
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private NodeRecord loadNode( long nodeId )
  if ( nodeRecord == null )
    nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeRecord, RecordLoad.NORMAL );
  return nodeRecord;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public NodeImporter( BatchingNeoStores stores, IdMapper idMapper, Monitor monitor )
  super( stores, monitor );
  this.labelTokenRepository = stores.getLabelRepository();
  this.idMapper = idMapper;
  this.nodeStore = stores.getNodeStore();
  this.nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  this.nodeIds = new BatchingIdGetter( nodeStore );
  this.idPropertyStore = stores.getTemporaryPropertyStore();
  this.idPropertyRecord = idPropertyStore.newRecord();
  nodeRecord.setInUse( true );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public Value getNodePropertyValue( long nodeId, int propertyKeyId )
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  if ( nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeRecord, FORCE ).inUse() )
    SpecificValueVisitor visitor = new SpecificValueVisitor( propertyKeyId );
      if ( visitPropertyRecordChain( nodeRecord.getNextProp(), visitor ) )
        return visitor.foundPropertyValue;
    catch ( CircularPropertyRecordChainException e )
      // If we discover a circular reference and still haven't found the property then we won't find it.
      // There are other places where this circular reference will be logged as an inconsistency,
      // so simply catch this exception here and let this method return NO_VALUE below.
  return Values.NO_VALUE;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  void scanForHighIdOnlyOnceWhenProcessCache()
    NeoStores neoStores = mock( NeoStores.class, Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS );
    NodeStore nodeStore = mock( NodeStore.class );
    NodeRecord nodeRecord = mock( NodeRecord.class );
    StoreProcessor storeProcessor = mock( StoreProcessor.class );

    when( neoStores.getNodeStore() ).thenReturn( nodeStore );
    when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( 10L );
    when( nodeStore.getRecord( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ) ) ).thenReturn( nodeRecord );
    when( nodeStore.newRecord() ).thenReturn( nodeRecord );

    StoreAccess storeAccess = new StoreAccess( neoStores );

    CacheTask.CheckNextRel cacheTask = new CacheTask.CheckNextRel( Stage.SEQUENTIAL_FORWARD, new DefaultCacheAccess( Counts.NONE, 1 ),
        storeAccess, storeProcessor );


    verify( nodeStore, times( 1 ) ).getHighId();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void setUp()
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = getNodeRecord();
  when( labelScanStore.allNodeLabelRanges()).thenReturn( nodeLabelRanges );
  when( neoStores.getCounts() ).thenReturn( countStore );
  when( neoStores.getNodeStore() ).thenReturn( nodeStore );
  when( nodeStore.newRecord() ).thenReturn( nodeRecord );
  doAnswer( invocation ->
    NodeRecord record = invocation.getArgument( 1 );
    record.initialize( true, 1L, false, 1L, 0L );
    record.setId( invocation.getArgument( 0 ) );
    return null;
  } ).when( nodeStore ).getRecordByCursor( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ), any( PageCursor.class ) );
  doAnswer( invocation ->
    NodeRecord record = invocation.getArgument( 0 );
    record.initialize( true, 1L, false, 1L, 0L );
    record.setId( record.getId() + 1 );
    return null;
  } ).when( nodeStore ).nextRecordByCursor( any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ), any( PageCursor.class ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private <RECEIVER extends PropertyReceiver> void nodeLoadProperties( long nodeId, RECEIVER receiver )
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), NORMAL );
  loadProperties( nodeRecord.getNextProp(), receiver );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public Value getNodePropertyValue( long nodeId, int propertyKeyId ) throws EntityNotFoundException
  NodeRecord node = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), FORCE );
  if ( !node.inUse() )
    throw new EntityNotFoundException( EntityType.NODE, nodeId );
  long firstPropertyId = node.getNextProp();
  if ( firstPropertyId == Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue() )
    return Values.NO_VALUE;
  for ( PropertyRecord propertyRecord : propertyStore.getPropertyRecordChain( firstPropertyId ) )
    PropertyBlock propertyBlock = propertyRecord.getPropertyBlock( propertyKeyId );
    if ( propertyBlock != null )
      return propertyBlock.newPropertyValue( propertyStore );
  return Values.NO_VALUE;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

