
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.

This is a low level API and when using the regular Wallet class you don't have to call this yourself. When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.


代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction
 * is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.</p>
 * <p>This is a low level API and when using the regular {@link Wallet} class you don't have to call this yourself.
 * When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output
 * the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the
 * scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.</p>
 * @param inputIndex input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
 * @param redeemScript the bytes that should be in the given input during signing.
 * @param type Should be SigHash.ALL
 * @param anyoneCanPay should be false.
public Sha256Hash hashForSignature(int inputIndex, byte[] redeemScript,
                        SigHash type, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  byte sigHashType = (byte) TransactionSignature.calcSigHashValue(type, anyoneCanPay);
  return hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, sigHashType);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * <p>Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction
 * is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.</p>
 * <p>This is a low level API and when using the regular {@link Wallet} class you don't have to call this yourself.
 * When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output
 * the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the
 * scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.</p>
 * @param inputIndex input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
 * @param redeemScript the bytes that should be in the given input during signing.
 * @param type Should be SigHash.ALL
 * @param anyoneCanPay should be false.
public Sha256Hash hashForSignature(int inputIndex, byte[] redeemScript,
                        SigHash type, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  byte sigHashType = (byte) TransactionSignature.calcSigHashValue(type, anyoneCanPay);
  return hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, sigHashType);

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * <p>Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction
 * is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.</p>
 * <p>This is a low level API and when using the regular {@link Wallet} class you don't have to call this yourself.
 * When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output
 * the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the
 * scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.</p>
 * @param inputIndex input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
 * @param redeemScript the bytes that should be in the given input during signing.
 * @param type Should be SigHash.ALL
 * @param anyoneCanPay should be false.
public Sha256Hash hashForSignature(int inputIndex, byte[] redeemScript,
                        SigHash type, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  byte sigHashType = (byte) TransactionSignature.calcSigHashValue(type, anyoneCanPay);
  return hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, sigHashType);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * <p>Calculates a signature hash, that is, a hash of a simplified form of the transaction. How exactly the transaction
 * is simplified is specified by the type and anyoneCanPay parameters.</p>
 * <p>This is a low level API and when using the regular {@link Wallet} class you don't have to call this yourself.
 * When working with more complex transaction types and contracts, it can be necessary. When signing a P2SH output
 * the redeemScript should be the script encoded into the scriptSig field, for normal transactions, it's the
 * scriptPubKey of the output you're signing for.</p>
 * @param inputIndex input the signature is being calculated for. Tx signatures are always relative to an input.
 * @param redeemScript the bytes that should be in the given input during signing.
 * @param type Should be SigHash.ALL
 * @param anyoneCanPay should be false.
public Sha256Hash hashForSignature(
    int inputIndex,
    byte[] redeemScript,
    SigHash type,
    boolean anyoneCanPay)
  byte sigHashType = (byte) TransactionSignature.calcSigHashValue(type, anyoneCanPay);
  return hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, sigHashType);

代码示例来源:origin: matsjj/thundernetwork

 * Check signature.
 * @param transaction   the transaction
 * @param index         the index
 * @param outputToSpend the output to spend
 * @param key           the key
 * @param signature     the signature
 * @return true, if successful
public static boolean checkSignature (Transaction transaction, int index, TransactionOutput outputToSpend, ECKey key, byte[] signature) {
  Sha256Hash hash = transaction.hashForSignature(index, outputToSpend.getScriptBytes(), SigHash.ALL, false);
  return key.verify(hash, ECDSASignature.decodeFromDER(signature));

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}. The key
 * must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param aesKey The AES key to use for decryption of the private key. If null then no decryption is required.
 * @param redeemScript Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                        @Nullable KeyParameter aesKey,
                        byte[] redeemScript,
                        SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash, aesKey), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}. The key
 * must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                              byte[] redeemScript,
                              SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}. The key
 * must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                              byte[] redeemScript,
                              SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
public TransactionSignature calculateWitnessSignature(

