
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Creates a new {@code Stream} that consists of all the joint subtrees for each of the {@code root}
* children.
* @param root the root of the joint subtree.
* @return the new joint subtree stream.
public static Stream<JointBasics> fromChildren(RigidBodyBasics root)
 return from(JointBasics.class, root.getChildrenJoints());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit-test

private Set<JointBasics> getExcludedJoints()
 Set<RigidBodyBasics> excludedBodies = getExcludedRigidBodies();
 Set<JointBasics> excludedJoints = new LinkedHashSet<JointBasics>();
 for (RigidBodyBasics rigidBody : excludedBodies)
 return excludedJoints;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

default Iterable<? extends JointBasics> childrenSubtreeIterable()
 return new JointIterable<>(JointBasics.class, null, this.getChildrenJoints());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Request all the children joints of this rigid-body to update their reference frame and request
* their own successor to call this same method.
* <p>
* By calling this method on the root body of a robot, it will update the reference frames of all
* the robot's joints.
* </p>
default void updateFramesRecursively()
 for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < getChildrenJoints().size(); childIndex++)

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

public InverseDynamicsMechanismReferenceFrameVisualizer(RigidBodyBasics rootBody, YoGraphicsListRegistry yoGraphicsListRegistry,
   double length)
 YoGraphicsList yoGraphicsList = new YoGraphicsList(name);
 List<JointBasics> jointStack = new ArrayList<JointBasics>(rootBody.getChildrenJoints());
 while (!jointStack.isEmpty())
   JointBasics joint = jointStack.get(0);
   ReferenceFrame referenceFrame = joint.getSuccessor().getBodyFixedFrame();
   YoGraphicReferenceFrame yoGraphicReferenceFrame = new YoGraphicReferenceFrame(referenceFrame, registry, false, length);
   List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = joint.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Recursively navigates the subtree that starts at the given {@code rootBody} and integrates
* each joint acceleration and velocity to update their respective velocity and configuration.
* @param rootBody the origin of the subtree to integrate the state of. The configuration of each
*           joint in the subtree is modified.
public void doubleIntegrateFromAccelerationSubtree(RigidBodyBasics rootBody)
 if (rootBody == null)
 List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = rootBody.getChildrenJoints();
 for (int i = 0; i < childrenJoints.size(); i++)
   JointBasics childJoint = childrenJoints.get(i);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Generates a random kinematic tree composed of rigid-bodies and prismatic joints.
* <p>
* The joints and rigid-bodies have random physical parameters.
* </p>
* <p>
* The generated multi-body system is a kinematic tree, i.e. every rigid-body can have one or more
* child joint(s).
* </p>
* @param random the random generator to use.
* @param prefix provides a common prefix used for all the joint and rigid-body names.
* @param rootBody the root to which the kinematic tree is to be attached.
* @param numberOfJoints how many joints the kinematic tree should be composed of.
* @return the list of all the joints composing the kinematic tree.
public static List<PrismaticJoint> nextPrismaticJointTree(Random random, String prefix, RigidBodyBasics rootBody, int numberOfJoints)
 List<PrismaticJoint> prismaticJoints = new ArrayList<>();
 RigidBodyBasics predecessor = rootBody;
 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJoints; i++)
   PrismaticJoint joint = nextPrismaticJoint(random, prefix + "Joint" + i, predecessor);
   nextRigidBody(random, prefix + "Body" + i, joint);
   predecessor = prismaticJoints.get(random.nextInt(prismaticJoints.size())).getSuccessor();
 return SubtreeStreams.from(PrismaticJoint.class, rootBody.getChildrenJoints()).collect(Collectors.toList());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Generates a random kinematic tree composed of rigid-bodies and revolute joints.
* <p>
* The joints and rigid-bodies have random physical parameters.
* </p>
* <p>
* The generated multi-body system is a kinematic tree, i.e. every rigid-body can have one or more
* child joint(s).
* </p>
* @param random the random generator to use.
* @param prefix provides a common prefix used for all the joint and rigid-body names.
* @param rootBody the root to which the kinematic tree is to be attached.
* @param numberOfJoints how many joints the kinematic tree should be composed of.
* @return the list of all the joints composing the kinematic tree.
public static List<RevoluteJoint> nextRevoluteJointTree(Random random, String prefix, RigidBodyBasics rootBody, int numberOfJoints)
 List<RevoluteJoint> revoluteJoints = new ArrayList<>();
 RigidBodyBasics predecessor = rootBody;
 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJoints; i++)
   RevoluteJoint joint = nextRevoluteJoint(random, prefix + "Joint" + i, predecessor);
   nextRigidBody(random, prefix + "Body" + i, joint);
   predecessor = revoluteJoints.get(random.nextInt(revoluteJoints.size())).getSuccessor();
 return SubtreeStreams.from(RevoluteJoint.class, rootBody.getChildrenJoints()).collect(Collectors.toList());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Generates a random kinematic tree composed of rigid-bodies and 1-DoF joints.
* <p>
* The joints and rigid-bodies have random physical parameters.
* </p>
* <p>
* The generated multi-body system is a kinematic tree, i.e. every rigid-body can have one or more
* child joint(s).
* </p>
* @param random the random generator to use.
* @param prefix provides a common prefix used for all the joint and rigid-body names.
* @param rootBody the root to which the kinematic tree is to be attached.
* @param numberOfJoints how many joints the kinematic tree should be composed of.
* @return the list of all the joints composing the kinematic tree.
public static List<OneDoFJoint> nextOneDoFJointTree(Random random, String prefix, RigidBodyBasics rootBody, int numberOfJoints)
 List<OneDoFJoint> oneDoFJoints = new ArrayList<>();
 RigidBodyBasics predecessor = rootBody;
 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJoints; i++)
   OneDoFJoint joint = nextOneDoFJoint(random, prefix + "Joint" + i, predecessor);
   nextRigidBody(random, prefix + "Body" + i, joint);
   predecessor = oneDoFJoints.get(random.nextInt(oneDoFJoints.size())).getSuccessor();
 return SubtreeStreams.from(OneDoFJoint.class, rootBody.getChildrenJoints()).collect(Collectors.toList());

