
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Determine whether two objects represent the same resource.

A resource can only be equal to another resource. If both resources are not anonymous, then they are equal if the URI's are equal. If both resources are anonymous, they are equal only if there Id's are the same. If one resource is anonymous and the other is not, then they are not equal.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

protected boolean same( Frame other )
  return root.equals( other.root )
    && type.equals( other.type )
    && assembler.equals( other.assembler )

代码示例来源:origin: org.openscience.cdk/cdk-iordf

 * Converts a {@link Resource} object into the matching {@link Order}.
 * @param rdfOrder Resource for which the matching {@link Order} should be given.
 * @return the matching {@link Order}.
public static Order resource2Order(Resource rdfOrder) {
  if (rdfOrder.equals(CDK.SINGLEBOND)) {
    return Order.SINGLE;
  } else if (rdfOrder.equals(CDK.DOUBLEBOND)) {
    return Order.DOUBLE;
  } else if (rdfOrder.equals(CDK.TRIPLEBOND)) {
    return Order.TRIPLE;
  } else if (rdfOrder.equals(CDK.QUADRUPLEBOND)) {
    return Order.QUADRUPLE;
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

protected void blockRule(Resource r) {
  if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.sectionReification)) sReification=true;
  // else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.resourcePropertyElt)) sResourcePropertyElt=true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.sectionListExpand)) sListExpand=true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt)) sParseTypeLiteralPropertyElt=true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.parseTypeResourcePropertyElt)) sParseTypeResourcePropertyElt=true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.parseTypeCollectionPropertyElt)) sParseTypeCollectionPropertyElt=true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.idAttr)) {
    sReification = true;
  else if (r.equals(RDFSyntax.propertyAttr)) sPropertyAttr=true;
  //else if (r.equals(DAML_OIL.collection)) sDamlCollection=true;
  else {
    logger.warn("Cannot block rule <"+r.getURI()+">");

代码示例来源:origin: org.smartdeveloperhub.curator/sdh-curator-connector

private void addPendingResource(Resource resource) {
  if(!this.resource.equals(resource) && !this.pendingResources.contains(resource) && !this.parsedResources.contains(resource)) {
    LOGGER.trace("    + Added pending resource {}",resource);

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

public static Mode decode( Resource root, Mode defaultMode ) {
    if (root == null) return defaultMode;
    Statement s = root.getProperty( ELDA_API.shortnameMode );
    if (s == null) return defaultMode;
    Resource mode = s.getResource();
      mode.equals(ELDA_API.preferPrefixes) ? CompleteContext.Mode.PreferPrefixes
      : mode.equals(ELDA_API.preferLocalnames) ? CompleteContext.Mode.PreferLocalnames
      : mode.equals(ELDA_API.roundTrip) ? CompleteContext.Mode.RoundTrip
      : defaultMode

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

private static boolean hasNoCompetingSubclass( List<RDFNode> types, Resource candidate )
  for (int j = 0; j < types.size(); j += 1)
    Resource other = (Resource) types.get( j );
    if (other.hasProperty( RDFS.subClassOf, candidate ) && !candidate.equals( other )) return false;
  return true;

代码示例来源:origin: DSpace/DSpace

protected String parseResourceGenerator(Resource resourceGenerator,
                    String value, String dsoIRI) {
  if (resourceGenerator.isURIResource()
    && resourceGenerator.equals(DMRM.DSpaceObjectIRI)) {
    return dsoIRI;
  return parseValueProcessor(resourceGenerator, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

  sameAs - is this statement equal to the statement o? We can't assume
  o is a StatementImpl
private final boolean sameAs( Statement o )
  return subject.equals( o.getSubject() ) 
    && predicate.equals( o.getPredicate() )
    && object.equals( o.getObject() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

@Override protected void blockRule( Resource r ) {
  if (r.equals( RDFSyntax.parseTypeLiteralPropertyElt )) {
 //       System.err.println("Blocking");
    blockLiterals = true;
  } else
    logger.warn("Cannot block rule <"+r.getURI()+">");

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

private boolean isFitForRendering(Set<Resource> itemSet, Map.Entry<Resource, JSONLDComposer.Int> e, Resource i) {
  return e.getValue().value() > 1 
  && !itemSet.contains(i) 
  && i.listProperties().hasNext()
  && !i.equals(root);

