
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private RecordProxy<NodeRecord,Void> getNodeRecord( long id )
  if ( id < 0 || id >= nodeStore.getHighId() )
    throw new NotFoundException( "id=" + id );
  return recordAccess.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( id, null );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void createNode( long id, Map<String, Object> properties, Label... labels )
  IdValidator.assertValidId( IdType.NODE, id, maxNodeId );
  if ( nodeStore.isInUse( id ) )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id=" + id + " already in use" );
  long highId = nodeStore.getHighId();
  if ( highId <= id )
    nodeStore.setHighestPossibleIdInUse( id );
  internalCreateNode( id, properties, labels );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private static ExecutionMonitor migrationBatchImporterMonitor( NeoStores legacyStore, final ProgressReporter progressReporter, Configuration config )
  return new BatchImporterProgressMonitor(
      legacyStore.getNodeStore().getHighId(), legacyStore.getRelationshipStore().getHighId(),
      config, progressReporter );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

 * Optimizes the relationship groups store by physically locating groups for each node together.
public void defragmentRelationshipGroups()
  // Defragment relationships groups for better performance
  new RelationshipGroupDefragmenter( config, executionMonitor, RelationshipGroupDefragmenter.Monitor.EMPTY, numberArrayFactory )
      .run( max( maxMemory, peakMemoryUsage ), neoStore, neoStore.getNodeStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

  void scanForHighIdOnlyOnceWhenProcessCache()
    NeoStores neoStores = mock( NeoStores.class, Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS );
    NodeStore nodeStore = mock( NodeStore.class );
    NodeRecord nodeRecord = mock( NodeRecord.class );
    StoreProcessor storeProcessor = mock( StoreProcessor.class );

    when( neoStores.getNodeStore() ).thenReturn( nodeStore );
    when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( 10L );
    when( nodeStore.getRecord( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ) ) ).thenReturn( nodeRecord );
    when( nodeStore.newRecord() ).thenReturn( nodeRecord );

    StoreAccess storeAccess = new StoreAccess( neoStores );

    CacheTask.CheckNextRel cacheTask = new CacheTask.CheckNextRel( Stage.SEQUENTIAL_FORWARD, new DefaultCacheAccess( Counts.NONE, 1 ),
        storeAccess, storeProcessor );


    verify( nodeStore, times( 1 ) ).getHighId();

