
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the autosequence field if it exists.


代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

public BaseField getMainFileKeyField(boolean bReturnCounterField)
  if (m_fldMainFile != null)
    return m_fldMainFile;
  if (m_recordMain != null)
    if (bReturnCounterField)
      return (BaseField)m_recordMain.getCounterField();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

public BaseField getMainFileKeyField(boolean bReturnCounterField)
  if (m_fldMainFile != null)
    return m_fldMainFile;
  if (m_recordMain != null)
    if (bReturnCounterField)
      return (BaseField)m_recordMain.getCounterField();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

public BaseField getMainFileKeyField(boolean bReturnCounterField)
  if (m_fldMainFile != null)
    return m_fldMainFile;
  if (m_recordMain != null)
    if (bReturnCounterField)
      return (BaseField)m_recordMain.getCounterField();
  return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Make this field a reference to the current object in this record info class.
 * @param record tour.db.Record The current record to set this field to reference.
 * @param bDisplayOption If true, display changes.
 * @param iMoveMode The move mode.
 * @return The error code (or NORMAL_RETURN).
public int setReference(Record record, boolean bDisplayOption, int iMoveMode)
  return this.moveFieldToThis((BaseField)record.getCounterField(), bDisplayOption, iMoveMode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Make this field a reference to the current object in this record info class.
 * @param record tour.db.Record The current record to set this field to reference.
 * @param bDisplayOption If true, display changes.
 * @param iMoveMode The move mode.
 * @return The error code (or NORMAL_RETURN).
public int setReference(Record record, boolean bDisplayOption, int iMoveMode)
  return this.moveFieldToThis((BaseField)record.getCounterField(), bDisplayOption, iMoveMode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Make this field a reference to the current object in this record info class.
 * @param record tour.db.Record The current record to set this field to reference.
 * @param bDisplayOption If true, display changes.
 * @param iMoveMode The move mode.
 * @return The error code (or NORMAL_RETURN).
public int setReference(Record record, boolean bDisplayOption, int iMoveMode)
  return this.moveFieldToThis((BaseField)record.getCounterField(), bDisplayOption, iMoveMode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Does this fieldlist have a primary key that is auto-sequence.
 * This can be turned off (in thick) by setting table.setProperty(AUTO_SEQUENCE_KEY, FALSE),
 * which is primarily used to restore an archive with changing the autosequenced values.
 * Note: Thin FieldList's ALWAYS have auto-sequence keys.
 * @return True if autosequence key.
public boolean isAutoSequence()
  if (this.getCounterField() != null)
    if (!DBConstants.FALSE.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getTable().getProperty(SQLParams.AUTO_SEQUENCE_ENABLED)))
      return super.isAutoSequence();  // Yes, this record has an autosequence key that is enabled.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Does this fieldlist have a primary key that is auto-sequence.
 * This can be turned off (in thick) by setting table.setProperty(AUTO_SEQUENCE_KEY, FALSE),
 * which is primarily used to restore an archive with changing the autosequenced values.
 * Note: Thin FieldList's ALWAYS have auto-sequence keys.
 * @return True if autosequence key.
public boolean isAutoSequence()
  if (this.getCounterField() != null)
    if (!DBConstants.FALSE.equalsIgnoreCase(this.getTable().getProperty(SQLParams.AUTO_SEQUENCE_ENABLED)))
      return super.isAutoSequence();  // Yes, this record has an autosequence key that is enabled.
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourapp.tour/

 * GetKeyFromRecord Method.
public String getKeyFromRecord(Record recBookingDetail, String iFieldSeq)
  String bookmark = recBookingDetail.getCounterField().toString();
  BaseField fieldTarget = recBookingDetail.getField(iFieldSeq);
  String strFieldType = fieldTarget.getFieldName();
  if ((bookmark == null) || (bookmark.length() == 0))
    bookmark = recBookingDetail.getLastModified(DBConstants.BOOKMARK_HANDLE).toString();
  String strKey = strFieldType + '.' + bookmark;
  return strKey;

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourgeek.tour/

 * GetKeyFromRecord Method.
public String getKeyFromRecord(Record recBookingDetail, String iFieldSeq)
  String bookmark = recBookingDetail.getCounterField().toString();
  BaseField fieldTarget = recBookingDetail.getField(iFieldSeq);
  String strFieldType = fieldTarget.getFieldName();
  if ((bookmark == null) || (bookmark.length() == 0))
    bookmark = recBookingDetail.getLastModified(DBConstants.BOOKMARK_HANDLE).toString();
  String strKey = strFieldType + '.' + bookmark;
  return strKey;

