
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-16 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the double conversion of the most negative (closest to negative infinity) integer value greater than or equal to the argument.

Special cases:

  • ceil(+0.0) = +0.0
  • ceil(-0.0) = -0.0
  • ceil((anything in range (-1,0)) = -0.0
  • ceil(+infinity) = +infinity
  • ceil(-infinity) = -infinity
  • ceil(NaN) = NaN



value = 5.5

Math.floor(value) //  5
Math.ceil(value)  //  6
Math.round(value) //  6
Math.trunc(value) //  5
parseInt(value)   //  5
~~value           //  5
value | 0         //  5
value >> 0        //  5
value >>> 0       //  5
value - value % 1 //  5


value = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER/10 * -1 // -900719925474099.1

Math.floor(value) // -900719925474100
Math.ceil(value)  // -900719925474099
Math.round(value) // -900719925474099
Math.trunc(value) // -900719925474099
parseInt(value)   // -900719925474099
value | 0         // -858993459
~~value           // -858993459
value >> 0        // -858993459
value >>> 0       //  3435973837
value - value % 1 // -900719925474099


value = -5.5

Math.floor(value) // -6
Math.ceil(value)  // -5
Math.round(value) // -5
Math.trunc(value) // -5
parseInt(value)   // -5
value | 0         // -5
~~value           // -5
value >> 0        // -5
value >>> 0       // 4294967291
value - value % 1 // -5


var intvalue = Math.floor( floatvalue );
var intvalue = Math.ceil( floatvalue ); 
var intvalue = Math.round( floatvalue );

// `Math.trunc` was added in ECMAScript 6
var intvalue = Math.trunc( floatvalue );


value = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER/10 // 900719925474099.1

Math.floor(value) //  900719925474099
Math.ceil(value)  //  900719925474100
Math.round(value) //  900719925474099
Math.trunc(value) //  900719925474099
parseInt(value)   //  900719925474099
value | 0         //  858993459
~~value           //  858993459
value >> 0        //  858993459
value >>> 0       //  858993459
value - value % 1 //  900719925474099

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

int calculateCapacity(CharSequence sequence, Charset charset) {
  float maxBytesPerChar = this.charsetToMaxBytesPerChar
      .computeIfAbsent(charset, cs -> cs.newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar());
  float maxBytesForSequence = sequence.length() * maxBytesPerChar;
  return (int) Math.ceil(maxBytesForSequence);

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx

/** Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items. Useful before adding many
 * items to avoid multiple backing array resizes. */
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
  if (additionalCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("additionalCapacity must be >= 0: " + additionalCapacity);
  int sizeNeeded = size + additionalCapacity;
  if (sizeNeeded >= threshold) resize(MathUtils.nextPowerOfTwo((int)Math.ceil(sizeNeeded / loadFactor)));

代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Return the time to live for this object in seconds.
 * Rounds up eagerly, e.g. 9.00001 still to 10.
 * @return number of seconds until expiration
 * @throws TransactionTimedOutException if the deadline has already been reached
public int getTimeToLiveInSeconds() {
  double diff = ((double) getTimeToLiveInMillis()) / 1000;
  int secs = (int) Math.ceil(diff);
  checkTransactionTimeout(secs <= 0);
  return secs;
