
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

private List<StubItem> filterDiscoverableItemListBasedOnPermissions(List<StubItem> r, Item t) {
  if (t.task instanceof hudson.model.Item) {
    if (!((hudson.model.Item)t.task).hasPermission(hudson.model.Item.READ) && ((hudson.model.Item)t.task).hasPermission(hudson.model.Item.DISCOVER)) {
      r.add(new StubItem(new StubTask(t.task)));
  return r;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

private static <T extends Item> void getAllItems(final ItemGroup root, Class<T> type, List<T> r) {
  List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(((ItemGroup<?>) root).getItems());
  // because we add items depth first, we can use the quicker BY_NAME comparison
  Collections.sort(items, BY_NAME);
  for (Item i : items) {
    if (type.isInstance(i)) {
      if (i.hasPermission(Item.READ)) {
    if (i instanceof ItemGroup) {
      getAllItems((ItemGroup) i, type, r);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Gets the {@link Item} object by its full name.
 * Full names are like path names, where each name of {@link Item} is
 * combined by '/'.
 * @return
 *      null if either such {@link Item} doesn't exist under the given full name,
 *      or it exists but it's no an instance of the given type.
 * @throws AccessDeniedException as per {@link ItemGroup#getItem}
public @CheckForNull <T extends Item> T getItemByFullName(String fullName, Class<T> type) throws AccessDeniedException {
  StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(fullName,"/");
  ItemGroup parent = this;
  if(!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) return null;    // for example, empty full name.
  while(true) {
    Item item = parent.getItem(tokens.nextToken());
    if(!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
        return type.cast(item);
        return null;
    if(!(item instanceof ItemGroup))
      return null;    // this item can't have any children
    if (!item.hasPermission(Item.READ))
      return null; // TODO consider DISCOVER
    parent = (ItemGroup) item;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Visits an {@link ItemGroup} by visits the member items.
public void onItemGroup(ItemGroup<?> group) {
  for (Item i : group.getItems())
    if (i.hasPermission(Item.READ))

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Securely check for the existence of an item before trying to create one with the same name.
 * @param parent the folder where we are about to create/rename/move an item
 * @param newName the proposed new name
 * @param variant if not null, an existing item which we accept could be there
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is already something there, which you were supposed to know about
 * @throws Failure if there is already something there but you should not be told details
static void verifyItemDoesNotAlreadyExist(@Nonnull ItemGroup<?> parent, @Nonnull String newName, @CheckForNull Item variant) throws IllegalArgumentException, Failure {
  Item existing;
  try (ACLContext ctxt = {
    existing = parent.getItem(newName);
  if (existing != null && existing != variant) {
    if (existing.hasPermission(Item.DISCOVER)) {
      String prefix = parent.getFullName();
      throw new IllegalArgumentException((prefix.isEmpty() ? "" : prefix + "/") + newName + " already exists");
    } else {
      // Cannot hide its existence, so at least be as vague as possible.
      throw new Failure("");

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

 * Used by {@code <f:password/>} so that we send an encrypted value to the client.
public String getPasswordValue(Object o) {
  if (o==null)    return null;
  if (o instanceof Secret) {
    StaplerRequest req = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
    if (req != null) {
      Item item = req.findAncestorObject(Item.class);
      if (item != null && !item.hasPermission(Item.CONFIGURE)) {
        return "********";
    return ((Secret) o).getEncryptedValue();
  if (getIsUnitTest() && !o.equals(PasswordParameterDefinition.DEFAULT_VALUE)) {
    throw new SecurityException("attempted to render plaintext ‘" + o + "’ in password field; use a getter of type Secret instead");
  return o.toString();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

ItemGroup g = (ItemGroup) ctx;
Item i = g.getItem(s);
if (i==null || !i.hasPermission(Item.READ)) { // TODO consider DISCOVER

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

if (!item.hasPermission(auth, Item.BUILD)) {
  return FormValidation.error(Messages.BuildTrigger_you_have_no_permission_to_build_(projectName));

