
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Determines whether the read aligns off the end of the contig.
 * Pulled out to make it testable.
 * @param read  the read to check
 * @return true if it aligns off the end
protected static boolean realignmentProducesBadAlignment(final GATKSAMRecord read, final int contigLength) {
  return read.getAlignmentEnd() > contigLength;

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Is a base inside a read?
 * @param read                the read to evaluate
 * @param referenceCoordinate the reference coordinate of the base to test
 * @return true if it is inside the read, false otherwise.
public static boolean isInsideRead(final GATKSAMRecord read, final int referenceCoordinate) {
  return referenceCoordinate >= read.getAlignmentStart() && referenceCoordinate <= read.getAlignmentEnd();

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk-protected

private boolean useSoftClippedBases(GATKSAMRecord read, long eventStartPos, int eventLength) {
  return !((read.getAlignmentStart() >= eventStartPos-eventLength && read.getAlignmentStart() <= eventStartPos+1) || (read.getAlignmentEnd() >= eventStartPos && read.getAlignmentEnd() <= eventStartPos + eventLength));

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Hard clip the read to the variable region (from refStart to refStop)
 * @param read     the read to be clipped
 * @param refStart the beginning of the variant region (inclusive)
 * @param refStop  the end of the variant region (inclusive)
 * @return the read hard clipped to the variant region
public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipToRegion( final GATKSAMRecord read, final int refStart, final int refStop ) {
  final int start = read.getAlignmentStart();
  final int stop = read.getAlignmentEnd();
  return hardClipToRegion(read, refStart, refStop,start,stop);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Calculates the reference coordinate for the end of the read taking into account soft clips but not hard clips.
 * Note: getUnclippedEnd() adds soft and hard clips, this function only adds soft clips.
 * @return the unclipped end of the read taking soft clips (but not hard clips) into account
public int getSoftEnd() {
  if ( softEnd == UNINITIALIZED ) {
    boolean foundAlignedBase = false;
    softEnd = getAlignmentEnd();
    final List<CigarElement> cigs = getCigar().getCigarElements();
    for (int i = cigs.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
      final CigarElement cig = cigs.get(i);
      final CigarOperator op = cig.getOperator();
      if (op == CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP) // assumes the soft clip that we found is at the end of the aligned read
        softEnd += cig.getLength();
      else if (op != CigarOperator.HARD_CLIP) {
        foundAlignedBase = true;
    if( !foundAlignedBase ) { // for example 64H14S, the soft end is actually the same as the alignment end
      softEnd = getAlignmentEnd();
  return softEnd;

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

if (pos >= right.getAlignmentStart() && pos <= right.getAlignmentEnd()) {
  pileupElements.add(LocusIteratorByState.createPileupForReadAndOffset(right, pos - rightStart));

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk-protected

read.getUnclippedStart(), read.getAlignmentEnd(), read.getUnclippedEnd(),
read.getCigarString(), readLikelihoods[i][j]);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG)
public void testHardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail() {
  for (Cigar cigar : cigarList) {
    GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
    int alnStart = read.getAlignmentStart();
    int alnEnd = read.getAlignmentEnd();
    if (read.getSoftEnd() == alnEnd) {                                                                          // we can't test right clipping if the read has hanging soft clips on the right side
      for (int i = alnStart; i <= alnEnd; i++) {
        GATKSAMRecord clipRight = ReadClipper.hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesRightTail(read, i);
        if (!clipRight.isEmpty() && clipRight.getAlignmentStart() <= clipRight.getAlignmentEnd()) {         // alnStart > alnEnd if the entire read is a soft clip now. We can't test those.
          Assert.assertTrue(clipRight.getAlignmentEnd() <= i - 1, String.format("Clipped alignment end (%d) is greater than expected (%d): %s -> %s", clipRight.getAlignmentEnd(), i - 1, read.getCigarString(), clipRight.getCigarString()));
          assertUnclippedLimits(read, clipRight);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG)
public void testHardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates() {
  for (Cigar cigar : cigarList) {
    GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
    int alnStart = read.getAlignmentStart();
    int alnEnd = read.getAlignmentEnd();
    int readLength = alnStart - alnEnd;
    for (int i = 0; i < readLength / 2; i++) {
      GATKSAMRecord clippedRead = ReadClipper.hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(read, alnStart + i, alnEnd - i);
      Assert.assertTrue(clippedRead.getAlignmentStart() >= alnStart + i, String.format("Clipped alignment start is less than original read (minus %d): %s -> %s", i, read.getCigarString(), clippedRead.getCigarString()));
      Assert.assertTrue(clippedRead.getAlignmentEnd() <= alnEnd + i, String.format("Clipped alignment end is greater than original read (minus %d): %s -> %s", i, read.getCigarString(), clippedRead.getCigarString()));
      assertUnclippedLimits(read, clippedRead);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

