
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the underlying buffer. Data is only valid to #size().


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapred

MapOutput(TaskAttemptID mapId, MergeManager<K,V> merger, int size, 
     boolean primaryMapOutput) { = ID.incrementAndGet();
 this.mapId = mapId;
 this.merger = merger;
 type = Type.MEMORY;
 byteStream = new BoundedByteArrayOutputStream(size);
 memory = byteStream.getBuffer();
 this.size = size;
 localFS = null;
 disk = null;
 outputPath = null;
 tmpOutputPath = null;
 this.primaryMapOutput = primaryMapOutput;

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

public InMemoryMapOutput(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID mapId,
             MergeManagerImpl<K, V> merger,
             int size, CompressionCodec codec,
             boolean primaryMapOutput) {
 super(conf, merger, mapId, (long)size, primaryMapOutput);
 this.codec = codec;
 byteStream = new BoundedByteArrayOutputStream(size);
 memory = byteStream.getBuffer();
 if (codec != null) {
  decompressor = CodecPool.getDecompressor(codec);
 } else {
  decompressor = null;


public InMemoryMapOutput(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID mapId,
             MergeManagerImpl<K, V> merger,
             int size, CompressionCodec codec,
             boolean primaryMapOutput) {
 super(mapId, (long)size, primaryMapOutput);
 this.conf = conf;
 this.merger = merger;
 this.codec = codec;
 byteStream = new BoundedByteArrayOutputStream(size);
 memory = byteStream.getBuffer();
 if (codec != null) {
  decompressor = CodecPool.getDecompressor(codec);
 } else {
  decompressor = null;

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

public InMemoryMapOutput(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID mapId,
             MergeManagerImpl<K, V> merger,
             int size, CompressionCodec codec,
             boolean primaryMapOutput) {
 super(mapId, (long)size, primaryMapOutput);
 this.conf = conf;
 this.merger = merger;
 this.codec = codec;
 byteStream = new BoundedByteArrayOutputStream(size);
 memory = byteStream.getBuffer();
 if (codec != null) {
  decompressor = CodecPool.getDecompressor(codec);
 } else {
  decompressor = null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

public InMemoryMapOutput(Configuration conf, TaskAttemptID mapId,
             MergeManagerImpl<K, V> merger,
             int size, CompressionCodec codec,
             boolean primaryMapOutput) {
 super(mapId, (long)size, primaryMapOutput);
 this.conf = conf;
 this.merger = merger;
 this.codec = codec;
 byteStream = new BoundedByteArrayOutputStream(size);
 memory = byteStream.getBuffer();
 if (codec != null) {
  decompressor = CodecPool.getDecompressor(codec);
 } else {
  decompressor = null;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/malhar-library

byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,


byte[] key = currentKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
int len = currentKeyBufferOS.size();
 byte[] lastKey = lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer();
 int lastLen = lastKeyBufferOS.size();
 if (tfileMeta.getComparator().compare(key, 0, len, lastKey, 0,

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/malhar-library

  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;


  * Close the current data block if necessary.
  * @param bForceFinish
  *          Force the closure regardless of the block size.
  * @throws IOException
 void finishDataBlock(boolean bForceFinish) throws IOException {
  if (blkAppender == null) {
  // exceeded the size limit, do the compression and finish the block
  if (bForceFinish || blkAppender.getCompressedSize() >= sizeMinBlock) {
   // keep tracks of the last key of each data block, no padding
   // for now
   TFileIndexEntry keyLast =
     new TFileIndexEntry(lastKeyBufferOS.getBuffer(), 0, lastKeyBufferOS
       .size(), blkRecordCount);
   // close the appender
   blkAppender = null;
   blkRecordCount = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common-test

Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));
stream.write(INPUT, 0, SIZE);
assertTrue("Array Contents Mismatch",
  Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));


Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));
stream.write(INPUT, 0, SIZE);
assertTrue("Array Contents Mismatch",
  Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));
stream.write(INPUT, 0, SIZE);
assertTrue("Array Contents Mismatch",
  Arrays.equals(INPUT, stream.getBuffer()));
