
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Creates a Bytes object by copying the data of the CharSequence and encoding it using UTF-8.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Creates Column with a family and qualifier. String parameters will be encoded as UTF-8.
public Column(CharSequence family, CharSequence qualifier) {
 this(Bytes.of(family), Bytes.of(qualifier));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * @param row (will be UTF-8 encoded)
 * @param val (will be UTF-8 encoded)
public RowColumnValue(CharSequence row, Column col, CharSequence val) {
 this.row = Bytes.of(row);
 this.col = col;
 this.val = Bytes.of(val);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Constructs a RowColumn with only a row. Column will be set to Column.EMPTY
 * @param row (will be UTF-8 encoded)
public RowColumn(CharSequence row) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

InitializerImpl(String cqId, int numBuckets, SimpleSerializer serializer) {
 this.dataPrefix = Bytes.of(cqId + ":d:");
 this.numBuckets = numBuckets;
 this.serializer = serializer;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Constructs a RowColumn
 * @param row Row String (will be UTF-8 encoded)
 * @param col Column
public RowColumn(CharSequence row, Column col) {
 this(Bytes.of(row), col);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-core

 * Convert from Hadoop Text to Bytes
public static Bytes toBytes(Text t) {
 return Bytes.of(t.getBytes(), 0, t.getLength());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.rya/

 * Creates a Byte row form the query id. The batch id is automatically generated/
 * @param nodeId
 * @return Byte row used to identify the BatchInformation
public static Bytes getRow(String nodeId) {
  String row = new StringBuilder().append(nodeId).append(IncrementalUpdateConstants.NODEID_BS_DELIM)
      .append(UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "")).toString();
  return Bytes.of(row);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Build start of Span starting with row (will be encoded UTF-8)
public StartCFBuilder startRow(CharSequence row) {
 return startRow(Bytes.of(row));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

  * Add column qualifier (will be encoded UTF-8) to Span end
 public EndCVBuilder qual(CharSequence cq) {
  return qual(Bytes.of(cq));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

public ColumnsMethods rowsBytes(Collection<byte[]> rows) {
 ArrayList<Bytes> conv = new ArrayList<>();
 for (byte[] row : rows) {
 return rows(conv);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Creates a Span that covers an exact row and {@link Column}. The {@link Column} passed to this
 * method can be constructed without a qualifier or visibility to create a Span at the family or
 * qualifier level. String parameters will be encoded as UTF-8
public static Span exact(CharSequence row, Column col) {
 return exact(Bytes.of(row), col);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Returns a Span that covers all columns beginning with a row and {@link Column} prefix. The
 * {@link Column} passed to this method can be constructed without a qualifier or visibility to
 * create a prefix Span at the family or qualifier level. String parameters will be encoded as
 * UTF-8
public static Span prefix(CharSequence row, Column colPrefix) {
 return prefix(Bytes.of(row), colPrefix);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

 * Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix String parameters will be encoded
 * as UTF-8
public static Span prefix(CharSequence rowPrefix) {
 return prefix(Bytes.of(rowPrefix));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-api

  * Add column family (will be encoded UTF-8) to Span start
 public StartCQBuilder fam(CharSequence cf) {
  return fam(Bytes.of(cf));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

 * @return Returns input with prefix and hash of input prepended.
public Bytes addHash(String row) {
 return addHash(Bytes.of(row));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-core

public ColumnValue entry2cv(Entry<Key, Value> entry) {
 Column col = columnConverter.apply(entry.getKey());
 Bytes val = Bytes.of(entry.getValue().get());
 return new ColumnValue(col, val);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

public Mutator vis(String cv) {
 data.vis = Bytes.of(cv);
 return new Mutator(data);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.rya/

 * Adds BatchInformation to the {@link FluoQueryColumns#BATCH_COLUMN}.
 * @param tx - Fluo Transaction
 * @param nodeId - query node that batch task will be performed on
 * @param batch - BatchInformation to be processed
public static void addBatch(TransactionBase tx, String nodeId, BatchInformation batch) {
  Bytes row = BatchRowKeyUtil.getRow(nodeId);
  tx.set(row, FluoQueryColumns.BATCH_COLUMN, Bytes.of(BatchInformationSerializer.toBytes(batch)));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

public RowHasher(String prefix) {
 this.prefix = prefix;
 this.prefixBytes = Bytes.of(prefix + ":");
 builders = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> {
  BytesBuilder bb = Bytes.builder(prefixBytes.length() + 5 + 32);
  return bb;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.fluo/fluo-recipes-core

public RowColumnValue convert(K key, V val) {
  byte[] k = serializer.serialize(key);
  int hash = Hashing.murmur3_32().hashBytes(k).asInt();
  String bucketId = CombineQueueImpl.genBucketId(Math.abs(hash % numBuckets), numBuckets);

  BytesBuilder bb = Bytes.builder(dataPrefix.length() + bucketId.length() + 1 + k.length);
  Bytes row = bb.append(dataPrefix).append(bucketId).append(':').append(k).toBytes();
  byte[] v = serializer.serialize(val);

  return new RowColumnValue(row, CombineQueueImpl.DATA_COLUMN, Bytes.of(v));
