
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Get an actual Record to add/edit/etc... Usually used in QueryRecords.


代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Get the main record of this query, to add, edit or whatever.
 * @return The base record.
public Record getBaseRecord() 
  return this.getRecordlistAt(0).getBaseRecord();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Get the main record of this query, to add, edit or whatever.
 * @return The base record.
public Record getBaseRecord() 
  return this.getRecordlistAt(0).getBaseRecord();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Get the main record of this query, to add, edit or whatever.
 * @return The base record.
public Record getBaseRecord() 
  return this.getRecordlistAt(0).getBaseRecord();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Get the SQL 'Insert' string.
 * INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES('value1', 'value2');
 * @param bUseCurrentValues If true, use the current field value, otherwise, use '?'.
 * @return The SQL insert string.
public String getSQLInsert(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  String strFields = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_TABLE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  String strValues = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_VALUE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  strRecordset = "INSERT INTO " + strRecordset + "(" + strFields + ") VALUES (" + strValues + ")";
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Get the SQL 'Insert' string.
 * INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES('value1', 'value2');
 * @param bUseCurrentValues If true, use the current field value, otherwise, use '?'.
 * @return The SQL insert string.
public String getSQLInsert(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  String strFields = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_TABLE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  String strValues = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_VALUE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  strRecordset = "INSERT INTO " + strRecordset + "(" + strFields + ") VALUES (" + strValues + ")";
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Get the SQL 'Insert' string.
 * INSERT INTO table(field1, field2) VALUES('value1', 'value2');
 * @param bUseCurrentValues If true, use the current field value, otherwise, use '?'.
 * @return The SQL insert string.
public String getSQLInsert(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  String strFields = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_TABLE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  String strValues = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_INSERT_VALUE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  strRecordset = "INSERT INTO " + strRecordset + "(" + strFields + ") VALUES (" + strValues + ")";
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Get the SQL 'Update' string.
 * UPDATE table SET field1 = 'value1', field2 = 'value2' WHERE key = 'value'
 * @param bUseCurrentValues If true, use the current field value, otherwise, use '?'.
 * @param vParamList The parameter list.
 * @return The SQL select string.
 * @return null if nothing to update.
public String getSQLUpdate(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  KeyArea keyArea = this.getBaseRecord().getKeyArea(0); // Primary index
  boolean bUseCurrentKeyValues = bUseCurrentValues ? true : keyArea.isNull(DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, true);
  boolean bIsQueryRecord = this.getBaseRecord().isQueryRecord();
  String sFilter = keyArea.addSelectParams("=", DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false, bIsQueryRecord, bUseCurrentKeyValues, null, true, true);   // Always add!?
  if (sFilter.length() > 0)
    sFilter = " WHERE " + sFilter;
  String strSetValues = this.getBaseRecord().getSQLFields(DBConstants.SQL_UPDATE_TYPE, bUseCurrentValues);
  if (strSetValues.length() == 0)
    return null;    // No fields to update
  strRecordset = "UPDATE " + strRecordset + " SET " + strSetValues + sFilter;
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Set the field or file that owns this listener.
 * I Check to make sure that the base tables are the same first.
 * @param owner My owner.
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner != null) if (m_recordToSync != null)
    if (!m_recordToSync.getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(this.getOwner().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false)))
    {   // Must be the same base tables!
      m_recordToSync = null;
    m_recordToSync.addListener(new FileRemoveBOnCloseHandler(this));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Set the field or file that owns this listener.
 * I Check to make sure that the base tables are the same first.
 * @param owner My owner.
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner != null) if (m_recordToSync != null)
    if (!m_recordToSync.getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(this.getOwner().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false)))
    {   // Must be the same base tables!
      m_recordToSync = null;
    m_recordToSync.addListener(new FileRemoveBOnCloseHandler(this));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Set the field or file that owns this listener.
 * I Check to make sure that the base tables are the same first.
 * @param owner My owner.
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner != null) if (m_recordToSync != null)
    if (!m_recordToSync.getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(this.getOwner().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false)))
    {   // Must be the same base tables!
      m_recordToSync = null;
    m_recordToSync.addListener(new FileRemoveBOnCloseHandler(this));

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Get the image for Buttons and Bitmaps and drag cursors.
 * (Previously getBitmap).
 * Return The bitmap for the current table.
public String getBitmap()
  if (m_recTarget != null)
    Record recTarget = null;
    if (m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable() != null)
      recTarget = m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable().getRecord();
    if (recTarget != null)
      return recTarget.getBitmap();   // Bitmap for this table
  return super.getBitmap(); // Default value

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Get the image for Buttons and Bitmaps and drag cursors.
 * (Previously getBitmap).
 * Return The bitmap for the current table.
public String getBitmap()
  if (m_recTarget != null)
    Record recTarget = null;
    if (m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable() != null)
      recTarget = m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable().getRecord();
    if (recTarget != null)
      return recTarget.getBitmap();   // Bitmap for this table
  return super.getBitmap(); // Default value

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Get the image for Buttons and Bitmaps and drag cursors.
 * (Previously getBitmap).
 * Return The bitmap for the current table.
public String getBitmap()
  if (m_recTarget != null)
    Record recTarget = null;
    if (m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable() != null)
      recTarget = m_recTarget.getBaseRecord().getTable().getCurrentTable().getRecord();
    if (recTarget != null)
      return recTarget.getBitmap();   // Bitmap for this table
  return super.getBitmap(); // Default value