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldBeAbleToForceStoreScan() throws Exception
  when( labelScanStore.newReader() ).thenThrow( new RuntimeException( "Should not be used" ) );
  when( nodeStore.getHighestPossibleIdInUse() ).thenReturn( 200L );
  when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( 20L );
  when( nodeStore.openPageCursorForReading( anyLong() ) ).thenReturn( mock( PageCursor.class ) );
  mockLabelNodeCount( countStore, 2 );
  mockLabelNodeCount( countStore, 6 );
  DynamicIndexStoreView storeView = dynamicIndexStoreView();
  StoreScan<Exception> storeScan = storeView
      .visitNodes( new int[]{2, 6}, propertyKeyIdFilter, propertyUpdateVisitor, labelUpdateVisitor, true );;
  Mockito.verify( nodeStore, times( 1 ) )
      .getRecordByCursor( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ), any( PageCursor.class ) );
  Mockito.verify( nodeStore, times( 200 ) )
      .nextRecordByCursor( any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ), any( PageCursor.class ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void visitOnlyLabeledNodes() throws Exception
  LabelScanReader labelScanReader = mock( LabelScanReader.class );
  when( labelScanStore.newReader() ).thenReturn( labelScanReader );
  when( nodeLabelRanges.maxCount() ).thenReturn( 1L );
  PrimitiveLongResourceIterator labeledNodesIterator = PrimitiveLongResourceCollections.iterator( null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 );
  when( nodeStore.getHighestPossibleIdInUse() ).thenReturn( 200L );
  when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( 20L );
  when( labelScanReader.nodesWithAnyOfLabels( new int[] {2, 6} ) ).thenReturn( labeledNodesIterator );
  when( nodeStore.openPageCursorForReading( anyLong() ) ).thenReturn( mock( PageCursor.class ) );
  mockLabelNodeCount( countStore, 2 );
  mockLabelNodeCount( countStore, 6 );
  DynamicIndexStoreView storeView = dynamicIndexStoreView();
  StoreScan<Exception> storeScan = storeView
      .visitNodes( new int[]{2, 6}, propertyKeyIdFilter, propertyUpdateVisitor, labelUpdateVisitor, false );;
  Mockito.verify( nodeStore, times( 8 ) )
      .getRecordByCursor( anyLong(), any( NodeRecord.class ), any( RecordLoad.class ), any( PageCursor.class ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void iterateOverLabeledNodeIds()
  PrimitiveLongResourceIterator labeledNodes = PrimitiveLongResourceCollections.iterator( null, 1, 2, 4, 8 );
  when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( 15L );
  int[] labelIds = new int[]{1, 2};
  when( labelScanReader.nodesWithAnyOfLabels( labelIds ) ).thenReturn( labeledNodes );
  LabelScanViewNodeStoreScan<Exception> storeScan = getLabelScanViewStoreScan( labelIds );
  PrimitiveLongResourceIterator idIterator = storeScan.getEntityIdIterator();
  List<Long> visitedNodeIds = PrimitiveLongCollections.asList( idIterator );
  assertThat(visitedNodeIds, Matchers.hasSize( 4 ));
  assertThat( visitedNodeIds, Matchers.hasItems( 1L, 2L, 4L, 8L ) );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

private boolean databaseExistsAndContainsData()
  File metaDataFile = databaseLayout.metadataStore();
  try ( PagedFile pagedFile = metaDataFile, pageCache.pageSize(), StandardOpenOption.READ ) )
    // OK so the db probably exists
  catch ( IOException e )
    // It's OK
    return false;
  try ( NeoStores stores = newStoreFactory( databaseLayout ).openNeoStores( StoreType.NODE, StoreType.RELATIONSHIP ) )
    return stores.getNodeStore().getHighId() > 0 || stores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() > 0;

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

 * Populates {@link NodeRelationshipCache} with node degrees, which is required to know how to physically layout each
 * relationship chain. This is required before running {@link #linkRelationships(int)}.
public void calculateNodeDegrees()
  Configuration relationshipConfig =
      configWithRecordsPerPageBasedBatchSize( config, neoStore.getRelationshipStore() );
  nodeRelationshipCache.setNodeCount( neoStore.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
  MemoryUsageStatsProvider memoryUsageStats = new MemoryUsageStatsProvider( neoStore, nodeRelationshipCache );
  NodeDegreeCountStage nodeDegreeStage = new NodeDegreeCountStage( relationshipConfig,
      neoStore.getRelationshipStore(), nodeRelationshipCache, memoryUsageStats );
  executeStage( nodeDegreeStage );
  availableMemoryForLinking = maxMemory - totalMemoryUsageOf( nodeRelationshipCache, neoStore );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

when( nodeStore.getHighId() ).thenReturn( total );
NodeRecord emptyRecord = new NodeRecord( 0 );
NodeRecord inUseRecord = new NodeRecord( 42 );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

