
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns a map of block [hashes] which contain the transaction mapped to relativity counters, or null if this transaction doesn't have that data because it's not stored in the wallet or because it has never appeared in a block.


代码示例来源:origin: ICOnator/ICOnator-backend

public Date getBlockTime() throws MissingTransactionInformationException {
  if (this.blockTime == null) {
    try {
      this.blockTime = bitcoinjTxOutput.getParentTransaction()
          .map((blockHash) -> {
            try {
              return bitcoinjBlockStore.get(blockHash);
            } catch (BlockStoreException e) {
              // This can happen if the transaction was seen in a side-chain
              return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new MissingTransactionInformationException("Couldn't fetch block time.", e);
  return this.blockTime;

代码示例来源:origin: ICOnator/ICOnator-backend

public Long getBlockHeight() throws MissingTransactionInformationException {
  if (this.blockHeight == null) {
    try {
      this.blockHeight = bitcoinjTxOutput.getParentTransaction()
          .map((blockHash) -> {
            try {
              return bitcoinjBlockStore.get(blockHash);
            } catch (BlockStoreException e) {
              // This can happen if the transaction was seen in a side-chain
              return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new MissingTransactionInformationException("Couldn't fetch block height.", e);
  return this.blockHeight;

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

  public void onConfidenceChanged(TransactionConfidence conf, ChangeReason reason) {
    // The number of peers that announced this tx has gone up.
    int numSeenPeers = conf.numBroadcastPeers() + rejects.size();
    boolean mined = tx.getAppearsInHashes() != null;"broadcastTransaction: {}:  TX {} seen by {} peers{}", reason, tx.getHashAsString(),
        numSeenPeers, mined ? " and mined" : "");
    // Progress callback on the requested thread.
    invokeAndRecord(numSeenPeers, mined);
    if (numSeenPeers >= numWaitingFor || mined) {
      // We've seen the min required number of peers announce the transaction, or it was included
      // in a block. Normally we'd expect to see it fully propagate before it gets mined, but
      // it can be that a block is solved very soon after broadcast, and it's also possible that
      // due to version skew and changes in the relay rules our transaction is not going to
      // fully propagate yet can get mined anyway.
      // Note that we can't wait for the current number of connected peers right now because we
      // could have added more peers after the broadcast took place, which means they won't
      // have seen the transaction. In future when peers sync up their memory pools after they
      // connect we could come back and change this.
      // We're done! It's important that the PeerGroup lock is not held (by this thread) at this
      // point to avoid triggering inversions when the Future completes."broadcastTransaction: {} complete", tx.getHash());
      future.set(tx);  // RE-ENTRANCY POINT

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

  public void onConfidenceChanged(TransactionConfidence conf, ChangeReason reason) {
    // The number of peers that announced this tx has gone up.
    int numSeenPeers = conf.numBroadcastPeers() + rejects.size();
    boolean mined = tx.getAppearsInHashes() != null;"broadcastTransaction: {}:  TX {} seen by {} peers{}", reason, tx.getHashAsString(),
        numSeenPeers, mined ? " and mined" : "");
    // Progress callback on the requested thread.
    invokeAndRecord(numSeenPeers, mined);
    if (numSeenPeers >= numWaitingFor || mined) {
      // We've seen the min required number of peers announce the transaction, or it was included
      // in a block. Normally we'd expect to see it fully propagate before it gets mined, but
      // it can be that a block is solved very soon after broadcast, and it's also possible that
      // due to version skew and changes in the relay rules our transaction is not going to
      // fully propagate yet can get mined anyway.
      // Note that we can't wait for the current number of connected peers right now because we
      // could have added more peers after the broadcast took place, which means they won't
      // have seen the transaction. In future when peers sync up their memory pools after they
      // connect we could come back and change this.
      // We're done! It's important that the PeerGroup lock is not held (by this thread) at this
      // point to avoid triggering inversions when the Future completes."broadcastTransaction: {} complete", tx.getHash());
      future.set(tx);  // RE-ENTRANCY POINT

