
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the length of this span.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

if (i - start > 0) {
  Span span = new Span(start, i).trim(s);
  if (span.length() > 0) {
if (span.length() > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

public Span[] find(String[] textTokenized) {
 List<Span> namesFound = new LinkedList<>();
 for (int offsetFrom = 0; offsetFrom < textTokenized.length; offsetFrom++) {
  Span nameFound = null;
  String[] tokensSearching;
  for (int offsetTo = offsetFrom; offsetTo < textTokenized.length; offsetTo++) {
   int lengthSearching = offsetTo - offsetFrom + 1;
   if (lengthSearching > mDictionary.getMaxTokenCount()) {
   } else {
    tokensSearching = new String[lengthSearching];
    System.arraycopy(textTokenized, offsetFrom, tokensSearching, 0,
    StringList entryForSearch = new StringList(tokensSearching);
    if (mDictionary.contains(entryForSearch)) {
     nameFound = new Span(offsetFrom, offsetTo + 1, type);
  if (nameFound != null) {
   // skip over the found tokens for the next search
   offsetFrom += nameFound.length() - 1;
 return namesFound.toArray(new Span[namesFound.size()]);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

 * Returns an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans which is
 * the arithmetic mean of the probabilities for each of the outcomes which
 * make up the span.
 * @param spans The spans of the names for which probabilities are desired.
 * @return an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans.
public double[] probs(Span[] spans) {
 double[] sprobs = new double[spans.length];
 double[] probs = bestSequence.getProbs();
 for (int si = 0; si < spans.length; si++) {
  double p = 0;
  for (int oi = spans[si].getStart(); oi < spans[si].getEnd(); oi++) {
   p += probs[oi];
  p /= spans[si].length();
  sprobs[si] = p;
 return sprobs;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

if (span.length() > 0) {
 spans[si] = span;
if (span.length() > 0) {
 spans[spans.length - 1] = span;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

 * Test for {@link Span#length()}.
public void testLength() {
 Assert.assertEquals(11, new Span(10, 21).length());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

 public void testCaseLongerEntry() {
  String[] sentence = {"a", "b", "michael", "jordan"};
  Span[] names = mNameFinder.find(sentence);
  Assert.assertTrue(names.length == 1);
  Assert.assertTrue(names[0].length() == 2);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.stanbol/org.apache.stanbol.commons.opennlp

public int getSize(){
  return chunkSpan.length();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/stanbol

public int getSize(){
  return chunkSpan.length();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

String[] toks = sample.getSentence();
for (Span name : names) {
 String[] nameToks = new String[name.length()];
 System.arraycopy(toks, name.getStart(), nameToks, 0, name.length());

代码示例来源:origin: apache/opennlp

if (name.length() > 1) {
 if (name.getType() == null) {
  outcomes[name.getStart()] = "default" + "-" + BilouCodec.START;

代码示例来源:origin: ai.idylnlp/idylnlp-opennlp-tools-1.8.3

if (i - start > 0) {
  Span span = new Span(start, i).trim(s);
  if (span.length() > 0) {
if (span.length() > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.opennlp/opennlp-tools

if (i - start > 0) {
  Span span = new Span(start, i).trim(s);
  if (span.length() > 0) {
if (span.length() > 0) {

代码示例来源:origin: eus.ixa/ixa-pipe-pos

offsetFrom += multiwordFound.length() - 1;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.opennlp/opennlp-tools

public Span[] find(String[] textTokenized) {
 List<Span> namesFound = new LinkedList<>();
 for (int offsetFrom = 0; offsetFrom < textTokenized.length; offsetFrom++) {
  Span nameFound = null;
  String[] tokensSearching;
  for (int offsetTo = offsetFrom; offsetTo < textTokenized.length; offsetTo++) {
   int lengthSearching = offsetTo - offsetFrom + 1;
   if (lengthSearching > mDictionary.getMaxTokenCount()) {
   } else {
    tokensSearching = new String[lengthSearching];
    System.arraycopy(textTokenized, offsetFrom, tokensSearching, 0,
    StringList entryForSearch = new StringList(tokensSearching);
    if (mDictionary.contains(entryForSearch)) {
     nameFound = new Span(offsetFrom, offsetTo + 1, type);
  if (nameFound != null) {
   // skip over the found tokens for the next search
   offsetFrom += nameFound.length() - 1;
 return namesFound.toArray(new Span[namesFound.size()]);