public void shouldSetCorrectHighIdWhenApplyingExternalTransactions() throws Exception
  // WHEN recovering a transaction that creates some data
  long nodeId = neoStores.getNodeStore().nextId();
  long relationshipId = neoStores.getRelationshipStore().nextId();
  int type = 1;
  applyExternalTransaction( 1,
      new NodeCommand( new NodeRecord( nodeId ), inUse( created( new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ) ) ),
      new RelationshipCommand( null,
          inUse( created( with( new RelationshipRecord( relationshipId ), nodeId, nodeId, type ) ) ) ) );
  // and when, later on, recovering a transaction deleting some of those
  applyExternalTransaction( 2,
      new NodeCommand( inUse( created( new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ) ), new NodeRecord( nodeId ) ),
      new RelationshipCommand( null, new RelationshipRecord( relationshipId ) ) );
  // THEN that should be possible and the high ids should be correct, i.e. highest applied + 1
  assertEquals( nodeId + 1, neoStores.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
  assertEquals( relationshipId + 1, neoStores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertEquals( node.getSecondaryUnitId() + 1, neoStores.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
assertEquals( relationship.getSecondaryUnitId() + 1, neoStores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() );
assertEquals( relationshipGroup.getSecondaryUnitId() + 1, neoStores.getRelationshipGroupStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j

assertEquals( "NodeStore", 20 + 1, neoStores.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
assertEquals( "DynamicNodeLabelStore", 5 + 1, neoStores.getNodeStore().getDynamicLabelStore().getHighId() );
assertEquals( "RelationshipStore", 45 + 1, neoStores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

private RecordProxy<NodeRecord,Void> getNodeRecord( long id )
  if ( id < 0 || id >= nodeStore.getHighId() )
    throw new NotFoundException( "id=" + id );
  return recordAccess.getNodeRecords().getOrLoad( id, null );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

public void createNode( long id, Map<String, Object> properties, Label... labels )
  IdValidator.assertValidId( IdType.NODE, id, maxNodeId );
  if ( nodeStore.isInUse( id ) )
    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "id=" + id + " already in use" );
  long highId = nodeStore.getHighId();
  if ( highId <= id )
    nodeStore.setHighestPossibleIdInUse( id );
  internalCreateNode( id, properties, labels );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

private static ExecutionMonitor migrationBatchImporterMonitor( NeoStores legacyStore, final ProgressReporter progressReporter, Configuration config )
  return new BatchImporterProgressMonitor(
      legacyStore.getNodeStore().getHighId(), legacyStore.getRelationshipStore().getHighId(),
      config, progressReporter );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

 * Optimizes the relationship groups store by physically locating groups for each node together.
public void defragmentRelationshipGroups()
  // Defragment relationships groups for better performance
  new RelationshipGroupDefragmenter( config, executionMonitor, RelationshipGroupDefragmenter.Monitor.EMPTY, numberArrayFactory )
      .run( max( maxMemory, peakMemoryUsage ), neoStore, neoStore.getNodeStore().getHighId() );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

private boolean databaseExistsAndContainsData()
  File metaDataFile = databaseLayout.metadataStore();
  try ( PagedFile pagedFile = metaDataFile, pageCache.pageSize(), StandardOpenOption.READ ) )
    // OK so the db probably exists
  catch ( IOException e )
    // It's OK
    return false;
  try ( NeoStores stores = newStoreFactory( databaseLayout ).openNeoStores( StoreType.NODE, StoreType.RELATIONSHIP ) )
    return stores.getNodeStore().getHighId() > 0 || stores.getRelationshipStore().getHighId() > 0;

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-kernel

 * Populates {@link NodeRelationshipCache} with node degrees, which is required to know how to physically layout each
 * relationship chain. This is required before running {@link #linkRelationships(int)}.
public void calculateNodeDegrees()
  Configuration relationshipConfig =
      configWithRecordsPerPageBasedBatchSize( config, neoStore.getRelationshipStore() );
  nodeRelationshipCache.setNodeCount( neoStore.getNodeStore().getHighId() );
  MemoryUsageStatsProvider memoryUsageStats = new MemoryUsageStatsProvider( neoStore, nodeRelationshipCache );
  NodeDegreeCountStage nodeDegreeStage = new NodeDegreeCountStage( relationshipConfig,
      neoStore.getRelationshipStore(), nodeRelationshipCache, memoryUsageStats );
  executeStage( nodeDegreeStage );
  availableMemoryForLinking = maxMemory - totalMemoryUsageOf( nodeRelationshipCache, neoStore );
