
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

 * Similar to setArrowHeading, it's point the throwable entity to a x, y, z direction.
public void shoot(double x, double y, double z, float velocity, float inaccuracy)
  float f = MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
  x = x / (double)f;
  y = y / (double)f;
  z = z / (double)f;
  x = x + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.007499999832361937D * (double)inaccuracy;
  y = y + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.007499999832361937D * (double)inaccuracy;
  z = z + this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.007499999832361937D * (double)inaccuracy;
  x = x * (double)velocity;
  y = y * (double)velocity;
  z = z * (double)velocity;
  this.motionX = x;
  this.motionY = y;
  this.motionZ = z;
  float f1 = MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
  this.rotationYaw = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(x, z) * (180D / Math.PI));
  this.rotationPitch = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(y, (double)f1) * (180D / Math.PI));
  this.prevRotationYaw = this.rotationYaw;
  this.prevRotationPitch = this.rotationPitch;
  this.ticksInGround = 0;

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

 * Updates the entity motion clientside, called by packets from the server
public void setVelocity(double x, double y, double z)
  this.motionX = x;
  this.motionY = y;
  this.motionZ = z;
  if (this.prevRotationPitch == 0.0F && this.prevRotationYaw == 0.0F)
    float f = MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
    this.rotationYaw = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(x, z) * (180D / Math.PI));
    this.rotationPitch = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(y, (double)f) * (180D / Math.PI));
    this.prevRotationYaw = this.rotationYaw;
    this.prevRotationPitch = this.rotationPitch;

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

private static void renderItemInFirstPerson(AbstractClientPlayer player, float partialTicks, float interpPitch, EnumHand hand, float swingProgress, ItemStack stack, float equipProgress) throws Throwable {
  // Cherry picked from ItemRenderer.renderItemInFirstPerson
  boolean flag = hand == EnumHand.MAIN_HAND;
  EnumHandSide enumhandside = flag ? player.getPrimaryHand() : player.getPrimaryHand().opposite();
  boolean flag1 = enumhandside == EnumHandSide.RIGHT;
  float f = -0.4F * MathHelper.sin(MathHelper.sqrt(swingProgress) * (float)Math.PI);
  float f1 = 0.2F * MathHelper.sin(MathHelper.sqrt(swingProgress) * ((float)Math.PI * 2F));
  float f2 = -0.2F * MathHelper.sin(swingProgress * (float)Math.PI);
  int i = flag1 ? 1 : -1;
  GlStateManager.translate(i * f, f1, f2);
  transformSideFirstPerson(enumhandside, equipProgress);
  transformFirstPerson(enumhandside, swingProgress);
  doRender(enumhandside, partialTicks, stack);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public EntityDragonFireCharge(World worldIn, EntityDragonBase shooter, double accelX, double accelY, double accelZ) {
  super(worldIn, shooter, accelX, accelY, accelZ);
  double d0 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(accelX * accelX + accelY * accelY + accelZ * accelZ);
  this.accelerationX = accelX / d0 * 0.07D;
  this.accelerationY = accelY / d0 * 0.07D;
  this.accelerationZ = accelZ / d0 * 0.07D;

代码示例来源:origin: P3pp3rF1y/AncientWarfare2

public float getDistanceFrom(Node node) {
  if (node == null) {
    return 0;
  float x = this.x - node.x;
  float y = this.y - node.y;
  float z = this.z - node.z;
  return MathHelper.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);

代码示例来源:origin: JurassiCraftTeam/JurassiCraft2

 * Euclidean distance between this and the specified vector, returned as double.
public double distanceTo(MutableVec3 vec) {
  double d0 = vec.xCoord - this.xCoord;
  double d1 = vec.yCoord - this.yCoord;
  double d2 = vec.zCoord - this.zCoord;
  return (double) MathHelper.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public EntityDragonIceCharge(World worldIn, double posX, double posY, double posZ, double accelX, double accelY, double accelZ) {
  super(worldIn, posX, posY, posZ, accelX, accelY, accelZ);
  double d0 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(accelX * accelX + accelY * accelY + accelZ * accelZ);
  this.accelerationX = accelX / d0 * 0.07D;
  this.accelerationY = accelY / d0 * 0.07D;
  this.accelerationZ = accelZ / d0 * 0.07D;

