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代码示例来源:origin: AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2

public int getExpDrop( IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, int fortune )
  Random rand = world instanceof World ? ( (World) world ).rand : new Random();
  if( this.getItemDropped( state, rand, fortune ) != Item.getItemFromBlock( this ) )
    return MathHelper.getInt( rand, 2, 5 );
  return super.getExpDrop( state, world, pos, fortune );

代码示例来源:origin: Vazkii/Quark

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
  Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World)world).rand : new Random();
  return MathHelper.getInt(rand, 2, 5);

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
 Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World) world).rand : new Random();
 return MathHelper.getInt(rand, 2, 5);

代码示例来源:origin: vadis365/TheErebus

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
  Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World) world).rand : new Random();
  return MathHelper.getInt(rand, minXP, maxXP);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public MapGenPixieVillage(Map<String, String> map) {
  for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
    if (((String) entry.getKey()).equals("size")) {
      this.size = MathHelper.getInt((String) entry.getValue(), this.size, 0);
    } else if (((String) entry.getKey()).equals("distance")) {
      this.distance = MathHelper.getInt((String) entry.getValue(), this.distance, 9);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public MapGenSnowVillage(Map<String, String> map) {
  for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
    if (((String) entry.getKey()).equals("size")) {
      this.size = MathHelper.getInt((String) entry.getValue(), this.size, 0);
    } else if (((String) entry.getKey()).equals("distance")) {
      this.distance = MathHelper.getInt((String) entry.getValue(), this.distance, 9);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public static List<SnowVillagePieces.PieceWeight> getStructureVillageWeightedPieceList(Random random, int size) {
  List<SnowVillagePieces.PieceWeight> list = Lists.<PieceWeight>newArrayList();
  list.add(new PieceWeight(TorchNew.class, 75, MathHelper.getInt(random, 5 + size, 6 + size)));
  list.add(new PieceWeight(WoodHut.class, 65, MathHelper.getInt(random, 3 + size, 5 + size)));
  Iterator<SnowVillagePieces.PieceWeight> iterator = list.iterator();
  while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    if (((PieceWeight) == 0) {
  return list;

代码示例来源:origin: TeamLapen/Vampirism

   * @param random
   * @param terrainType Apparently rather the village size, than the terrain type
   * @return
  public StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight getVillagePieceWeight(Random random, int terrainType) {
    return new StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight(VillagePieceModChurch.class, 20, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0, 1 + terrainType));

代码示例来源:origin: JurassiCraftTeam/JurassiCraft2

public StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight getVillagePieceWeight(Random random, int size) {
  return new StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight(FossilDigsite.class, 1, MathHelper.getInt(random, 0, 1));

代码示例来源:origin: ForestryMC/ForestryMC

public StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight getVillagePieceWeight(Random random, int size) {
  return new StructureVillagePieces.PieceWeight(VillageApiaristHouse.class, 15, MathHelper.getInt(random, size, 1 + size));

代码示例来源:origin: ForestryMC/ForestryMC

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
  Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World) world).rand : new Random();
  if (state.getValue(ORE_RESOURCES) == EnumResourceType.APATITE) {
    return MathHelper.getInt(rand, 1, 4);
  return super.getExpDrop(state, world, pos, fortune);

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
  Random rand = world instanceof World ? ((World) world).rand : new Random();
  if (this.getItemDropped(state, rand, fortune) != Item.getItemFromBlock(this)) {
    if (this == ModBlocks.sapphireOre) {
      return MathHelper.getInt(rand, 3, 7);
  return 0;

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

public static BlockPos getRandomPos(Random rand, BlockPos here, int hRadius) {
 int x = here.getX();
 int z = here.getZ();
 // search in a square
 int xMin = x - hRadius;
 int xMax = x + hRadius;
 int zMin = z - hRadius;
 int zMax = z + hRadius;
 int posX = MathHelper.getInt(rand, xMin, xMax);
 int posZ = MathHelper.getInt(rand, zMin, zMax);
 return new BlockPos(posX, here.getY(), posZ);

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

 * TODO: util
 * @param rand
 * @return
public static EnumFacing getRandom(Random rand) {
 int index = MathHelper.getInt(rand, 0, EnumFacing.values().length - 1);
 return EnumFacing.values()[index];

代码示例来源:origin: Alex-the-666/Ice_and_Fire

public static StructureBoundingBox findPieceBox(Start start, List<StructureComponent> p_175848_1_, Random rand, int p_175848_3_, int p_175848_4_, int p_175848_5_, EnumFacing facing) {
  for (int i = 3 * MathHelper.getInt(rand, 3, 5); i >= 3; i -= 3) {
    StructureBoundingBox structureboundingbox = StructureBoundingBox.getComponentToAddBoundingBox(p_175848_3_, p_175848_4_, p_175848_5_, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, i, facing);
    if (StructureComponent.findIntersecting(p_175848_1_, structureboundingbox) == null) {
      return structureboundingbox;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: MatterOverdrive/MatterOverdrive-Legacy-Edition

public int getExpDrop(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
  if (this.getItemDropped(world.getBlockState(pos), rand, fortune) != Item.getItemFromBlock(this)) {
    return MathHelper.getInt(rand, 2, 5);
  return 0;

代码示例来源:origin: NanamiArihara/FoodCraft-Reloaded

public void generateFruitTree(DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate event) {
  if (event.getType() == DecorateBiomeEvent.Decorate.EventType.TREE && event.getRand().nextFloat() <= GENERATE_PERCENTAGE) {
    BaseTreeGenerator[] generatorBasicTrees = generatorTreeMap.values().toArray(new BaseTreeGenerator[0]);
    BaseTreeGenerator generator = generatorBasicTrees[MathHelper.getInt(event.getRand(),0, generatorBasicTrees.length - 1)];
    if (generator.generate(event.getWorld(), event.getRand(), event.getPos())) {
      FoodCraftReloaded.getLogger().debug("Generated fruit tree at " + event.getPos());

代码示例来源:origin: CyclopsMC/EvilCraft

private VengeanceSpirit createNewVengeanceSpirit() {
  Random rand = world.rand;
  VengeanceSpirit spirit = VengeanceSpirit.fromNBT(getWorld(), getSpiritTag());
  spirit.setPosition(getPos().getX() + rand.nextDouble(), getPos().getY() + rand.nextDouble(),
      getPos().getZ() + rand.nextDouble());
      VengeanceSpirit.REMAININGLIFE_MIN, VengeanceSpirit.REMAININGLIFE_MAX));
  return spirit;

代码示例来源:origin: JurassiCraftTeam/JurassiCraft2

public void grow(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) {
  // TODO:  Pull out these two numbers.
  int i = state.getValue(this.getAgeProperty()) + MathHelper.getInt(world.rand, 2, 5);
  if (i > this.getMaxAge()) {
    i = this.getMaxAge();
  world.setBlockState(pos, state.withProperty(this.getAgeProperty(), i), 2);

代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic

public void createBullet(World world, EntityPlayer player) {
 EntityGolemLaser bullet = new EntityGolemLaser(world);
 int colorIndex = MathHelper.getInt(world.rand, 0, VariantColors.values().length - 1);
 bullet.getDataManager().set(EntityGolemLaser.variant, colorIndex);
 float speed = 4.0F;
 bullet.initCustom(player.posX, player.posY + 1.52, player.posZ,
   player.getLookVec().x * 0.5, player.getLookVec().y * 0.5, player.getLookVec().z * 0.5,
   speed, player.getUniqueID());
 // if (world.isRemote == false)
