
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public long createNode( Map<String, Object> properties, Label... labels )
  return internalCreateNode( nodeStore.nextId(), properties, labels );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private long nextId( Class<?> clazz )
  NeoStores neoStores = ds.getDependencyResolver()
      .resolveDependency( RecordStorageEngine.class ).testAccessNeoStores();
  if ( clazz.equals( PropertyKeyTokenRecord.class ) )
    return neoStores.getPropertyKeyTokenStore().nextId();
  if ( clazz.equals( RelationshipType.class ) )
    return neoStores.getRelationshipTypeTokenStore().nextId();
  if ( clazz.equals( Node.class ) )
    return neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  if ( clazz.equals( Relationship.class ) )
    return neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId();
  throw new IllegalArgumentException( clazz.getName() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

NodeStore nodeStore = neoStores.getNodeStore();
long[] nodes = { // allocate ids
    nodeStore.nextId(), nodeStore.nextId(), nodeStore.nextId(), nodeStore.nextId(), nodeStore.nextId(),
    nodeStore.nextId(), nodeStore.nextId(),};

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

for ( int i = 0; i < highestId; i++ )
  assertThat( store.nextId(), is( (long) i ) );
  record.setId( i );
  store.updateRecord( record );
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // 2
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // 3
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // 5
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // 7
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // 51
assertThat( nextIds, contains( 2L, 3L, 5L, 7L, 50L ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private long[] createRelationships( NeoStores neoStores, TransactionRecordState tx, long nodeId, int type,
    Direction direction, int count )
  long[] result = new long[count];
  for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
    long otherNodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
    tx.nodeCreate( otherNodeId );
    long first = direction == OUTGOING ? nodeId : otherNodeId;
    long other = direction == INCOMING ? nodeId : otherNodeId;
    long relId = neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId();
    result[i] = relId;
    tx.relCreate( relId, type, first, other );
  return result;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private TransactionToApply createNodeAndProperty( int progress ) throws Exception
  TransactionState txState = new TxState();
  long nodeId = nodeIds.nextId();
  txState.nodeDoCreate( nodeId );
  txState.nodeDoAddLabel( descriptor.getLabelId(), nodeId );
  txState.nodeDoAddProperty( nodeId, descriptor.getPropertyId(), propertyValue( id, progress ) );
  Collection<StorageCommand> commands = new ArrayList<>();
  try ( StorageReader statement = storageEngine.newReader() )
    storageEngine.createCommands( commands, txState, statement, null, 0, NO_DECORATION );
  return tx( commands );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private TransactionRecordState nodeWithDynamicLabelRecord( NeoStores store, AtomicLong nodeId,
    AtomicLong dynamicLabelRecordId )
  TransactionRecordState recordState = newTransactionRecordState( store );
  nodeId.set( store.getNodeStore().nextId() );
  int[] labelIds = new int[20];
  for ( int i = 0; i < labelIds.length; i++ )
    int labelId = (int) store.getLabelTokenStore().nextId();
    recordState.createLabelToken( "Label" + i, labelId );
    labelIds[i] = labelId;
  recordState.nodeCreate( nodeId.get() );
  for ( int labelId : labelIds )
    recordState.addLabelToNode( labelId, nodeId.get() );
  // Extract the dynamic label record id (which is also a verification that we allocated one)
  NodeRecord node = Iterables.single( recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().changes() ).forReadingData();
  dynamicLabelRecordId.set( Iterables.single( node.getDynamicLabelRecords() ).getId() );
  return recordState;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

for ( int i = 0; i < highestId; i++ )
  assertThat( store.nextId(), is( (long) i ) );
  record.setId( i );
  store.updateRecord( record );
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // recordsPerPage - 2
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // recordsPerPage - 1
nextIds.add( store.nextId() ); // recordsPerPage * 3 (we didn't use this id in the create-look above)
assertThat( nextIds, contains( recordsPerPage - 2L, recordsPerPage - 1L, recordsPerPage * 3L ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldTellNodeInUse() throws Exception
  // Given
  EphemeralFileSystemAbstraction fs = efs.get();
  NodeStore store = newNodeStore( fs );
  long exists = store.nextId();
  store.updateRecord( new NodeRecord( exists, false, 10, 20, true ) );
  long deleted = store.nextId();
  store.updateRecord( new NodeRecord( deleted, false, 10, 20, true ) );
  store.updateRecord( new NodeRecord( deleted, false, 10, 20, false ) );
  // When & then
  assertTrue( store.isInUse( exists ) );
  assertFalse( store.isInUse( deleted ) );
  assertFalse( store.isInUse( nodeStore.recordFormat.getMaxId() ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldMaintainCorrectDataWhenDeletingFromDenseNodeWithOneType() throws Exception
  // GIVEN a node with a total of denseNodeThreshold-1 relationships
  NeoStores neoStores = neoStoresRule.builder()
      .with(, "13" ).build();
  TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
  int nodeId = (int) neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  int typeA = 0;
  tx.nodeCreate( nodeId );
  tx.createRelationshipTypeToken( "A", typeA );
  long[] relationshipsCreated = createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, INCOMING, 15 );
  tx.relDelete( relationshipsCreated[0] );
  // THEN the node should have been converted into a dense node
  assertDenseRelationshipCounts( recordChangeSet, nodeId, typeA, 0, 14 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  long otherNode1Id = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  long otherNode2Id = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  TransactionRecordState recordState = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
  recordState.nodeCreate( nodeId );
  long otherNodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  recordState.nodeCreate( otherNodeId );
  recordState.relCreate( neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId(), type5, nodeId, otherNodeId );
  long otherNodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  recordState.nodeCreate( otherNodeId );
  recordState.relCreate( neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId(), type15, nodeId, otherNodeId );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

long startingId = nodeStore.nextId();
long nodeId = startingId;
for ( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
  record.setInUse( true );
  nodeStore.updateRecord( record );
  nodeId = nodeStore.nextId();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

