element [bug report] when the cascade component is dynamically loaded and radio selected at any level, select a node, and the lower level menu will expand to display "no data at present". In fact, the data is not loaded. Give people the illusion that there is no subordinate data

oogrdqng  于 2023-02-04  发布在  其他

Element UI version


OS/Browsers version

win8.1 edge89

Vue version



Steps to reproduce

2.首次 点击某个有子级的节点的选中按钮,子级菜单弹出显示“暂无数据”。

What is Expected?


What is actually happening?




Translation of this issue:

Element UI version


OS/Browsers version

win8.1 edge89

Vue version



Steps to reproduce

  1. Cascade component props.lazy Is true, props.checkStrictly Is true
  2. Click the select button of a node with child for the first time, and the child menu will pop up to show "no data at present".
  3. After the data is loaded, click the select button for the second time, and the corresponding data will be displayed in the submenu.

What is Expected?

Click the select button of the node, and the sub level menu panel will not be displayed (at present, the sub level menu is displayed in the code to fix bugs: click the node of the same level that has no sub level, and the sub level menu of the previous node will not disappear). Or display the child menu panel and load the child data at the same time.

What is actually happening?

When the node is selected for the first time, due to the dynamic loading of data, only the child data is not loaded, which gives the user the illusion that the node has no children. As long as you click on the label of the node, the lower level data will be loaded dynamically.



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