
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Applies the procedure to each value in the list in ascending (front to back) order.


代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

   * Executes <tt>procedure</tt> for each element in the set.
   * @param procedure a <code>TObjectProcedure</code> value
   * @return false if the loop over the set terminated because
   *         the procedure returned false for some value.
  public boolean forEach(TObjectProcedure<? super E> procedure) {
    ForEachProcedure forEachProcedure = new ForEachProcedure(_set, procedure);
    return order.forEach(forEachProcedure);

代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/mdrill

protected void writeEntries(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
  WriteProcedure writeProcedure = new WriteProcedure(out);
  if (!order.forEach(writeProcedure))
    throw writeProcedure.getIoException();

代码示例来源:origin: MovingBlocks/Terasology

indices.forEach(value -> {
  if (value < 0 || value >= vertices.length) {
    throw new JsonParseException("Face value out of range: " + value + ", max vertex is " + (vertices.length - 1));

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

/** Mark patterns at touched stops, to be explored in a subsequent round */
private void markPatterns () {
  for (int stop = touchedStops.nextSetBit(0); stop >= 0; stop = touchedStops.nextSetBit(stop + 1)) {
    network.transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stop).forEach(pat -> {
      return true;

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

/** Mark patterns at touched stops, to be explored in a subsequent round */
private void markPatterns () {
  for (int stop = touchedStops.nextSetBit(0); stop >= 0; stop = touchedStops.nextSetBit(stop + 1)) {
    network.transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stop).forEach(pat -> {
      return true;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.trove4j/trove4j

   * Executes <tt>procedure</tt> for each element in the set.
   * @param procedure a <code>TObjectProcedure</code> value
   * @return false if the loop over the set terminated because
   *         the procedure returned false for some value.
  public boolean forEach(TObjectProcedure<? super E> procedure) {
    ForEachProcedure forEachProcedure = new ForEachProcedure(_set, procedure);
    return order.forEach(forEachProcedure);

代码示例来源:origin: com.palantir.patches.sourceforge/trove3

   * Executes <tt>procedure</tt> for each element in the set.
   * @param procedure a <code>TObjectProcedure</code> value
   * @return false if the loop over the set terminated because
   *         the procedure returned false for some value.
  public boolean forEach(TObjectProcedure<? super E> procedure) {
    ForEachProcedure forEachProcedure = new ForEachProcedure(_set, procedure);
    return order.forEach(forEachProcedure);

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

transit.patternsForStop.get(stop).forEach(originalPattern -> {
  int filteredPattern = index[originalPattern];

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

transit.patternsForStop.get(stop).forEach(originalPattern -> {
  int filteredPattern = index[originalPattern];

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.trove4j/trove4j

protected void writeEntries(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
  WriteProcedure writeProcedure = new WriteProcedure(out);
  if (!order.forEach(writeProcedure))
    throw writeProcedure.getIoException();

代码示例来源:origin: com.palantir.patches.sourceforge/trove3

protected void writeEntries(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
  WriteProcedure writeProcedure = new WriteProcedure(out);
  if (!order.forEach(writeProcedure))
    throw writeProcedure.getIoException();

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

/** Remove the permissions around a vertex for the desired mode. Returns the number of edges affected */
  public void removePermissionsAroundVertex (int vertex) {
    for (TIntList edgeList : new TIntList[] { streets.outgoingEdges.get(vertex), streets.incomingEdges.get(vertex) }) {
      edgeList.forEach(eidx -> {;
        switch (mode) {
          case CAR:
          case BICYCLE:
          case WALK:
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported mode %s for island removal", mode));
        return true; // continue iteration

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

/** Remove the permissions around a vertex for the desired mode. Returns the number of edges affected */
  public void removePermissionsAroundVertex (int vertex) {
    for (TIntList edgeList : new TIntList[] { streets.outgoingEdges.get(vertex), streets.incomingEdges.get(vertex) }) {
      edgeList.forEach(eidx -> {;
        switch (mode) {
          case CAR:
          case BICYCLE:
          case WALK:
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported mode %s for island removal", mode));
        return true; // continue iteration

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

/** Loop over every outgoing edge for a particular mode */
public void forEachOutgoingEdge (int vertex, Consumer<EdgeStore.Edge> consumer) {
  streets.outgoingEdges.get(vertex).forEach(eidx -> {;
    // filter by mode
    switch (mode) {
      case WALK:
        if (!edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_PEDESTRIAN)) return true;
        else break;
      case CAR:
        if (!edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_CAR)) return true;
        else break;
      case BICYCLE:
        // include ped mode here, because walking bikes is a thing you can do.
        boolean allowsBike = edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_BIKE) ||
        if (!allowsBike) return true;
        else break;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported mode %s for island removal", mode));
    return true; // continue iteration over outgoing edges

