length;
    return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + 1;