private FragmentUtilsTest(String name, int readLen, int leftStart, int rightStart,
               boolean leftIsFirst, boolean leftIsNegative) {
    super(FragmentUtilsTest.class, String.format("%s-leftIsFirst:%b-leftIsNegative:%b", name, leftIsFirst, leftIsNegative));
    List<GATKSAMRecord> pair = ArtificialSAMUtils.createPair(header, "readpair", readLen, leftStart, rightStart, leftIsFirst, leftIsNegative);
    GATKSAMRecord left = pair.get(0);
    GATKSAMRecord right = pair.get(1);
    for ( int pos = leftStart; pos < rightStart + readLen; pos++) {
      boolean posCoveredByLeft = pos >= left.getAlignmentStart() && pos <= left.getAlignmentEnd();
      boolean posCoveredByRight = pos >= right.getAlignmentStart() && pos <= right.getAlignmentEnd();
      if ( posCoveredByLeft || posCoveredByRight ) {
        List<GATKSAMRecord> reads = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<>();
        if ( posCoveredByLeft ) {
          offsets.add(pos - left.getAlignmentStart());
        if ( posCoveredByRight ) {
          offsets.add(pos - right.getAlignmentStart());
        boolean shouldBeFragment = posCoveredByLeft && posCoveredByRight;
        ReadBackedPileup pileup = new ReadBackedPileupImpl(null, reads, offsets);
        TestState testState = new TestState(shouldBeFragment ? 0 : 1, shouldBeFragment ? 1 : 0, pileup, null);
      TestState testState = left.getAlignmentEnd() >= right.getAlignmentStart() ? new TestState(0, 1, null, pair) : new TestState(2, 0, null, pair);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = true, dataProvider = "RevertSoftClipsBeforeContig")
public void testRevertSoftClippedBasesBeforeStartOfContig(final int softStart, final int alignmentStart) {
  final int nMatches = 10;
  final int nSoft = -1 * (softStart - alignmentStart);
  final String cigar = nSoft + "S" + nMatches + "M";
  final GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
  Assert.assertEquals(read.getSoftStart(), softStart);
  Assert.assertEquals(read.getAlignmentStart(), alignmentStart);
  Assert.assertEquals(read.getCigarString(), cigar);
  final GATKSAMRecord reverted = ReadClipper.revertSoftClippedBases(read);
  final int expectedAlignmentStart = 1;
  final String expectedCigar = (1 - softStart) + "H" + read.getAlignmentEnd() + "M";
  Assert.assertEquals(reverted.getSoftStart(), expectedAlignmentStart);
  Assert.assertEquals(reverted.getAlignmentStart(), expectedAlignmentStart);
  Assert.assertEquals(reverted.getCigarString(), expectedCigar);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test( )
public void testCreationFromSAMRecord() {
  final GATKSAMRecord read = ArtificialSAMUtils.createArtificialRead(header, "foo", 0, 1, 5);
  final GenomeLoc loc = genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(read);
  Assert.assertEquals(loc.getContig(), read.getReferenceName());
  Assert.assertEquals(loc.getContigIndex(), (int)read.getReferenceIndex());
  Assert.assertEquals(loc.getStart(), read.getAlignmentStart());
  Assert.assertEquals(loc.getStop(), read.getAlignmentEnd());

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk-protected

protected static int[] calculateIsSNP( final GATKSAMRecord read, final ReferenceContext ref, final GATKSAMRecord originalRead ) {
  final byte[] readBases = read.getReadBases();
  final byte[] refBases = Arrays.copyOfRange(ref.getBases(), read.getAlignmentStart() - originalRead.getAlignmentStart(), ref.getBases().length + read.getAlignmentEnd() - originalRead.getAlignmentEnd());
  final int[] snp = new int[readBases.length];
  int readPos = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG)
public void testRevertSoftClippedBases() {
  for (Cigar cigar : cigarList) {
    final int leadingSoftClips = leadingCigarElementLength(cigar, CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP);
    final int tailSoftClips = leadingCigarElementLength(CigarUtils.invertCigar(cigar), CigarOperator.SOFT_CLIP);
    final GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
    final GATKSAMRecord unclipped = ReadClipper.revertSoftClippedBases(read);
    assertUnclippedLimits(read, unclipped);                                                                     // Make sure limits haven't changed
    if (leadingSoftClips > 0 || tailSoftClips > 0) {
      final int expectedStart = read.getAlignmentStart() - leadingSoftClips;
      final int expectedEnd = read.getAlignmentEnd() + tailSoftClips;
      Assert.assertEquals(unclipped.getAlignmentStart(), expectedStart);
      Assert.assertEquals(unclipped.getAlignmentEnd(), expectedEnd);
    } else
      Assert.assertEquals(read.getCigarString(), unclipped.getCigarString());