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

/** @return The index of the child node with the given property, or -1 if not found */
protected int indexOfChildProperty( Property prop ) {
  int index = -1;
  for (int i = 0; index < 0 && i < children().size(); i++) {
    DisplayHierarchyNode child = children().get( i );
    if (child.terminalLink().asResource().equals(  prop )) {
      index = i;
  return index;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

/** Test whether a statement should be included in a selection.  This method
 * tests whether the supplied statement satisfies the subject, predicate and
 * object constraints of the selector and then tests whether it matches the
 * application provided <CODE>selects</CODE> method.
 * @param s the statement to be tested
 * @return true if the statement satisfies the subject, object
 * and predicate constraints and the selects constraint.
public boolean test(Statement s) {
  return (subject == null || subject.equals(s.getSubject()))
    && (predicate == null || predicate.equals(s.getPredicate()))
    && (object == null || object.equals(s.getObject()))
    && selects(s);

代码示例来源:origin: org.renci.ahab/libndl

private boolean isType(Resource r, Resource resourceClass){
  //Test for type of subject (if any)
  Resource candidateResourceClass = r.getProperty(new PropertyImpl("")).getResource();

  if(candidateResourceClass != null && candidateResourceClass.equals(resourceClass)){
    return true;
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

  Answer true if <code>v</code> is a list, which here is defined to
  be "a resource which is nil or has an rdf:first or is of type rdf:List". 
public static boolean isList(RDFNode l) {
  if (l.isLiteral()) return false;    	
  Resource r = (Resource) l;
    r.equals( RDF.nil )
    || r.hasProperty( RDF.first )
    || r.hasProperty( RDF.type, RDF.List ) 

代码示例来源:origin: culturecommunication/ginco

public boolean selects(Statement s) {
    if (s.getObject().isResource()) {
      return s.getObject().asResource()
    } else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: culturecommunication/ginco

public boolean selects(Statement s) {
    if (s.getObject().isResource()) {
      Resource res = s.getObject().asResource();
      return res.equals(FOAF.Organization);
    } else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.owlapi/pellet-jena-ignazio1977

private ATermList createList(Resource r) {
    return ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
  else if(!rawModel.contains(r, RDF.first)) {
    System.err.println("Invalid list structure: List " + r
        + " does not have a rdf:first property. Ignoring rest of the list.");
    return ATermUtils.EMPTY_LIST;
  ATerm first = node2term(rawModel.getProperty(r, RDF.first).getObject());
  Resource rest = rawModel.getProperty(r,;
  return ATermUtils.makeList(first, createList(rest));
} // createList

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

protected Iterator<RDFNode> rdfListIterator(Resource r)
  List<RDFNode> list = new ArrayList<RDFNode>() ;
  for ( ; ! r.equals(RDF.nil); )
    StmtIterator sIter = r.getModel().listStatements(r, RDF.first, (RDFNode)null) ;
    list.add(sIter.nextStatement().getObject()) ;
    if ( sIter.hasNext() )
      // @@ need to cope with this (unusual) case
      throw new JenaException("N3: Multi valued list item") ;
    sIter = r.getModel().listStatements(r,, (RDFNode)null) ;
    r = (Resource)sIter.nextStatement().getObject() ;
    if ( sIter.hasNext() )
      throw new JenaException("N3: List has two tails") ;
  return list.iterator() ;

代码示例来源:origin: culturecommunication/ginco

public boolean selects(Statement s) {
    if (s.getObject().isResource()
        && !s.getSubject().hasProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Class)
        && !s.getSubject().hasProperty(RDF.type,
        && !s.getSubject().hasProperty(RDF.type,
        OWL.DatatypeProperty)) {
      return s.getObject().asResource().equals(resource);
    } else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

public void testTermBindings() {
  List<Binding<Resource>> bindings = page.termBindings();
  boolean found = false;
  for (Binding<Resource> b: bindings) {
    if (b.label().equals( "playTimeMinutes")) {
      assertTrue( b.value().equals( ResourceFactory.createResource( "" ) ));
      found = true;
  assertTrue( found );