代码示例来源:origin: McJtyMods/ModTutorials

public NormalTerrainGenerator() {
  this.heightMap = new double[825];
  this.biomeWeights = new float[25];
  for (int j = -2; j <= 2; ++j) {
    for (int k = -2; k <= 2; ++k) {
      float f = 10.0F / MathHelper.sqrt((j * j + k * k) + 0.2F);
      this.biomeWeights[j + 2 + (k + 2) * 5] = f;

代码示例来源:origin: P3pp3rF1y/AncientWarfare2

public float getDistanceFrom(int x, int y, int z) {
  float x1 = this.x - x;
  float y1 = this.y - y;
  float z1 = this.z - z;
  return MathHelper.sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + z1 * z1);

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

private static void transformFirstPerson(EnumHandSide p_187453_1_, float p_187453_2_)
  int i = p_187453_1_ == EnumHandSide.RIGHT ? 1 : -1;
  // Botania - added
  GlStateManager.translate(p_187453_1_ == EnumHandSide.RIGHT ? 0.2F : 0.52F, -0.125F, p_187453_1_ == EnumHandSide.RIGHT ? 0.6F : 0.25F);
  GlStateManager.rotate(p_187453_1_ == EnumHandSide.RIGHT ? 60F : 120F, 0F, 1F, 0F);
  GlStateManager.rotate(30F, 0F, 0F, -1F);
  // End add
  float f = MathHelper.sin(p_187453_2_ * p_187453_2_ * (float)Math.PI);
  GlStateManager.rotate(i * (45.0F + f * -20.0F), 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);
  float f1 = MathHelper.sin(MathHelper.sqrt(p_187453_2_) * (float)Math.PI);
  GlStateManager.rotate(i * f1 * -20.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
  GlStateManager.rotate(f1 * -80.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
  GlStateManager.rotate(i * -45.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F);

代码示例来源:origin: MatterOverdrive/MatterOverdrive-Legacy-Edition

public Vector3 normalize() {
  double d0 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
  if (d0 < 1.0E-4D) {
    this.set(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
  } else {
    this.x /= d0;
    this.y /= d0;
    this.z /= d0;
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

this.posY += this.motionY;
this.posZ += this.motionZ;
float f = MathHelper.sqrt(this.motionX * this.motionX + this.motionZ * this.motionZ);
this.rotationYaw = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(this.motionX, this.motionZ) * (180D / Math.PI));

代码示例来源:origin: SleepyTrousers/EnderIO

protected void applyRotations(@Nonnull EntityDireSlime p_77043_1_, float p_77043_2_, float p_77043_3_, float p_77043_4_) {
 // this.rotateCorpse(entityLiving, p_77043_2_, p_77043_3_, partialTicks);
 if (p_77043_1_.deathTime > 0) {
  float f3 = (p_77043_1_.deathTime + p_77043_4_ - 1.0F) / 20.0F * 1.6F;
  f3 = Math.max(MathHelper.sqrt(f3), 1.0F);
  GL11.glRotatef(f3 * this.getDeathMaxRotation(p_77043_1_), 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);

代码示例来源:origin: P3pp3rF1y/AncientWarfare2

private void calculatePistonPosition2(float crankAngleRadians, float radius, float length) {
    float cA = MathHelper.cos(crankAngleRadians);
    float sA = MathHelper.sin(crankAngleRadians);
    float pistonPos2 = radius * cA + MathHelper.sqrt(length * length - radius * radius * sA * sA);

    float bx = sA * radius;
    float by = cA * radius;
    float cx = -2f;

    armAngle2 = (float) Math.atan2(cx - bx, pistonPos2 - by);