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG)
public void testHardClipByReferenceCoordinates() {
  for (Cigar cigar : cigarList) {
    GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
    int start = read.getSoftStart();
    int stop = read.getSoftEnd();
    for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
      GATKSAMRecord clipLeft = (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(-1, i);
      if (!clipLeft.isEmpty()) {
        Assert.assertTrue(clipLeft.getAlignmentStart() >= Math.min(read.getAlignmentEnd(), i + 1), String.format("Clipped alignment start (%d) is less the expected (%d): %s -> %s", clipLeft.getAlignmentStart(), i + 1, read.getCigarString(), clipLeft.getCigarString()));
        assertUnclippedLimits(read, clipLeft);
      GATKSAMRecord clipRight = (new ReadClipper(read)).hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(i, -1);
      if (!clipRight.isEmpty() && clipRight.getAlignmentStart() <= clipRight.getAlignmentEnd()) {             // alnStart > alnEnd if the entire read is a soft clip now. We can't test those.
        Assert.assertTrue(clipRight.getAlignmentEnd() <= Math.max(read.getAlignmentStart(), i - 1), String.format("Clipped alignment end (%d) is greater than expected (%d): %s -> %s", clipRight.getAlignmentEnd(), i - 1, read.getCigarString(), clipRight.getCigarString()));
        assertUnclippedLimits(read, clipRight);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Hard clips both tails of a read.
 *   Left tail goes from the beginning to the 'left' coordinate (inclusive)
 *   Right tail goes from the 'right' coordinate (inclusive) until the end of the read
 * @param left the coordinate of the last base to be clipped in the left tail (inclusive)
 * @param right the coordinate of the first base to be clipped in the right tail (inclusive)
 * @return a new read, without the clipped bases
@Requires({"left <= right",                    // tails cannot overlap
      "left >= read.getAlignmentStart()", // coordinate has to be within the mapped read
      "right <= read.getAlignmentEnd()"}) // coordinate has to be within the mapped read
private GATKSAMRecord hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(int left, int right) {
  if (read.isEmpty() || left == right)
    return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);
  GATKSAMRecord leftTailRead = hardClipByReferenceCoordinates(right, -1);
  // after clipping one tail, it is possible that the consequent hard clipping of adjacent deletions
  // make the left cut index no longer part of the read. In that case, clip the read entirely.
  if (left > leftTailRead.getAlignmentEnd())
    return GATKSAMRecord.emptyRead(read);
  ReadClipper clipper = new ReadClipper(leftTailRead);
  return clipper.hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(left);
public static GATKSAMRecord hardClipBothEndsByReferenceCoordinates(GATKSAMRecord read, int left, int right) {

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

@Test(enabled = !DEBUG)
public void testHardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail() {
  for (Cigar cigar : cigarList) {
    GATKSAMRecord read = ReadClipperTestUtils.makeReadFromCigar(cigar, 0);
    int alnStart = read.getAlignmentStart();
    int alnEnd = read.getAlignmentEnd();
    if (read.getSoftStart() == alnStart) {                                                                      // we can't test left clipping if the read has hanging soft clips on the left side
      for (int i = alnStart; i <= alnEnd; i++) {
        GATKSAMRecord clipLeft = ReadClipper.hardClipByReferenceCoordinatesLeftTail(read, i);
        if (!clipLeft.isEmpty()) {
          Assert.assertTrue(clipLeft.getAlignmentStart() >= i + 1, String.format("Clipped alignment start (%d) is less the expected (%d): %s -> %s", clipLeft.getAlignmentStart(), i + 1, read.getCigarString(), clipLeft.getCigarString()));
          assertUnclippedLimits(read, clipLeft);

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

 * Is the read dead?  That is, can it no longer be in any future active region, and therefore can be discarded?
 * read: start |--------> stop ------ stop + extension
 * region:                      start |-----------------| end
 * Since the regions are coming in order, read could potentially be contained in a future interval if
 * stop + activeRegionExtension >= end.  If, on the other hand, stop + extension is < the end
 * of this region, then we can discard it, since any future region could only include reads
 * up to end + 1 - extension.
 * Note that this function doesn't care about the dead zone.  We're assuming that by
 * actually calling this function with an active region that region is already in the dead zone,
 * so checking that the read is in the dead zone doesn't make sense.
 * @param read the read we're testing
 * @param activeRegion the current active region
 * @return true if the read is dead, false other
@Requires({"read != null", "activeRegion != null"})
private boolean readCannotOccurInAnyMoreActiveRegions(final GATKSAMRecord read, final ActiveRegion activeRegion) {
  return read.getReferenceIndex() < activeRegion.getLocation().getContigIndex() ||
      ( read.getReferenceIndex() == activeRegion.getLocation().getContigIndex()
          && read.getAlignmentEnd() + getActiveRegionExtension() < activeRegion.getLocation().getStop() );

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

final int expectedBpToVisit = read.getAlignmentEnd() - read.getAlignmentStart() + 1;
Assert.assertEquals(bpVisited, expectedBpToVisit, "Didn't visit the expected number of bp");

代码示例来源:origin: broadgsa/gatk

int nTailingSoftClips = read.getSoftEnd() - read.getAlignmentEnd();
if (nTailingSoftClips > 0) {
  for (int i = read.getReadLength() - nTailingSoftClips; i < read.getReadLength() ; i++) {




