
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Set up a listener to notify when an external change is made to the current record.


代码示例来源:origin: com.tourgeek.tour/

 * Add behaviors to this session.
public void addListeners()
  this.getRecord(BookingDetail.BOOKING_DETAIL_FILE).setupRecordListener(this, true, true);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 *  Add behaviors to this session.
public void addListeners()
  if (this.getMainRecord() != null)
    this.getMainRecord().setupRecordListener(this, true, false);    // Don't allow echos

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Set up a listener to notify when an external change is made to the current record.
 * @param listener The listener to set to the new filter. If null, use the record's recordowner.
 * @param bTrackMultipleRecord Use a GridRecordMessageFilter to watch for multiple records.
 * @param bAllowEchos Allow this record to be notified of changes (usually for remotes hooked to grid tables).
 * @param bReceiveAllAdds If true, receive all add notifications, otherwise just receive the adds on secondary reads.
 * @return The new filter.
public BaseMessageFilter setupRecordListener(JMessageListener listener, boolean bTrackMultipleRecords, boolean bAllowEchos)
  boolean bReceiveAllAdds = false;
  if (((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.TABLE)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.LOCAL)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.REMOTE_MEMORY))
      bReceiveAllAdds = true;    // The volume of changes is negligable and there is rarely a secondary, so listen for all changes
  return this.setupRecordListener(listener, bTrackMultipleRecords, bAllowEchos, bReceiveAllAdds);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Set up a listener to notify when an external change is made to the current record.
 * @param listener The listener to set to the new filter. If null, use the record's recordowner.
 * @param bTrackMultipleRecord Use a GridRecordMessageFilter to watch for multiple records.
 * @param bAllowEchos Allow this record to be notified of changes (usually for remotes hooked to grid tables).
 * @param bReceiveAllAdds If true, receive all add notifications, otherwise just receive the adds on secondary reads.
 * @return The new filter.
public BaseMessageFilter setupRecordListener(JMessageListener listener, boolean bTrackMultipleRecords, boolean bAllowEchos)
  boolean bReceiveAllAdds = false;
  if (((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.TABLE)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.LOCAL)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.REMOTE_MEMORY))
      bReceiveAllAdds = true;    // The volume of changes is negligable and there is rarely a secondary, so listen for all changes
  return this.setupRecordListener(listener, bTrackMultipleRecords, bAllowEchos, bReceiveAllAdds);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Set up a listener to notify when an external change is made to the current record.
 * @param listener The listener to set to the new filter. If null, use the record's recordowner.
 * @param bTrackMultipleRecord Use a GridRecordMessageFilter to watch for multiple records.
 * @param bAllowEchos Allow this record to be notified of changes (usually for remotes hooked to grid tables).
 * @param bReceiveAllAdds If true, receive all add notifications, otherwise just receive the adds on secondary reads.
 * @return The new filter.
public BaseMessageFilter setupRecordListener(JMessageListener listener, boolean bTrackMultipleRecords, boolean bAllowEchos)
  boolean bReceiveAllAdds = false;
  if (((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.TABLE)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.LOCAL)
    || ((this.getDatabaseType() & DBConstants.TABLE_MASK) == DBConstants.REMOTE_MEMORY))
      bReceiveAllAdds = true;    // The volume of changes is negligable and there is rarely a secondary, so listen for all changes
  return this.setupRecordListener(listener, bTrackMultipleRecords, bAllowEchos, bReceiveAllAdds);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.model

recordMain.setupRecordListener(this, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes
try   {
  if (recordMain.getEditMode() == Constants.EDIT_NONE)

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

recordMain.setupRecordListener(this, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes
try   {
  if (recordMain.getEditMode() == Constants.EDIT_NONE)

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Set the field that owns this listener.
 * @owner The field that this listener is being added to (if null, this listener is being removed).
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner == null)
    if (m_messageListener != null)
      m_messageListener = null;
  if (owner != null)
    Record record = this.getOwner().getRecord();
    BaseMessageManager messageManager = ((Application)record.getTask().getApplication()).getMessageManager();
    if (messageManager != null)
      BaseMessageFilter messageFilter = new BaseMessageFilter(MessageConstants.TRX_RETURN_QUEUE, MessageConstants.INTERNET_QUEUE, this, null);
      m_messageListener = new  WaitForFieldChangeMessageListener(messageFilter, this);
      record.setupRecordListener(m_messageListener, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Set the field that owns this listener.
 * @owner The field that this listener is being added to (if null, this listener is being removed).
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner == null)
    if (m_messageListener != null)
      m_messageListener = null;
  if (owner != null)
    Record record = this.getOwner().getRecord();
    BaseMessageManager messageManager = ((Application)record.getTask().getApplication()).getMessageManager();
    if (messageManager != null)
      BaseMessageFilter messageFilter = new BaseMessageFilter(MessageConstants.TRX_RETURN_QUEUE, MessageConstants.INTERNET_QUEUE, this, null);
      m_messageListener = new  WaitForFieldChangeMessageListener(messageFilter, this);
      record.setupRecordListener(m_messageListener, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Set the field that owns this listener.
 * @owner The field that this listener is being added to (if null, this listener is being removed).
public void setOwner(ListenerOwner owner)
  if (owner == null)
    if (m_messageListener != null)
      m_messageListener = null;
  if (owner != null)
    Record record = this.getOwner().getRecord();
    MessageManager messageManager = ((Application)record.getTask().getApplication()).getMessageManager();
    if (messageManager != null)
      BaseMessageFilter messageFilter = new BaseMessageFilter(MessageConstants.TRX_RETURN_QUEUE, MessageConstants.INTERNET_QUEUE, this, null);
      m_messageListener = new  WaitForFieldChangeMessageListener(messageFilter, this);
      record.setupRecordListener(m_messageListener, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

gridRecord.setupRecordListener(this, true, false);  // I need to listen for record changes
BaseTable gridTable = gridRecord.getTable();
if (!(gridTable instanceof GridTable))

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.screen/org.jbundle.base.screen.model

gridRecord.setupRecordListener(this, true, false);  // I need to listen for record changes
BaseTable gridTable = gridRecord.getTable();
if (!(gridTable instanceof GridTable))

代码示例来源:origin: com.tourapp.tour/

this.getRecord(Tour.TOUR_FILE).setupRecordListener(this, false, false);   // I need to listen for record changes