.with(, "10" ).build();
TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldConvertToDenseNodeRepresentationWhenHittingThresholdWithTheSameTypeSameDirection()
    throws Exception
  // GIVEN a node with a total of denseNodeThreshold-1 relationships
  NeoStores neoStores = neoStoresRule.builder()
      .with(, "8" ).build();
  TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
  long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  int typeA = 0;
  tx.nodeCreate( nodeId );
  tx.createRelationshipTypeToken( "A", typeA );
  createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, OUTGOING, 8 );
  // here we're at the edge
  assertFalse( recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( nodeId, null ).forReadingData().isDense() );
  // WHEN creating the relationship that pushes us over the threshold
  createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, OUTGOING, 1 );
  // THEN the node should have been converted into a dense node
  assertTrue( recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( nodeId, null ).forReadingData().isDense() );
  assertDenseRelationshipCounts( recordChangeSet, nodeId, typeA, 9, 0 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldConvertToDenseNodeRepresentationWhenHittingThresholdWithTheSameTypeDifferentDirection()
    throws Exception
  // GIVEN a node with a total of denseNodeThreshold-1 relationships
  NeoStores neoStores = neoStoresRule.builder()
      .with(, "49" ).build();
  TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
  long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  int typeA = 0;
  tx.nodeCreate( nodeId );
  tx.createRelationshipTypeToken( "A", typeA );
  createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, OUTGOING, 24 );
  createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, INCOMING, 25 );
  // here we're at the edge
  assertFalse( recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( nodeId, null ).forReadingData().isDense() );
  // WHEN creating the relationship that pushes us over the threshold
  createRelationships( neoStores, tx, nodeId, typeA, INCOMING, 1 );
  // THEN the node should have been converted into a dense node
  assertTrue( recordChangeSet.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( nodeId, null ).forReadingData().isDense() );
  assertDenseRelationshipCounts( recordChangeSet, nodeId, typeA, 24, 26 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private Ids createNode( DataImporter.Monitor monitor, NeoStores neoStores, int propertyCount, int labelCount )
  PropertyStore propertyStore = neoStores.getPropertyStore();
  RecordAccess<PropertyRecord,PrimitiveRecord> propertyRecordAccess =
      new DirectRecordAccess<>( propertyStore, new Loaders( neoStores ).propertyLoader() );
  NodeStore nodeStore = neoStores.getNodeStore();
  NodeRecord nodeRecord = nodeStore.newRecord();
  nodeRecord.setId( nodeStore.nextId() );
  nodeRecord.setInUse( true );
  NodeLabelsField.parseLabelsField( nodeRecord ).put( labelIds( labelCount ), nodeStore, nodeStore.getDynamicLabelStore() );
  long nextProp = new PropertyCreator( propertyStore, new PropertyTraverser() )
      .createPropertyChain( nodeRecord, properties( propertyStore, propertyCount ), propertyRecordAccess );
  nodeRecord.setNextProp( nextProp );
  nodeStore.updateRecord( nodeRecord );
  PropertyRecord[] propertyRecords = extractPropertyRecords( propertyRecordAccess, nextProp );
  monitor.nodesImported( 1 );
  monitor.propertiesImported( propertyCount );
  return new Ids( nodeRecord, propertyRecords );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldSetCorrectHighIdWhenApplyingExternalTransactions() throws Exception
  // WHEN recovering a transaction that creates some data
  long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  long relationshipId = neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId();
  int type = 1;
  applyExternalTransaction( 1,
      new NodeCommand( new NodeRecord( nodeId ), inUse( created( new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ) ) ),
      new RelationshipCommand( null,
          inUse( created( with( new RelationshipRecord( relationshipId ), nodeId, nodeId, type ) ) ) ) );
  // and when, later on, recovering a transaction deleting some of those
  applyExternalTransaction( 2,
      new NodeCommand( inUse( created( new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ) ), new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ),
      new RelationshipCommand( null, new RelationshipRecord( relationshipId ) ) );
  // THEN that should be possible and the high ids should be correct, i.e. highest applied + 1
  assertEquals( nodeId + 1, neoStores.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
  assertEquals( relationshipId + 1, neoStores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

.with(, "50" ).build();
TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
int typeA = 0;
int typeB = 1;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

.with(, "1" ).build();
TransactionRecordState tx = newTransactionRecordState( neoStores );
long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
int typeA = 0;
int typeB = 12;

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

public long createNode( Map<String, Object> properties, Label... labels )
  return internalCreateNode( nodeStore.nextId(), properties, labels );
