
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

private String getId(Resource r) {
  if (r.isURIResource()) return r.getURI();
  String id = bnodes.get(r);
  if (id == null) bnodes.put(r, id = "_:B" + bnodes.size());
  return id;

代码示例来源:origin: DSpace/DSpace

protected String parseResourceGenerator(Resource resourceGenerator,
                    String value, String dsoIRI) {
  if (resourceGenerator.isURIResource()
    && resourceGenerator.equals(DMRM.DSpaceObjectIRI)) {
    return dsoIRI;
  return parseValueProcessor(resourceGenerator, value);

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

private void addIdentification( Trail t, Element e, Resource x ) {
  if (x.isURIResource())  
    e.setAttribute( "href", x.getURI() );
  else if (t.hasSeen( x )) {
    e.setAttribute( "ref", idFor( e, x ) );
  } else {
    e.setAttribute( "id", idFor( e, x ) );

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

 * Find a name to give a resource
public static String getNameFor(Resource r) {
  String label = getStringValue(r, RDFS.label);
  if (label != null) return label;
  if (r.isURIResource()) {
    String uri = r.getURI();
    int split = uri.lastIndexOf('#');
    if (split == -1) split = uri.lastIndexOf('/');
    return uri.substring(split + 1);
  } else {
    return r.getId().toString();


 * Given a query result from a SPARQL query, obtain the given variable value
 * as a URL
 * @param resultRow    the result from a SPARQL query
 * @param variableName the name of the variable to obtain
 * @return the value or null if it could not be obtained
private static URL getUrlValueFromRow(QuerySolution resultRow, String variableName) {
  // Check the input and exit immediately if null
  if (resultRow == null) {
    return null;
  URL result = null;
  Resource res = resultRow.getResource(variableName);
  // Ignore and track services that are blank nodes
  if (res.isAnon()) {
    log.warn("Blank node found and ignored " + res.toString());
  } else if (res.isURIResource()) {
    try {
      result = new URL(res.getURI());
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      log.error("Malformed URL for node", e);
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
      log.error("The node is not a URI", e);
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.weblab.core.helpers/rdf-helper-jena

if (pred.equals(stat.getPredicate())) {
  final Resource subj = stat.getSubject();
  if (resType.equals(ResourceTypes.NAMED) && subj.isURIResource()) {
  } else if (resType.equals(ResourceTypes.ANON) && subj.isAnon()) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.weblab.core.helpers/rdf-helper-jena

 * @param resType
 *            The type of the resources to retrieve, i.e. named or anonymous one.
 * @return A <code>Set</code> of URIs or internal IDs resources that are subjects of statements in this model.
protected Set<String> getSubjects(final ResourceTypes resType) {
  final List<Statement> stats = this.listStatements();
  final HashSet<String> subjs = new HashSet<String>();
  for (final Statement stat : stats) {
    final Resource subj = stat.getSubject();
    if (resType.equals(ResourceTypes.NAMED) && subj.isURIResource()) {
    } else if (resType.equals(ResourceTypes.ANON) && subj.isAnon()) {
  return subjs;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-arq

private static Resource otherModel(Resource r, Model model)
  if ( r.isURIResource() )
    return model.createResource(r.getURI()) ;
  if ( r.isAnon() )
    return model.createResource(r.getId()) ;
  // Literals do not need converting.
  return r ;

代码示例来源:origin: com.hp.hpl.jena/arq

private static Resource otherModel(Resource r, Model model)
  if ( r.isURIResource() )
    return model.createResource(r.getURI()) ;
  if ( r.isAnon() )
    return model.createResource(r.getId()) ;
  // Literals do not need converting.
  return r ;

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.taverna.t2.activities/sadi-activity

 * Fakes a de-reference operation, returning a byte stream over the node.
public InputStream openStream(ReferenceContext context) {
  try {
    String result = "";
    if (node == null) {
      result = "";
    } else if (node.isLiteral()) {
      result = ((Literal) node).getLexicalForm();
    } else if (node.isResource()) {
      Resource resource = (Resource) node;
      if (resource.isURIResource()) {
        result = resource.getURI();
      } else {
        Model model = ResourceUtils.reachableClosure(resource);
        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
        model.write(stringWriter, "RDF/XML-ABBREV");
        result = stringWriter.toString();
    return new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes(getCharset()));
  } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    throw new DereferenceException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: AskNowQA/AutoSPARQL

public Set<NamedClass> getAllClasses() {
  Set<NamedClass> classes = new TreeSet<NamedClass>();
  String query = "PREFIX owl: <> SELECT ?c WHERE {?c a owl:Class} LIMIT 1000";
  ResultSet q = queryable.query(query);
  while (q.hasNext()) {
    QuerySolution qs =;
      classes.add(new NamedClass(qs.getResource("c").getURI()));
  //remove trivial classes
  classes.remove(new NamedClass(OWL.Nothing.toStringID()));
  classes.remove(new NamedClass(OWL.Thing.toStringID()));
  return classes;