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

/** Loop over every outgoing edge for a particular mode */
public void forEachOutgoingEdge (int vertex, Consumer<EdgeStore.Edge> consumer) {
  streets.outgoingEdges.get(vertex).forEach(eidx -> {;
    // filter by mode
    switch (mode) {
      case WALK:
        if (!edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_PEDESTRIAN)) return true;
        else break;
      case CAR:
        if (!edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_CAR)) return true;
        else break;
      case BICYCLE:
        // include ped mode here, because walking bikes is a thing you can do.
        boolean allowsBike = edgeCursor.getFlag(EdgeStore.EdgeFlag.ALLOWS_BIKE) ||
        if (!allowsBike) return true;
        else break;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported mode %s for island removal", mode));
    return true; // continue iteration over outgoing edges

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stopIdx).forEach(p -> {
  patternidx[0] = p;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stopIdx).forEach(p -> {
  patternidx[0] = p;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

streetLayer.outgoingEdges.get(fromEdgeToVertex).forEach(eidx -> {
  if (eidx == next[0]) {
    return true;

代码示例来源:origin: com.conveyal/r5

 * Filter down a map from target stop indexes to distances so it only includes those stops that are the
 * closest on some pattern. This is technically incorrect (think of transfers to a U shaped metro from a bus line
 * running across the legs of the U, a situation which actually exists in Washington, DC with the
 * red line and the Q4) but anecdotally it speeds up computation by up to 40 percent. We may want to look into
 * other ways to optimize transfers (or why the transfers are making routing so much slower) if this turns out to
 * affect results.
private void retainClosestStopsOnPatterns(TIntIntMap timesToReachedStops) {
  TIntIntMap bestStopOnPattern = new TIntIntHashMap(50, 0.5f, -1, -1);
  // For every reached stop,
  timesToReachedStops.forEachEntry((stopIndex, distanceToStop) -> {
    // For every pattern passing through that stop,
    transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stopIndex).forEach(patternIndex -> {
      int currentBestStop = bestStopOnPattern.get(patternIndex);
      // Record this stop if it's the closest one yet seen on that pattern.
      if (currentBestStop == -1) {
        bestStopOnPattern.put(patternIndex, stopIndex);
      } else {
        int currentBestTime = timesToReachedStops.get(currentBestStop);
        if (currentBestTime > distanceToStop) {
          bestStopOnPattern.put(patternIndex, stopIndex);
      return true; // iteration should continue
    return true; // iteration should continue
  timesToReachedStops.retainEntries((stop, distance) -> bestStopOnPattern.containsValue(stop));

代码示例来源:origin: conveyal/r5

 * Filter down a map from target stop indexes to distances so it only includes those stops that are the
 * closest on some pattern. This is technically incorrect (think of transfers to a U shaped metro from a bus line
 * running across the legs of the U, a situation which actually exists in Washington, DC with the
 * red line and the Q4) but anecdotally it speeds up computation by up to 40 percent. We may want to look into
 * other ways to optimize transfers (or why the transfers are making routing so much slower) if this turns out to
 * affect results.
private void retainClosestStopsOnPatterns(TIntIntMap timesToReachedStops) {
  TIntIntMap bestStopOnPattern = new TIntIntHashMap(50, 0.5f, -1, -1);
  // For every reached stop,
  timesToReachedStops.forEachEntry((stopIndex, distanceToStop) -> {
    // For every pattern passing through that stop,
    transitLayer.patternsForStop.get(stopIndex).forEach(patternIndex -> {
      int currentBestStop = bestStopOnPattern.get(patternIndex);
      // Record this stop if it's the closest one yet seen on that pattern.
      if (currentBestStop == -1) {
        bestStopOnPattern.put(patternIndex, stopIndex);
      } else {
        int currentBestTime = timesToReachedStops.get(currentBestStop);
        if (currentBestTime > distanceToStop) {
          bestStopOnPattern.put(patternIndex, stopIndex);
      return true; // iteration should continue
    return true; // iteration should continue
  timesToReachedStops.retainEntries((stop, distance) -> bestStopOnPattern.containsValue(stop));
