
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-21 转载在 其他  



[英]Works like #getDisplayName() but return the full path that includes all the display names of the ancestors.


代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

public static String encodeTo(Item item) {
  return encodeTo(item,item.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

public static String getRelativeNameFrom(@CheckForNull Item p, @CheckForNull ItemGroup g, boolean useDisplayName) {
  if (p == null) return null;
  if (g == null) return useDisplayName ? p.getFullDisplayName() : p.getFullName();
  String separationString = useDisplayName ? " » " : "/";

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/jenkins

new Object[]{job.getFullDisplayName(), veto}
  System.arraycopy(additionalActions, 0, queueActions, 1, additionalActions.length);
  if (p.scheduleBuild2(p.getQuietPeriod(), queueActions) != null) {"SCM changes detected in "+ job.getFullDisplayName()+". Triggering "+name);
  } else {"SCM changes detected in "+ job.getFullDisplayName()+". Job is already in the queue");

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/git

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void writeBody(PrintWriter w) {
    w.println("Scheduled polling of " + project.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/git

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void writeBody(PrintWriter w) {
    w.println("Scheduled " + project.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/tfs-plugin

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void writeBody(PrintWriter w) {
    w.println("Scheduled " + project.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/pipeline-maven-plugin

  public String modelHyperlinkNoteEncodeTo(@Nullable Item item) {
    return item == null ? "#null#" : item.getFullDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/tfs-plugin

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void writeBody(PrintWriter w) {
    w.println("Scheduled polling of " + project.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/pipeline-maven-plugin

  public String modelHyperlinkNoteEncodeTo(@Nullable Item item) {
    return item == null ? "#null#" : item.getFullDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.main/jenkins-core

public static String encodeTo(Item item) {
  return encodeTo(item,item.getFullDisplayName());

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/github-plugin

  public void run() {
    for (Item job : Jenkins.getInstance().getAllItems(Item.class)) {
      GitHubPushTrigger trigger = triggerFrom(job, GitHubPushTrigger.class);
      if (trigger != null) {
        String fullDisplayName = job.getFullDisplayName();
        LOGGER.debug("Considering to poke {}", fullDisplayName);
        if (GitHubRepositoryNameContributor.parseAssociatedNames(job)
            .contains(changedRepository)) {
"Poked {}", fullDisplayName);
        } else {
          LOGGER.debug("Skipped {} because it doesn't have a matching repository.",

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/credentials

 * Returns the full display name of the {@link #getContext()}.
 * @return the full display name of the {@link #getContext()}.
public String getContextFullDisplayName() {
  String n;
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    n = ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof Jenkins) {
    n = context.getDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    n = ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    n = Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(((User) context).getDisplayName());
  } else {
    // TODO switch to Jenkins.getInstance() once 2.0+ is the baseline
    n = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getFullDisplayName();
  return n;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/cloudbees-folder

public void observe(Item item) {
  if (item instanceof Folder) {
    // only interested in non-folders in order to prevent double counting
  HealthReport report = getHealthReport(item);
  if (report != null && (worst == null || report.getScore() < worst.getScore())) {
    worst = new HealthReport(report.getScore(), report.getIconUrl(),

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/cloudbees-folder-plugin

public void observe(Item item) {
  if (item instanceof Folder) {
    // only interested in non-folders in order to prevent double counting
  HealthReport report = getHealthReport(item);
  if (report != null && (worst == null || report.getScore() < worst.getScore())) {
    worst = new HealthReport(report.getScore(), report.getIconUrl(),

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/credentials

 * Returns the display name of the {@link #getContext()} of this {@link CredentialsStore}. The default
 * implementation can handle both {@link Item} and {@link ItemGroup} as long as these are accessible from
 * {@link Jenkins}, and {@link User}. If the {@link CredentialsStore} provides an alternative
 * {@link #getContext()} that is outside of the normal tree then that implementation is responsible for
 * overriding this method to produce the correct display name.
 * @return the display name.
 * @since 2.0
public final String getContextDisplayName() {
  ModelObject context = getContext();
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    return ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof Jenkins) {
    return ((Jenkins) context).getDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    return ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    return Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(context.getDisplayName());
  } else {
    return context.getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/credentials-plugin

 * Returns the full display name of the {@link #getContext()}.
 * @return the full display name of the {@link #getContext()}.
public String getContextFullDisplayName() {
  String n;
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    n = ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof Jenkins) {
    n = context.getDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    n = ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    n = Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(((User) context).getDisplayName());
  } else {
    // TODO switch to Jenkins.getInstance() once 2.0+ is the baseline
    n = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getFullDisplayName();
  return n;

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/credentials-plugin

 * Returns the display name of the {@link #getContext()} of this {@link CredentialsStore}. The default
 * implementation can handle both {@link Item} and {@link ItemGroup} as long as these are accessible from
 * {@link Jenkins}, and {@link User}. If the {@link CredentialsStore} provides an alternative
 * {@link #getContext()} that is outside of the normal tree then that implementation is responsible for
 * overriding this method to produce the correct display name.
 * @return the display name.
 * @since 2.0
public final String getContextDisplayName() {
  ModelObject context = getContext();
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    return ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof Jenkins) {
    return ((Jenkins) context).getDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    return ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    return Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(context.getDisplayName());
  } else {
    return context.getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/credentials

 * Returns the {@link Item#getFullDisplayName()} or nearest approximation.
 * @return the {@link Item#getFullDisplayName()} or nearest approximation.
public final String getFullDisplayName() {
  String n;
  ModelObject context = getStore().getContext();
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    n = ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    n = ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    n = Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(((User) context).getDisplayName());
  } else {
    // TODO switch to Jenkins.getInstance() once 2.0+ is the baseline
    n = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getFullDisplayName();
  if (n.length() == 0) {
    return getDisplayName();
  } else {
    return n + " \u00BB " + getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/credentials-plugin

 * Returns the {@link Item#getFullDisplayName()} or nearest approximation.
 * @return the {@link Item#getFullDisplayName()} or nearest approximation.
public final String getFullDisplayName() {
  String n;
  ModelObject context = getStore().getContext();
  if (context instanceof Item) {
    n = ((Item) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof ItemGroup) {
    n = ((ItemGroup) context).getFullDisplayName();
  } else if (context instanceof User) {
    n = Messages.CredentialsStoreAction_UserDisplayName(((User) context).getDisplayName());
  } else {
    // TODO switch to Jenkins.getInstance() once 2.0+ is the baseline
    n = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getFullDisplayName();
  if (n.length() == 0) {
    return getDisplayName();
  } else {
    return n + " \u00BB " + getDisplayName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci.plugins/credentials

private static FormValidation checkForDuplicates(String value, ModelObject context, ModelObject object) {
  CredentialsMatcher withId = CredentialsMatchers.withId(value);
  for (CredentialsStore store : CredentialsProvider.lookupStores(object)) {
    if (!store.hasPermission(CredentialsProvider.VIEW)) {
    ModelObject storeContext = store.getContext();
    for (Domain domain : store.getDomains()) {
      for (Credentials match : CredentialsMatchers.filter(store.getCredentials(domain), withId)) {
        if (storeContext == context) {
          return FormValidation.error("This ID is already in use");
        } else {
          CredentialsScope scope = match.getScope();
          if (scope != null && !scope.isVisible(context)) {
            // scope is not exported to child contexts
          return FormValidation.warning("The ID ‘%s’ is already in use in %s", value,
              storeContext instanceof Item
                  ? ((Item) storeContext).getFullDisplayName()
                  : storeContext.getDisplayName());
  return null;
