
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns true if the hash of the block is OK (lower than difficulty target).


代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Checks the block data to ensure it follows the rules laid out in the network parameters. Specifically,
 * throws an exception if the proof of work is invalid, or if the timestamp is too far from what it should be.
 * This is <b>not</b> everything that is required for a block to be valid, only what is checkable independent
 * of the chain and without a transaction index.
 * @throws VerificationException
public void verifyHeader() throws VerificationException {
  // Prove that this block is OK. It might seem that we can just ignore most of these checks given that the
  // network is also verifying the blocks, but we cannot as it'd open us to a variety of obscure attacks.
  // Firstly we need to ensure this block does in fact represent real work done. If the difficulty is high
  // enough, it's probably been done by the network.

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Checks the block data to ensure it follows the rules laid out in the network parameters. Specifically,
 * throws an exception if the proof of work is invalid, or if the timestamp is too far from what it should be.
 * This is <b>not</b> everything that is required for a block to be valid, only what is checkable independent
 * of the chain and without a transaction index.
 * @throws VerificationException
public void verifyHeader() throws VerificationException {
  // Prove that this block is OK. It might seem that we can just ignore most of these checks given that the
  // network is also verifying the blocks, but we cannot as it'd open us to a variety of obscure attacks.
  // Firstly we need to ensure this block does in fact represent real work done. If the difficulty is high
  // enough, it's probably been done by the network.

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Checks the block data to ensure it follows the rules laid out in the network parameters. Specifically,
 * throws an exception if the proof of work is invalid, or if the timestamp is too far from what it should be.
 * This is <b>not</b> everything that is required for a block to be valid, only what is checkable independent
 * of the chain and without a transaction index.
 * @throws VerificationException
public void verifyHeader() throws VerificationException {
  // Prove that this block is OK. It might seem that we can just ignore most of these checks given that the
  // network is also verifying the blocks, but we cannot as it'd open us to a variety of obscure attacks.
  // Firstly we need to ensure this block does in fact represent real work done. If the difficulty is high
  // enough, it's probably been done by the network.

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Checks the block data to ensure it follows the rules laid out in the network parameters. Specifically,
 * throws an exception if the proof of work is invalid, or if the timestamp is too far from what it should be.
 * This is <b>not</b> everything that is required for a block to be valid, only what is checkable independent
 * of the chain and without a transaction index.
 * @throws VerificationException
public void verifyHeader() throws VerificationException {
  // Prove that this block is OK. It might seem that we can just ignore most of these checks given that the
  // network is also verifying the blocks, but we cannot as it'd open us to a variety of obscure attacks.
  // Firstly we need to ensure this block does in fact represent real work done. If the difficulty is high
  // enough, it's probably been done by the network.

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Finds a value of nonce that makes the blocks hash lower than the difficulty target. This is called mining, but
 * solve() is far too slow to do real mining with. It exists only for unit testing purposes.
 * <p>This can loop forever if a solution cannot be found solely by incrementing nonce. It doesn't change
 * extraNonce.</p>
public void solve() {
  while (true) {
    try {
      // Is our proof of work valid yet?
      if (checkProofOfWork(false))
      // No, so increment the nonce and try again.
      setNonce(getNonce() + 1);
    } catch (VerificationException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * <p>Finds a value of nonce that makes the blocks hash lower than the difficulty target. This is called mining, but
 * solve() is far too slow to do real mining with. It exists only for unit testing purposes.
 * <p>This can loop forever if a solution cannot be found solely by incrementing nonce. It doesn't change
 * extraNonce.</p>
public void solve() {
  while (true) {
    try {
      // Is our proof of work valid yet?
      if (checkProofOfWork(false))
      // No, so increment the nonce and try again.
      setNonce(getNonce() + 1);
    } catch (VerificationException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * <p>Finds a value of nonce that makes the blocks hash lower than the difficulty target. This is called mining, but
 * solve() is far too slow to do real mining with. It exists only for unit testing purposes.
 * <p>This can loop forever if a solution cannot be found solely by incrementing nonce. It doesn't change
 * extraNonce.</p>
public void solve() {
  while (true) {
    try {
      // Is our proof of work valid yet?
      if (checkProofOfWork(false))
      // No, so increment the nonce and try again.
      setNonce(getNonce() + 1);
    } catch (VerificationException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Finds a value of nonce that makes the blocks hash lower than the difficulty target. This is called mining, but
 * solve() is far too slow to do real mining with. It exists only for unit testing purposes.
 * <p>This can loop forever if a solution cannot be found solely by incrementing nonce. It doesn't change
 * extraNonce.</p>
public void solve() {
  while (true) {
    try {
      // Is our proof of work valid yet?
      if (checkProofOfWork(false))
      // No, so increment the nonce and try again.
      setNonce(getNonce() + 1);
    } catch (VerificationException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e); // Cannot happen.

代码示例来源:origin: dogecoin/libdohj

/** Returns true if the hash of the block is OK (lower than difficulty target). */
protected boolean checkProofOfWork(boolean throwException) throws VerificationException {
  if (params instanceof AltcoinNetworkParameters) {
    BigInteger target = getDifficultyTargetAsInteger();
    if (params instanceof AuxPoWNetworkParameters) {
      final AuxPoWNetworkParameters auxParams = (AuxPoWNetworkParameters)this.params;
      if (auxParams.isAuxPoWBlockVersion(getRawVersion()) && null != auxpow) {
        return auxpow.checkProofOfWork(this.getHash(), target, throwException);
    final AltcoinNetworkParameters altParams = (AltcoinNetworkParameters)this.params;
    BigInteger h = altParams.getBlockDifficultyHash(this).toBigInteger();
    if (h.compareTo(target) > 0) {
      // Proof of work check failed!
      if (throwException)
        throw new VerificationException("Hash is higher than target: " + getHashAsString() + " vs "
            + target.toString(16));
        return false;
    return true;
  } else {
    return super.checkProofOfWork(throwException);