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Get the SQL 'Delete' string.
 * DELETE table WHERE key=value;
 * @param bUseCurrentValues   If true, insert field values, if false, insert '?'
 * @return The SQL delete string.
public String getSQLDelete(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  KeyArea keyArea = this.getKeyArea(0); // Primary index
  boolean bIsQueryRecord = this.isQueryRecord();
  boolean bUseCurrentKeyValues = bUseCurrentValues ? true : keyArea.isNull(DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false);
  String sFilter = "?";
  sFilter = keyArea.addSelectParams("=", DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false, bIsQueryRecord, bUseCurrentKeyValues, null, true, false);    // Always add!?
  if (sFilter.length() > 0)
    sFilter = " WHERE " + sFilter;
  strRecordset = "DELETE FROM " + strRecordset + sFilter;
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Get the SQL 'Delete' string.
 * DELETE table WHERE key=value;
 * @param bUseCurrentValues   If true, insert field values, if false, insert '?'
 * @return The SQL delete string.
public String getSQLDelete(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  KeyArea keyArea = this.getKeyArea(0); // Primary index
  boolean bIsQueryRecord = this.isQueryRecord();
  boolean bUseCurrentKeyValues = bUseCurrentValues ? true : keyArea.isNull(DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false);
  String sFilter = "?";
  sFilter = keyArea.addSelectParams("=", DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false, bIsQueryRecord, bUseCurrentKeyValues, null, true, false);    // Always add!?
  if (sFilter.length() > 0)
    sFilter = " WHERE " + sFilter;
  strRecordset = "DELETE FROM " + strRecordset + sFilter;
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Get the SQL 'Delete' string.
 * DELETE table WHERE key=value;
 * @param bUseCurrentValues   If true, insert field values, if false, insert '?'
 * @return The SQL delete string.
public String getSQLDelete(boolean bUseCurrentValues)
  String strRecordset = this.getBaseRecord().makeTableNames(false);
  KeyArea keyArea = this.getKeyArea(0); // Primary index
  boolean bIsQueryRecord = this.isQueryRecord();
  boolean bUseCurrentKeyValues = bUseCurrentValues ? true : keyArea.isNull(DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false);
  String sFilter = "?";
  sFilter = keyArea.addSelectParams("=", DBConstants.TEMP_KEY_AREA, false, bIsQueryRecord, bUseCurrentKeyValues, null, true, false);    // Always add!?
  if (sFilter.length() > 0)
    sFilter = " WHERE " + sFilter;
  strRecordset = "DELETE FROM " + strRecordset + sFilter;
  return strRecordset;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Find the sub-screen that uses this grid query and set for selection.
 * When you select a new record here, you read the same record in the SelectQuery.
 * @param recMaint The record which is synced on record change.
 * @param bUpdateOnSelect Do I update the current record if a selection occurs.
 * @return True if successful.
public boolean setSelectQuery(Record recMaint, boolean bUpdateOnSelect)
  if (recMaint == null)
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  if (this.getMainRecord() != null)
    if (this.getMainRecord() != recMaint)
      if (this.getMainRecord().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(recMaint.getTableNames(false)))
  {   // Only trigger when the grid table sends the selection message
    this.getMainRecord().addListener(new OnSelectHandler(recMaint, bUpdateOnSelect, DBConstants.USER_DEFINED_TYPE));
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.model

 * Find the sub-screen that uses this grid query and set for selection.
 * When you select a new record here, you read the same record in the SelectQuery.
 * @param recMaint The record which is synced on record change.
 * @param bUpdateOnSelect Do I update the current record if a selection occurs.
 * @return True if successful.
public boolean setSelectQuery(Rec recMaint, boolean bUpdateOnSelect)
  if (recMaint == null)
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  if (this.getMainRecord() != null)
    if (this.getMainRecord() != recMaint)
      if (this.getMainRecord().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(recMaint.getTableNames(false)))
    this.getMainRecord().addListener(new SelectOnUpdateHandler((Record)recMaint, bUpdateOnSelect));
      return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.model

 * Find the sub-screen that uses this grid query and set for selection.
 * When you select a new record here, you read the same record in the SelectQuery.
 * @param recMaint The record which is synced on record change.
 * @param bUpdateOnSelect Do I update the current record if a selection occurs.
 * @return True if successful.
public boolean setSelectQuery(Rec recMaint, boolean bUpdateOnSelect)
  if (recMaint == null)
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  if (this.getMainRecord() != null)
    if (this.getMainRecord() != recMaint)
      if (this.getMainRecord().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(recMaint.getTableNames(false)))
  {   // Only trigger when the grid table sends the selection message
    this.getMainRecord().addListener(new OnSelectHandler((Record)recMaint, bUpdateOnSelect, DBConstants.USER_DEFINED_TYPE));
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Find the sub-screen that uses this grid query and set for selection.
 * When you select a new record here, you read the same record in the SelectQuery.
 * @param recMaint The record which is synced on record change.
 * @param bUpdateOnSelect Do I update the current record if a selection occurs.
 * @return True if successful.
public boolean setSelectQuery(Record recMaint, boolean bUpdateOnSelect)
  if (recMaint == null)
    return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  if (this.getMainRecord() != null)
    if (this.getMainRecord() != recMaint)
      if (this.getMainRecord().getBaseRecord().getTableNames(false).equals(recMaint.getTableNames(false)))
    this.getMainRecord().addListener(new SelectOnUpdateHandler(recMaint, bUpdateOnSelect));
      return true;    // BaseTable Set!
  return false;