NodeRecord inUseRecord = new NodeRecord( 42 );
inUseRecord.setInUse( true );
when( nodeStore.newRecord() ).thenReturn( emptyRecord );
when( nodeStore.getRecord( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ) ) ).thenReturn( inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord,
    inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord, inUseRecord );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

protected void process( RelationshipGroupRecord[] batch, BatchSender sender )
  for ( RelationshipGroupRecord group : batch )
    if ( !group.inUse() )
    long nodeId = group.getOwningNode();
    if ( cache.getByte( nodeId, 0 ) == 0 )
      cache.setByte( nodeId, 0, (byte) 1 );
      NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
      nodeStore.getRecordByCursor( nodeId, nodeRecord, NORMAL, nodeCursor );
      nodeRecord.setNextRel( group.getId() );
      nodeRecord.setDense( true );
      current[cursor++] = nodeRecord;
      if ( cursor == batchSize )
        sender.send( current );
  control.recycle( batch );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private void assertRelationshipGroupsInOrder( NeoStores neoStores, long nodeId, int... types )
  NodeStore nodeStore = neoStores.getNodeStore();
  NodeRecord node = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), NORMAL );
  assertTrue( "Node should be dense, is " + node, node.isDense() );
  long groupId = node.getNextRel();
  int cursor = 0;
  List<RelationshipGroupRecord> seen = new ArrayList<>();
  while ( groupId != Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue() )
    RecordStore<RelationshipGroupRecord> relationshipGroupStore = neoStores.getRelationshipGroupStore();
    RelationshipGroupRecord group = relationshipGroupStore.getRecord( groupId,
        relationshipGroupStore.newRecord(), NORMAL );
    seen.add( group );
    assertEquals( "Invalid type, seen groups so far " + seen, types[cursor++], group.getType() );
    groupId = group.getNext();
  assertEquals( "Not enough relationship group records found in chain for " + node, types.length, cursor );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

if ( type == EntityType.NODE )
  entity = nodeStore.getRecord( entityId, nodeStore.newRecord(), FORCE );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public EntityUpdates nodeAsUpdates( long nodeId )
  NodeRecord node = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), FORCE );
  if ( !node.inUse() )
    return null;
  long firstPropertyId = node.getNextProp();
  if ( firstPropertyId == Record.NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue() )
    return null; // no properties => no updates (it's not going to be in any index)
  long[] labels = parseLabelsField( node ).get( nodeStore );
  if ( labels.length == 0 )
    return null; // no labels => no updates (it's not going to be in any index)
  EntityUpdates.Builder update = EntityUpdates.forEntity( nodeId ).withTokens( labels );
  for ( PropertyRecord propertyRecord : propertyStore.getPropertyRecordChain( firstPropertyId ) )
    for ( PropertyBlock property : propertyRecord )
      Value value = property.getType().value( property, propertyStore );
      update.added( property.getKeyIndexId(), value );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldCombineProperFiveByteLabelField() throws Exception
  // GIVEN
  // -- a store
  EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction fs = efs.get();
  nodeStore = newNodeStore( fs );
  // -- a record with the msb carrying a negative value
  long nodeId = 0;
  long labels = 0x8000000001L;
  NodeRecord record =
      new NodeRecord( nodeId, false, NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue(), NO_NEXT_PROPERTY.intValue() );
  record.setInUse( true );
  record.setLabelField( labels, Collections.emptyList() );
  nodeStore.updateRecord( record );
  // WHEN
  // -- reading that record back
  NodeRecord readRecord = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), NORMAL );
  // THEN
  // -- the label field must be the same
  assertEquals( labels, readRecord.getLabelField() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldNotCreateSameLabelTwiceOnSameNode()
  // GIVEN
  BatchInserter inserter = globalInserter;
  // WHEN
  long nodeId = inserter.createNode( map( "itemId", 1000L ), label( "Item" ),
      label( "Item" ) );
  // THEN
  NodeStore nodeStore = getFlushedNeoStores( inserter ).getNodeStore();
  NodeRecord node = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), NORMAL );
  NodeLabels labels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField( node );
  long[] labelIds = labels.get( nodeStore );
  assertEquals( 1, labelIds.length );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