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

public static PassiveRevoluteJoint getFourBarOutputJoint(PassiveRevoluteJoint passiveJointB, PassiveRevoluteJoint passiveJointC, PassiveRevoluteJoint passiveJointD)
 // If the output joint is D then it will have at least 1 child, otherwise it won't have any
   return passiveJointD;
 // Joint C wil only have joint D as its child, unless it's the output joint of the fourbar
 else if (passiveJointC.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints().size() > 1)
   return passiveJointC;
   return passiveJointB;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/mecano

* Recursively navigates the subtree that starts at the given {@code rootBody} and integrates
* each joint velocity to update their respective configuration.
* <p>
* If the acceleration of each joint is available, it is preferable to use
* {@link #doubleIntegrateFromAccelerationSubtree(RigidBodyBasics)}.
* </p>
* @param rootBody the origin of the subtree to integrate the state of. The configuration of each
*           joint in the subtree is modified.
public void integrateFromVelocitySubtree(RigidBodyBasics rootBody)
 if (rootBody == null)
 List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = rootBody.getChildrenJoints();
 for (int i = 0; i < childrenJoints.size(); i++)
   JointBasics childJoint = childrenJoints.get(i);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools-test

@ContinuousIntegrationTest(estimatedDuration = 0.0)
@Test(timeout = 30000)
public void chainTest() throws UnreasonableAccelerationException
 Random random = new Random(12651L);
 ArrayList<RevoluteJoint> joints = new ArrayList<>();
 RigidBodyBasics elevator = new RigidBody("elevator", worldFrame);
 int numberOfJoints = 10;
 Vector3D[] jointAxes = new Vector3D[numberOfJoints];
 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJoints; i++)
   jointAxes[i] = RandomGeometry.nextVector3D(random, 1.0);
 joints.addAll(MultiBodySystemRandomTools.nextRevoluteJointChain(random, "blop", elevator, jointAxes));
 SCSRobotFromInverseDynamicsRobotModel robot = new SCSRobotFromInverseDynamicsRobotModel("robot", elevator.getChildrenJoints().get(0));
 assertAAndADotV(random, joints, elevator, robot,numberOfJoints);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

public GraphicsIDRobot(String name, RigidBodyBasics rootBody, GraphicsObjectsHolder graphicsObjectsHolder, boolean useCollisionMeshes)
 super(new Graphics3DNode(name, Graphics3DNodeType.TRANSFORM));
 for (JointBasics joint : rootBody.getChildrenJoints())
   GraphicsJoint rootGraphicsJoint = createJoint(joint, Graphics3DNodeType.ROOTJOINT, graphicsObjectsHolder, useCollisionMeshes);
   addInverseDynamicsJoints(joint.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints(), rootGraphicsJoint, graphicsObjectsHolder, useCollisionMeshes);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

public static double computeSubTreeMass(RigidBodyBasics rootBody)
 SpatialInertiaBasics inertia = rootBody.getInertia();
 double ret = inertia == null ? 0.0 : inertia.getMass();
 for (JointBasics childJoint : rootBody.getChildrenJoints())
   ret += computeSubTreeMass(childJoint.getSuccessor());
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