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

  public void onConfidenceChanged(TransactionConfidence conf, ChangeReason reason) {
    // The number of peers that announced this tx has gone up.
    int numSeenPeers = conf.numBroadcastPeers() + rejects.size();
    boolean mined = tx.getAppearsInHashes() != null;"broadcastTransaction: {}:  TX {} seen by {} peers{}", reason, tx.getHashAsString(),
        numSeenPeers, mined ? " and mined" : "");
    // Progress callback on the requested thread.
    invokeAndRecord(numSeenPeers, mined);
    if (numSeenPeers >= numWaitingFor || mined) {
      // We've seen the min required number of peers announce the transaction, or it was included
      // in a block. Normally we'd expect to see it fully propagate before it gets mined, but
      // it can be that a block is solved very soon after broadcast, and it's also possible that
      // due to version skew and changes in the relay rules our transaction is not going to
      // fully propagate yet can get mined anyway.
      // Note that we can't wait for the current number of connected peers right now because we
      // could have added more peers after the broadcast took place, which means they won't
      // have seen the transaction. In future when peers sync up their memory pools after they
      // connect we could come back and change this.
      // We're done! It's important that the PeerGroup lock is not held (by this thread) at this
      // point to avoid triggering inversions when the Future completes."broadcastTransaction: {} complete", tx.getHash());
      future.set(tx);  // RE-ENTRANCY POINT

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

  public void onConfidenceChanged(TransactionConfidence conf, ChangeReason reason) {
    // The number of peers that announced this tx has gone up.
    int numSeenPeers = conf.numBroadcastPeers() + rejects.size();
    boolean mined = tx.getAppearsInHashes() != null;"broadcastTransaction: {}:  TX {} seen by {} peers{}", reason, tx.getHashAsString(),
        numSeenPeers, mined ? " and mined" : "");
    // Progress callback on the requested thread.
    invokeAndRecord(numSeenPeers, mined);
    if (numSeenPeers >= numWaitingFor || mined) {
      // We've seen the min required number of peers announce the transaction, or it was included
      // in a block. Normally we'd expect to see it fully propagate before it gets mined, but
      // it can be that a block is solved very soon after broadcast, and it's also possible that
      // due to version skew and changes in the relay rules our transaction is not going to
      // fully propagate yet can get mined anyway.
      // Note that we can't wait for the current number of connected peers right now because we
      // could have added more peers after the broadcast took place, which means they won't
      // have seen the transaction. In future when peers sync up their memory pools after they
      // connect we could come back and change this.
      // We're done! It's important that the PeerGroup lock is not held (by this thread) at this
      // point to avoid triggering inversions when the Future completes."broadcastTransaction: {} complete", tx.getHash());
      future.set(tx);  // RE-ENTRANCY POINT

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsIn = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsIn == null) continue;  // Pending.
for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> block : appearsIn.entrySet())

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsIn = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsIn == null) continue;  // Pending.
for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> block : appearsIn.entrySet())

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsIn = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsIn == null) continue;  // Pending.
for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> block : appearsIn.entrySet())

代码示例来源:origin: Coinomi/coinomi-android

if (txFull.getAppearsInHashes() != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> appears : txFull.getAppearsInHashes().entrySet()) {
    tx.addBlockAppearance(appears.getKey(), appears.getValue());

代码示例来源:origin: openwalletGH/openwallet-android

if (txFull.getAppearsInHashes() != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> appears : txFull.getAppearsInHashes().entrySet()) {
    tx.addBlockAppearance(appears.getKey(), appears.getValue());

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testForking5() throws Exception {
  // Test the standard case in which a block containing identical transactions appears on a side chain.
  Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(coinsTo);
  final Transaction t = b1.transactions.get(1);
  assertEquals(FIFTY_COINS, wallet.getBalance());
  // genesis -> b1
  //         -> b2
  Block b2 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(coinsTo);
  Transaction b2coinbase = b2.transactions.get(0);
  assertEquals(FIFTY_COINS, wallet.getBalance());
  assertEquals(2, wallet.getTransaction(t.getHash()).getAppearsInHashes().size());
  //          -> b2 -> b3
  Block b3 = b2.createNextBlock(someOtherGuy);
  assertEquals(FIFTY_COINS, wallet.getBalance());

代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

assertTrue(tx.getConfidence().getConfidenceType() == ConfidenceType.BUILDING);
assertTrue(tx.getConfidence().getDepthInBlocks() == 1);
assertTrue(tx.getAppearsInHashes().size() == 1);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

assertEquals(2, wallet.getTransaction(tHash).getAppearsInHashes().size());

代码示例来源:origin: Coinomi/coinomi-android

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {

代码示例来源:origin: openwalletGH/openwallet-android

final Map<Sha256Hash, Integer> appearsInHashes = tx.getAppearsInHashes();
if (appearsInHashes != null) {
  for (Map.Entry<Sha256Hash, Integer> entry : appearsInHashes.entrySet()) {