protected void process()
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  PropertyRecord propertyRecord = propertyStore.newRecord();
  try ( PageCursor cursor = nodeStore.openPageCursorForReading( 0 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldSortLabelIdsWhenGetOrCreate()
  // GIVEN
  BatchInserter inserter = globalInserter;
  // WHEN
  long nodeId = inserter.createNode( map( "Item", 123456789123L ), label( "AA" ),
      label( "BB" ), label( "CC" ), label( "DD" ) );
  inserter.setNodeLabels( nodeId, label( "CC" ), label( "AA" ),
      label( "DD" ), label( "EE" ), label( "FF" ) );
  // THEN
  NodeStore nodeStore = getFlushedNeoStores( inserter ).getNodeStore();
  NodeRecord node = nodeStore.getRecord( nodeId, nodeStore.newRecord(), RecordLoad.NORMAL );
  NodeLabels labels = NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField( node );
  long[] labelIds = labels.get( nodeStore );
  long[] sortedLabelIds = labelIds.clone();
  Arrays.sort( sortedLabelIds );
  assertArrayEquals( sortedLabelIds, labelIds );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void setup()
  neoStores = new StoreFactory(, Config.defaults(), new DefaultIdGeneratorFactory( storage.fileSystem() ),
      storage.pageCache(), storage.fileSystem(), NullLogProvider.getInstance(), EmptyVersionContextSupplier.EMPTY ).openAllNeoStores( true );
  creator = new PropertyCreator( neoStores.getPropertyStore(), new PropertyTraverser() );
  owner = neoStores.getNodeStore().newRecord();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private Ids createNode( DataImporter.Monitor monitor, NeoStores neoStores, int propertyCount, int labelCount )
  PropertyStore propertyStore = neoStores.getPropertyStore();
  RecordAccess<PropertyRecord,PrimitiveRecord> propertyRecordAccess =
      new DirectRecordAccess<>( propertyStore, new Loaders( neoStores ).propertyLoader() );
  NodeStore nodeStore = neoStores.getNodeStore();
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  nodeRecord.setId( nodeStore.nextId() );
  nodeRecord.setInUse( true );
  NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField( nodeRecord ).put( labelIds( labelCount ), nodeStore, nodeStore.getDynamicLabelStore() );
  long nextProp = new PropertyCreator( propertyStore, new PropertyTraverser() )
      .createPropertyChain( nodeRecord, properties( propertyStore, propertyCount ), propertyRecordAccess );
  nodeRecord.setNextProp( nextProp );
  nodeStore.updateRecord( nodeRecord );
  PropertyRecord[] propertyRecords = extractPropertyRecords( propertyRecordAccess, nextProp );
  monitor.nodesImported( 1 );
  monitor.propertiesImported( propertyCount );
  return new Ids( nodeRecord, propertyRecords );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

NodeRecord record = stores.getNodeStore().newRecord();
record = stores.getNodeStore().getRecord( nodeId, record, RecordLoad.NORMAL );
long propId = record.getNextProp();

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

public NodeImporter( BatchingNeoStores stores, IdMapper idMapper, Monitor monitor )
  super( stores, monitor );
  this.labelTokenRepository = stores.getLabelRepository();
  this.idMapper = idMapper;
  this.nodeStore = stores.getNodeStore();
  this.nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  this.nodeIds = new BatchingIdGetter( nodeStore );
  this.idPropertyStore = stores.getTemporaryPropertyStore();
  this.idPropertyRecord = idPropertyStore.newRecord();
  nodeRecord.setInUse( true );