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourapp.tour/com.tourapp.tour.profile.screen

 * Add all the screen listeners.
public void addListeners()

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * AddSubFileFilter Method.
public void addSubFileFilter()
  this.getMainRecord().addListener(new CompareFileFilter(MessageProcessInfo.kMessageInfoID, (BaseField)this.getHeaderRecord().getCounterField(), DBConstants.EQUALS, null, true));
  this.getMainRecord().getField(MessageProcessInfo.kMessageInfoID).addListener(new InitFieldHandler((BaseField)this.getHeaderRecord().getCounterField(), false));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Add the sub file filter (linking the header to the main file)
 * Override this if the header does not have a direct link to the detail.
public void addSubFileFilter()
  this.getMainRecord().addListener(new CompareFileFilter(MessageProcessInfo.kMessageInfoID, (BaseField)this.getHeaderRecord().getCounterField(), DBConstants.EQUALS, null, true));
  this.getMainRecord().getField(MessageProcessInfo.kMessageInfoID).addListener(new InitFieldHandler((BaseField)this.getHeaderRecord().getCounterField(), false));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

   * Move the ID field to the code field.
   * @return
  public int moveIDToCodeField()
    if (this.getCodeField().isNull())
      return getCodeField().moveFieldToThis((BaseField)this.getOwner().getCounterField());
      return DBConstants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

   * Move the ID field to the code field.
   * @return
  public int moveIDToCodeField()
    if (this.getCodeField().isNull())
      return getCodeField().moveFieldToThis((BaseField)this.getOwner().getCounterField());
      return DBConstants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

   * Move the ID field to the code field.
   * @return
  public int moveIDToCodeField()
    if (this.getCodeField().isNull())
      return getCodeField().moveFieldToThis((BaseField)this.getOwner().getCounterField());
      return DBConstants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

   * If any of the non-counter fields are null, return true.
   * @param iAreaDesc
   * @return
  public boolean isNull(int iAreaDesc, boolean bIncludeTempFields)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.getKeyFields(false, bIncludeTempFields); i++)
      if (this.getField(i) != this.getRecord().getCounterField())
        if (this.getKeyField(i).getField(iAreaDesc).isNull())
          return true;    // Is null
    return false;   // is not null

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

   * If any of the non-counter fields are null, return true.
   * @param iAreaDesc
   * @return
  public boolean isNull(int iAreaDesc, boolean bIncludeTempFields)
    for (int i = 0; i < this.getKeyFields(false, bIncludeTempFields); i++)
      if (this.getField(i) != this.getRecord().getCounterField())
        if (this.getKeyField(i).getField(iAreaDesc).isNull())
          return true;    // Is null
    return false;   // is not null

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourgeek.tour/com.tourgeek.tour.util

public void checkIt()
  BookingDetail bookingDetail = (BookingDetail)this.getMainRecord();
  try {
    while (bookingDetail.hasNext())
      Record record =;
      Map<String,Object> refs = this.checkReferences(record);
      String str = record.getTableNames(false) + "(" + record.getCounterField().toString() + ")" + this.format(refs, 1);
      this.analyzeReferences(refs, refs);
  } catch (DBException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourapp.tour/com.tourapp.tour.profile.screen

 * SetupSFields Method.
public void setupSFields()
  // I have to get the header record, since one of the sub-screens is the profile screen.
  ((BaseScreen)this.getParentScreen()).getHeaderRecord().getField(Profile.NAME).setupDefaultView(this.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.NEXT_LOGICAL, ScreenConstants.ANCHOR_DEFAULT), this, ScreenConstants.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
  Record record = ((BaseScreen)this.getParentScreen()).getHeaderRecord();
  Converter converter = record.getCounterField();
  new SSelectBox(this.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.RIGHT_OF_LAST, ScreenConstants.DONT_SET_ANCHOR), this, converter, ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_DESC, record);
  ((BaseScreen)this.getParentScreen()).getHeaderRecord().getField(Profile.CONTACT).setupDefaultView(this.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.NEXT_LOGICAL, ScreenConstants.ANCHOR_DEFAULT), this, ScreenConstants.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);