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

boolean canDiscoverTheItem = itemBySystemUser.hasPermission(userAuth, Item.DISCOVER);
if (canDiscoverTheItem) {
  ItemGroup<?> current = itemBySystemUser.getParent();
      final Item i = (Item) current;
      current = i.getParent();
      if (!i.hasPermission(userAuth, Item.READ)) {
        canDiscoverTheItem = false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core

private List<StubItem> filterDiscoverableItemListBasedOnPermissions(List<StubItem> r, Item t) {
  if (t.task instanceof hudson.model.Item) {
    if (!((hudson.model.Item)t.task).hasPermission(hudson.model.Item.READ) && ((hudson.model.Item)t.task).hasPermission(hudson.model.Item.DISCOVER)) {
      r.add(new StubItem(new StubTask(t.task)));
  return r;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/cloudbees-folder

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getIconClassName() {
  return !item.hasPermission(RELOCATE) || ui == null || !ui.isAvailable(item) ? null : ui.getIconClassName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core

 * Visits an {@link ItemGroup} by visits the member items.
public void onItemGroup(ItemGroup<?> group) {
  for (Item i : group.getItems())
    if (i.hasPermission(Item.READ))

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/cloudbees-folder

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getIconFileName() {
  return !item.hasPermission(RELOCATE) || ui == null || !ui.isAvailable(item) ? null : ui.getIconFileName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/cloudbees-folder-plugin

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getIconFileName() {
  return !item.hasPermission(RELOCATE) || ui == null || !ui.isAvailable(item) ? null : ui.getIconFileName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/cloudbees-folder-plugin

 * {@inheritDoc}
public String getIconClassName() {
  return !item.hasPermission(RELOCATE) || ui == null || !ui.isAvailable(item) ? null : ui.getIconClassName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/subversion-plugin

 * Validate the value for a remote (repository) location.
public FormValidation doCheckCredentialsId(StaplerRequest req, @AncestorInPath Item context,
    @QueryParameter String remote, @QueryParameter String value) {
  // Test the connection only if we may use the credentials (cf. hudson.plugins.git.UserRemoteConfig.DescriptorImpl.doCheckUrl)
  if (context == null && !Jenkins.getActiveInstance().hasPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER) ||
    context != null && !context.hasPermission(CredentialsProvider.USE_ITEM)) {
    return FormValidation.ok();
  return checkCredentialsId(req, context, remote, value);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/subversion-plugin

public FormValidation doCheckCredentialsId(StaplerRequest req, @AncestorInPath Item context, @QueryParameter String tagsDir, @QueryParameter String value) {
 if (context == null || !context.hasPermission(CredentialsProvider.USE_ITEM)) {
  return FormValidation.ok();
 return Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(
     SubversionSCM.ModuleLocation.DescriptorImpl.class).checkCredentialsId(req, context, tagsDir, value);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/subversion-plugin

public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath Item context, @QueryParameter String tagsDir) {
 if (context == null || !context.hasPermission(Item.EXTENDED_READ)) {
  return new StandardListBoxModel();
 return Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(
     SubversionSCM.ModuleLocation.DescriptorImpl.class).fillCredentialsIdItems(context, tagsDir);

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/subversion-plugin

public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@AncestorInPath Item context, @QueryParameter String remote) {
  if (context == null && !Jenkins.getActiveInstance().hasPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER) ||
    context != null && !context.hasPermission(Item.EXTENDED_READ)) {
    return new StandardListBoxModel();
  return fillCredentialsIdItems(context, remote);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/github-branch-source

public ListBoxModel doFillCredentialsIdItems(@CheckForNull @AncestorInPath Item context,
                       @QueryParameter String apiUri,
                       @QueryParameter String credentialsId) {
  if (context == null
      ? !Jenkins.getActiveInstance().hasPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER)
      : !context.hasPermission(Item.EXTENDED_READ)) {
    return new StandardListBoxModel().includeCurrentValue(credentialsId);
  return Connector.listScanCredentials(context, apiUri);