private void addInverseDynamicsJoints(List<? extends JointBasics> joints, GraphicsJoint parentJoint, GraphicsObjectsHolder graphicsObjectsHolder,
                   boolean useCollisionMeshes)
 for (JointBasics joint : joints)
   GraphicsJoint graphicsJoint = createJoint(joint, Graphics3DNodeType.JOINT, graphicsObjectsHolder, useCollisionMeshes);
   addInverseDynamicsJoints(joint.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints(), graphicsJoint, graphicsObjectsHolder, useCollisionMeshes);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools

public JointAxisVisualizer(RigidBodyBasics rootBody, YoGraphicsListRegistry yoGraphicsListRegistry, double length)
 YoGraphicsList yoGraphicsList = new YoGraphicsList(name);
 List<JointBasics> jointStack = new ArrayList<JointBasics>(rootBody.getChildrenJoints());
 while (!jointStack.isEmpty())
   JointBasics joint = jointStack.get(0);
   if(joint instanceof OneDoFJointBasics)
    FrameVector3DReadOnly jAxis=((OneDoFJointBasics)joint).getJointAxis();
    ReferenceFrame referenceFrame = GeometryTools.constructReferenceFrameFromPointAndZAxis(joint.getName()+"JointAxis", new FramePoint3D(jAxis.getReferenceFrame()), new FrameVector3D(jAxis.getReferenceFrame(),jAxis));
    YoGraphicReferenceFrame yoGraphicReferenceFrame = new YoGraphicReferenceFrame(referenceFrame , registry, false, length, YoAppearance.Gold());
   List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = joint.getSuccessor().getChildrenJoints();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = successor.getChildrenJoints();

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit

private void printLinkInformation(RigidBodyBasics link, StringBuffer buffer)
 SpatialInertiaBasics inertia = link.getInertia();
 JointBasics parentJoint = link.getParentJoint();
 if (inertia != null)
   double mass = inertia.getMass();
   Vector3D comOffset = new Vector3D();
   RigidBodyTransform comOffsetTransform = link.getBodyFixedFrame().getTransformToDesiredFrame(parentJoint.getFrameAfterJoint());
   Matrix3DBasics momentOfInertia = inertia.getMomentOfInertia();
   buffer.append("Mass = " + mass + "\n");
   buffer.append("comOffset = " + comOffset + "\n");
   buffer.append("momentOfInertia = \n" + momentOfInertia + "\n");
 List<? extends JointBasics> childrenJoints = link.getChildrenJoints();
 for (JointBasics childJoint : childrenJoints)
   String parentJointName;
   if (parentJoint != null)
    parentJointName = parentJoint.getName();
    parentJointName = "root joint";
   buffer.append("Found Child Joint of " + parentJointName + ".\n");
   printJointInformation(childJoint, buffer);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-common-walking-control-modules-test

  elevator = new RigidBody("elevator", worldFrame);
  elevatorFrame = elevator.getBodyFixedFrame();
  centerOfMassFrame = new CenterOfMassReferenceFrame("centerOfMassFrame", ReferenceFrame.getWorldFrame(), elevator);
  upperArm = createUpperArm(elevator);
  lowerArm = createLowerArm(upperArm);
  hand = createHand(lowerArm);
  scsRobotArm = new SCSRobotFromInverseDynamicsRobotModel("robotArm", elevator.getChildrenJoints().get(0));
  oneDoFJoints = MultiBodySystemTools.createOneDoFJointPath(elevator, hand);

代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-common-walking-control-modules-test

  elevator = new RigidBody("elevator", worldFrame);
  elevatorFrame = elevator.getBodyFixedFrame();
  centerOfMassFrame = new CenterOfMassReferenceFrame("centerOfMass", ReferenceFrame.getWorldFrame(), elevator);
  shoulderDifferentialYaw = createDifferential("shoulderDifferential", elevator, new Vector3D(), Z);
  RigidBodyBasics shoulderDifferentialRoll = createDifferential("shoulderDifferential", shoulderDifferentialYaw, new Vector3D(), X);
  RigidBodyBasics upperArm = createUpperArm(shoulderDifferentialRoll);
  RigidBodyBasics lowerArm = createLowerArm(upperArm);
  RigidBodyBasics wristDifferentialRoll = createDifferential("wristDifferential", lowerArm, new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, SHIN_LENGTH), X);
  //RigidBody wristDifferentialYaw = createDifferential("wristDifferential", wristDifferentialRoll, new Vector3d(), Z);
  hand = createHand(wristDifferentialRoll);
  scsRobotArm = new SCSRobotFromInverseDynamicsRobotModel("robotArm", elevator.getChildrenJoints().get(0));
  oneDoFJoints = MultiBodySystemTools.createOneDoFJointPath(elevator, hand);