代码示例来源:origin: Quetzal-RDF/quetzal

private static Resource otherModel(Resource r, Model model) {
    if (r.isURIResource())
      return model.createResource(r.getURI());
    if (r.isAnon())
      return model.createResource(r.getId());
    return r;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

  Answer the default OntModelSpec for this root, which will be
  <code>DEFAULT</code> unless <code>root</code> has the JA
  namespace and a local name which is the name of an OntModelSpec
  constant (in OntModelSpec), in which case it's that constant's value.
private OntModelSpec getDefault( Resource root )
  if (root.isURIResource() && root.getNameSpace().equals( JA.uri ))
    OntModelSpec oms = getOntModelSpecField( root.getLocalName() );
    return oms == null ? DEFAULT : oms;
    Resource like = getUniqueResource( root, JA.likeBuiltinSpec );
    return like == null ? DEFAULT : getRequiredOntModelSpecField( like.getLocalName() );


destination = soln.getResource(MATCH_VAR + index);
if (origin != null && origin.isURIResource() && destination != null && destination.isURIResource()) {
  originUri = new URI(origin.getURI());
  matchUri = new URI(destination.getURI());

代码示例来源:origin: epimorphics/elda

public static MapLookup createMapLookup(Resource root, final Source ds) {
  final Map<String, SPARQLMapLookup.Element> maps = new HashMap<String, SPARQLMapLookup.Element>();
  List<Resource> mapSpecs = root.getModel().listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, ELDA_API.SPARQLMap).toList();
  for (Resource mapSpec: mapSpecs) {
    String mapName = mapSpec.isURIResource()
      ? mapSpec.getURI()
      : getResourceValue(mapSpec, ELDA_API.mapName).getURI()
    String inName = getStringValue(mapSpec, ELDA_API.mapIn, "input");
    String outName = getStringValue(mapSpec, ELDA_API.mapOut, "result");	
    String queryString = getStringValue(mapSpec,ELDA_API.mapQuery);
    maps.put(mapName, new Element(inName, queryString, outName));
  return new SPARQLMapLookup(ds, maps);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.clerezza.ext/org.apache.jena.jena-core

protected static void addSubclassesFrom( Model result, Model schema )
  for (StmtIterator it = schema.listStatements( ANY, RDFS.subClassOf, ANY ); it.hasNext();)
    Statement s = it.nextStatement();
    if (s.getSubject().isURIResource() && s.getObject().isURIResource()) result.add( s ); 

代码示例来源:origin: DSpace/DSpace

protected Literal parseLiteralGenerator(Model m, Resource literalGenerator,
                    String value, String lang) {
  if (literalGenerator.isURIResource()
    && literalGenerator.equals(DMRM.DSpaceValue)) {
    return m.createLiteral(value);

代码示例来源:origin: de.unibonn.iai.eis/luzzu-semantics

public static String toSPARQL(Resource n){
  if (n != null && (n.isResource() || n.isLiteral())){
    if (n.isURIResource()) 
      return "<" + n.getURI() + ">";
    else if (n.isLiteral()) {
      String sparql = "'''" + sparqlEncode(n.asLiteral().toString()) + "'''";
      //does it have a Datatype Literal?
      if (n.asLiteral().getDatatypeURI() != null){
        sparql = sparql + "'''^^<" + n.asLiteral().getDatatypeURI().toString() + ">";
      if (n.asLiteral().getLanguage() != ""){
        sparql = sparql + "'''@" + n.asLiteral().getLanguage();
      return sparql;
    else return null; //TODO: throws exception
  } else
    return null; //TODO: throws exception

代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.weblab.core.helpers/rdf-helper-jena

 * @param rs
 *            The reified statement to look for subject.
 * @param type
 *            The type of the subject.
 * @return The subject (uri or id) or null if an error occurs
protected String getReifiedStatementSubject(final ReifiedStatement rs, final ResourceTypes type) {
  String toRet = null;
  final Resource subj = rs.getStatement().getSubject();
  if (type.equals(ResourceTypes.ANON) && subj.isAnon()) {
    toRet = subj.getId().getLabelString();
  } else if (type.equals(ResourceTypes.NAMED) && subj.isURIResource()) {
    toRet = subj.getURI();
  return toRet;

代码示例来源:origin: usc-isi-i2/Web-Karma

if (!r.isURIResource())
