
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Check block height is in coinbase input script, for use after BIP 34 enforcement is enabled.
[中]检查coinbase输入脚本中的块高度,以便在启用BIP 34强制后使用。


代码示例来源:origin: HashEngineering/dashj

 * Verify the transactions on a block.
 * @param height block height, if known, or -1 otherwise. If provided, used
 * to validate the coinbase input script of v2 and above blocks.
 * @throws VerificationException if there was an error verifying the block.
private void checkTransactions(final int height, final EnumSet<VerifyFlag> flags)
    throws VerificationException {
  // The first transaction in a block must always be a coinbase transaction.
  if (!transactions.get(0).isCoinBase())
    throw new VerificationException("First tx is not coinbase");
  if (flags.contains(Block.VerifyFlag.HEIGHT_IN_COINBASE) && height >= BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS) {
  // The rest must not be.
  for (int i = 1; i < transactions.size(); i++) {
    if (transactions.get(i).isCoinBase())
      throw new VerificationException("TX " + i + " is coinbase when it should not be.");

代码示例来源:origin: cash.bitcoinj/bitcoinj-core

 * Verify the transactions on a block.
 * @param height block height, if known, or -1 otherwise. If provided, used
 * to validate the coinbase input script of v2 and above blocks.
 * @throws VerificationException if there was an error verifying the block.
private void checkTransactions(final int height, final EnumSet<VerifyFlag> flags)
    throws VerificationException {
  // The first transaction in a block must always be a coinbase transaction.
  if (!transactions.get(0).isCoinBase())
    throw new VerificationException("First tx is not coinbase");
  if (flags.contains(Block.VerifyFlag.HEIGHT_IN_COINBASE) && height >= BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS) {
  // The rest must not be.
  for (int i = 1; i < transactions.size(); i++) {
    if (transactions.get(i).isCoinBase())
      throw new VerificationException("TX " + i + " is coinbase when it should not be.");

代码示例来源:origin: fr.acinq/bitcoinj-core

 * Verify the transactions on a block.
 * @param height block height, if known, or -1 otherwise. If provided, used
 * to validate the coinbase input script of v2 and above blocks.
 * @throws VerificationException if there was an error verifying the block.
private void checkTransactions(final int height, final EnumSet<VerifyFlag> flags)
    throws VerificationException {
  // The first transaction in a block must always be a coinbase transaction.
  if (!transactions.get(0).isCoinBase())
    throw new VerificationException("First tx is not coinbase");
  if (flags.contains(Block.VerifyFlag.HEIGHT_IN_COINBASE) && height >= BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS) {
  // The rest must not be.
  for (int i = 1; i < transactions.size(); i++) {
    if (transactions.get(i).isCoinBase())
      throw new VerificationException("TX " + i + " is coinbase when it should not be.");

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Verify the transactions on a block.
 * @param height block height, if known, or -1 otherwise. If provided, used
 * to validate the coinbase input script of v2 and above blocks.
 * @throws VerificationException if there was an error verifying the block.
private void checkTransactions(final int height, final EnumSet<VerifyFlag> flags)
    throws VerificationException {
  // The first transaction in a block must always be a coinbase transaction.
  if (!transactions.get(0).isCoinBase())
    throw new VerificationException("First tx is not coinbase");
  if (flags.contains(Block.VerifyFlag.HEIGHT_IN_COINBASE) && height >= BLOCK_HEIGHT_GENESIS) {
  // The rest must not be.
  for (int i = 1; i < transactions.size(); i++) {
    if (transactions.get(i).isCoinBase())
      throw new VerificationException("TX " + i + " is coinbase when it should not be.");

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

public void testCoinbaseHeightCheck() throws VerificationException {
  // Coinbase transaction from block 300,000
  final byte[] transactionBytes = HEX.decode("01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff4803e09304062f503253482f0403c86d53087ceca141295a00002e522cfabe6d6d7561cf262313da1144026c8f7a43e3899c44f6145f39a36507d36679a8b7006104000000000000000000000001c8704095000000001976a91480ad90d403581fa3bf46086a91b2d9d4125db6c188ac00000000");
  final int height = 300000;
  final Transaction transaction = PARAMS.getDefaultSerializer().makeTransaction(transactionBytes);

代码示例来源:origin: greenaddress/GreenBits

 * Test a coinbase transaction whose script has nonsense after the block height.
 * See
public void testCoinbaseHeightCheckWithDamagedScript() throws VerificationException {
  // Coinbase transaction from block 224,430
  final byte[] transactionBytes = HEX.decode(
    + "00000000ffffffff3b03ae6c0300044bd7031a0400000000522cfabe6d6d0000"
    + "0000000000b7b8bf0100000068692066726f6d20706f6f6c7365727665726aac"
    + "1eeeed88ffffffff01e0587597000000001976a91421c0d001728b3feaf11551"
    + "5b7c135e779e9f442f88ac00000000");
  final int height = 224430;
  final Transaction transaction = PARAMS.getDefaultSerializer().makeTransaction(transactionBytes);