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}. The key
 * must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                              byte[] redeemScript,
                              SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}. The key
 * must be usable for signing as-is: if the key is encrypted it must be decrypted first external to this method.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript Byte-exact contents of the scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(
    int inputIndex,
    ECKey key,
    byte[] redeemScript,
    SigHash hashType,
    boolean anyoneCanPay)
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript, hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param aesKey The AES key to use for decryption of the private key. If null then no decryption is required.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                        @Nullable KeyParameter aesKey,
                        Script redeemScript,
                        SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash, aesKey), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param aesKey The AES key to use for decryption of the private key. If null then no decryption is required.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(
    int inputIndex,
    ECKey key,
    @Nullable KeyParameter aesKey,
    Script redeemScript,
    SigHash hashType,
    boolean anyoneCanPay)
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash, aesKey), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: blockchain/thunder

public void checkSignatures
    (ECKey keyServer, ECKey keyClient, ChannelSignatures channelSignatures, Transaction channelTransaction, ChannelStatus status) {
  Sha256Hash hash1 = channelTransaction.hashForSignature(0, ScriptTools.getAnchorOutputScript(keyClient, keyServer), Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
  //We only have one anchor for now..
  if (!keyClient.verify(hash1, channelSignatures.channelSignatures.get(0))) {
    throw new LNPaymentException("Anchor signature is not correct..");
  List<PaymentData> allPayments = new ArrayList<>(status.paymentList);
  List<Transaction> paymentTransactions = getPaymentTransactions(channelTransaction.getHash(), status, keyServer, keyClient);
  if (allPayments.size() != channelSignatures.paymentSignatures.size()) {
    throw new LNPaymentException("Size of payment signature list is incorrect");
  for (int i = 0; i < allPayments.size(); ++i) {
    Transaction transaction = paymentTransactions.get(i);
    TransactionSignature signature = channelSignatures.paymentSignatures.get(i);
    Script scriptPubKey = channelTransaction.getOutput(i + 2).getScriptPubKey();
    Sha256Hash hash = transaction.hashForSignature(0, scriptPubKey, Transaction.SigHash.ALL, false);
    if (!keyClient.verify(hash, signature)) {
      throw new LNPaymentException("Payment Signature " + i + "  is not correct..");

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                               Script redeemScript,
                               SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
public TransactionSignature calculateWitnessSignature(

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                               Script redeemScript,
                               SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(int inputIndex, ECKey key,
                               Script redeemScript,
                               SigHash hashType, boolean anyoneCanPay) {
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Calculates a signature that is valid for being inserted into the input at the given position. This is simply
 * a wrapper around calling {@link Transaction#hashForSignature(int, byte[], org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction.SigHash, boolean)}
 * followed by {@link ECKey#sign(Sha256Hash)} and then returning a new {@link TransactionSignature}.
 * @param inputIndex Which input to calculate the signature for, as an index.
 * @param key The private key used to calculate the signature.
 * @param redeemScript The scriptPubKey that is being satisified, or the P2SH redeem script.
 * @param hashType Signing mode, see the enum for documentation.
 * @param anyoneCanPay Signing mode, see the SigHash enum for documentation.
 * @return A newly calculated signature object that wraps the r, s and sighash components.
public TransactionSignature calculateSignature(
    int inputIndex,
    ECKey key,
    Script redeemScript,
    SigHash hashType,
    boolean anyoneCanPay)
  Sha256Hash hash = hashForSignature(inputIndex, redeemScript.getProgram(), hashType, anyoneCanPay);
  return new TransactionSignature(key.sign(hash), hashType, anyoneCanPay);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void run() {
    assertEquals(txNormalizedHash, tx.hashForSignature(0, new byte[0], Transaction.SigHash.ALL.byteValue()).toString());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

private void addOnlyInputToTransaction(Transaction t, TransactionOutPointWithValue prevOut, long sequence) throws ScriptException {
  TransactionInput input = new TransactionInput(params, t, new byte[]{}, prevOut.outpoint);
  if (prevOut.scriptPubKey.getChunks().get(0).equalsOpCode(OP_TRUE)) {
    input.setScriptSig(new ScriptBuilder().op(OP_1).build());
  } else {
    // Sign input
    Sha256Hash hash = t.hashForSignature(0, prevOut.scriptPubKey, SigHash.ALL, false);
            new TransactionSignature(coinbaseOutKey.sign(hash), SigHash.ALL, false))

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Ensure that hashForSignature() doesn't modify a transaction's data, which could wreak multithreading havoc.
public void testHashForSignatureThreadSafety() {
  Block genesis = UnitTestParams.get().getGenesisBlock();
  Block block1 = genesis.createNextBlock(new ECKey().toAddress(UnitTestParams.get()),
  final Transaction tx = block1.getTransactions().get(1);
  final String txHash = tx.getHashAsString();
  final String txNormalizedHash = tx.hashForSignature(0, new byte[0], Transaction.SigHash.ALL.byteValue()).toString();
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    // ensure the transaction object itself was not modified; if it was, the hash will change
    assertEquals(txHash, tx.getHashAsString());
    new Thread(){
      public void run() {
        assertEquals(txNormalizedHash, tx.hashForSignature(0, new byte[0], Transaction.SigHash.ALL.byteValue()).toString());