代码示例来源:origin: ai.idylnlp/idylnlp-opennlp-tools-1.8.3

public Span[] find(String[] textTokenized) {
 List<Span> namesFound = new LinkedList<>();
 for (int offsetFrom = 0; offsetFrom < textTokenized.length; offsetFrom++) {
  Span nameFound = null;
  String[] tokensSearching;
  for (int offsetTo = offsetFrom; offsetTo < textTokenized.length; offsetTo++) {
   int lengthSearching = offsetTo - offsetFrom + 1;
   if (lengthSearching > mDictionary.getMaxTokenCount()) {
   } else {
    tokensSearching = new String[lengthSearching];
    System.arraycopy(textTokenized, offsetFrom, tokensSearching, 0,
    StringList entryForSearch = new StringList(tokensSearching);
    if (mDictionary.contains(entryForSearch)) {
     nameFound = new Span(offsetFrom, offsetTo + 1, type);
  if (nameFound != null) {
   // skip over the found tokens for the next search
   offsetFrom += nameFound.length() - 1;
 return namesFound.toArray(new Span[namesFound.size()]);

代码示例来源:origin: org.cogroo/cogroo-ann

public static List<Token> groupTokens(String text, List<Token> toks,
  List<? extends Span> spans, String additionalContext) {
 for (int i = spans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  Span span = spans.get(i);
  if (span.length() > 0) {
   int s = toks.get(span.getStart()).getStart();
   int e = toks.get(span.getEnd() - 1).getEnd();
   String lexeme = text.substring(s, e).replace(" ", "_");
   List<Token> removeToks = new ArrayList<Token>();
   for (int j = span.getEnd() - 1; j >= span.getStart(); j--) {
   Token t = new TokenImpl(s, e, lexeme);
   // if(additionalContext != null) {
   // t.addContext(analyzer, additionalContext);
   // t.setAdditionalContext(additionalContext);
   // }
   toks.add(span.getStart(), t);
 return toks;

代码示例来源:origin: cogroo/cogroo4

public static List<Token> groupTokens(String text, List<Token> toks,
  List<? extends Span> spans, String additionalContext) {
 for (int i = spans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  Span span = spans.get(i);
  if (span.length() > 0) {
   int s = toks.get(span.getStart()).getStart();
   int e = toks.get(span.getEnd() - 1).getEnd();
   String lexeme = text.substring(s, e).replace(" ", "_");
   List<Token> removeToks = new ArrayList<Token>();
   for (int j = span.getEnd() - 1; j >= span.getStart(); j--) {
   Token t = new TokenImpl(s, e, lexeme);
   // if(additionalContext != null) {
   // t.addContext(analyzer, additionalContext);
   // t.setAdditionalContext(additionalContext);
   // }
   toks.add(span.getStart(), t);
 return toks;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.opennlp/opennlp-tools

 * Returns an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans which is
 * the arithmetic mean of the probabilities for each of the outcomes which
 * make up the span.
 * @param spans The spans of the names for which probabilities are desired.
 * @return an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans.
public double[] probs(Span[] spans) {
 double[] sprobs = new double[spans.length];
 double[] probs = bestSequence.getProbs();
 for (int si = 0; si < spans.length; si++) {
  double p = 0;
  for (int oi = spans[si].getStart(); oi < spans[si].getEnd(); oi++) {
   p += probs[oi];
  p /= spans[si].length();
  sprobs[si] = p;
 return sprobs;

代码示例来源:origin: ai.idylnlp/idylnlp-opennlp-tools-1.8.3

 * Returns an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans which is
 * the arithmetic mean of the probabilities for each of the outcomes which
 * make up the span.
 * @param spans The spans of the names for which probabilities are desired.
 * @return an array of probabilities for each of the specified spans.
public double[] probs(Span[] spans) {
 double[] sprobs = new double[spans.length];
 double[] probs = bestSequence.getProbs();
 for (int si = 0; si < spans.length; si++) {
  double p = 0;
  for (int oi = spans[si].getStart(); oi < spans[si].getEnd(); oi++) {
   p += probs[oi];
  p /= spans[si].length();
  sprobs[si] = p;
 return sprobs;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.opennlp/opennlp-tools

if (name.length() > 1) {
 if (name.getType() == null) {
  outcomes[name.getStart()] = "default" + "-" + BilouCodec.START;