代码示例来源:origin: JurassiCraftTeam/JurassiCraft2

 * Normalizes the vector to a length of 1 (except if it is the zero vector)
public MutableVec3 normalize() {
  double d0 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(this.xCoord * this.xCoord + this.yCoord * this.yCoord + this.zCoord * this.zCoord);
  if (d0 < 1.0E-4D) {
    this.set(0, 0, 0);
  } else {
    this.set(this.xCoord / d0, this.yCoord / d0, this.zCoord / d0);
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Botania

posY += motionY;
posZ += motionZ;
float f = MathHelper.sqrt(motionX * motionX + motionZ * motionZ);
rotationYaw = (float)(MathHelper.atan2(motionX, motionZ) * (180D / Math.PI));

代码示例来源:origin: vadis365/TheErebus

public void attackEntityWithRangedAttack(EntityLivingBase entity, float range) {
  EntitySporeBall sporeball = new EntitySporeBall(getEntityWorld(), this);
  double distanceX = entity.posX - posX;
  double distanceY = entity.posY + height - 4D - sporeball.posY;
  double distanceZ = entity.posZ - posZ;
  float height = MathHelper.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceZ * distanceZ) * 0.2F;
  sporeball.shoot(distanceX, distanceY + height, distanceZ, 0.8F, 0.0F);
  getEntityWorld().playSound(null, getPosition(), ModSounds.SPRAY_CAN_SOUND, SoundCategory.HOSTILE, 0.5F, 0.1F / (getRNG().nextFloat() * 0.4F + 0.8F));

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public EntityDragonFire(World worldIn, EntityDragonBase shooter, double accelX, double accelY, double accelZ) {
  super(worldIn, shooter, accelX, accelY, accelZ);
  this.setSize(0.5F, 0.5F);
  double d0 = (double) MathHelper.sqrt(accelX * accelX + accelY * accelY + accelZ * accelZ);
  this.accelerationX = accelX / d0 * (0.1D * (shooter.isFlying() ? 4 * shooter.getDragonStage() : 1));
  this.accelerationY = accelY / d0 * (0.1D * (shooter.isFlying() ? 4 * shooter.getDragonStage() : 1));
  this.accelerationZ = accelZ / d0 * (0.1D * (shooter.isFlying() ? 4 * shooter.getDragonStage() : 1));

代码示例来源:origin: SleepyTrousers/EnderIO

public void faceEntity(Entity entityIn) {
 double d0 = entityIn.posX - this.posX;
 double d2 = entityIn.posZ - this.posZ;
 double d1;
 if (entityIn instanceof EntityLivingBase) {
  EntityLivingBase entitylivingbase = (EntityLivingBase) entityIn;
  d1 = entitylivingbase.posY + entitylivingbase.getEyeHeight() - (this.posY + this.getEyeHeight());
 } else {
  d1 = (entityIn.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + entityIn.getEntityBoundingBox().maxY) / 2.0D - (this.posY + this.getEyeHeight());
 double d3 = MathHelper.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d2 * d2);
 rotationPitch = MathHelper.wrapDegrees((float) (-(MathHelper.atan2(d1, d3) * (180D / Math.PI))));
 rotationYaw = MathHelper.wrapDegrees((float) (MathHelper.atan2(d2, d0) * (180D / Math.PI)) - 90.0F);

代码示例来源:origin: TeamLapen/Vampirism

protected void attackWithCrossbow(EntityLivingBase target) {
  ItemStack arrows = attacker.getArrowStackForAttack(target);
  EntityCrossbowArrow entityArrow = EntityCrossbowArrow.createWithShooter(entity.getEntityWorld(), entity, 0, 0.3F, !entity.isLeftHanded(), arrows);
  double sx = target.posX - entityArrow.posX;
  double sy = target.getEntityBoundingBox().minY + (double) (target.height / 3.0F) - entityArrow.posY;
  double sz = target.posZ - entityArrow.posZ;
  double dist = MathHelper.sqrt(sx * sx + sz * sz);
  entityArrow.shoot(sx, sy + dist * 0.2, sz, 1.6F, (float) (13 - target.getEntityWorld().getDifficulty().getDifficultyId() * 4));
  this.entity.playSound(ModSounds.crossbow, 0.5F, 1);
