
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the screen.


代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

   * Get the owner of this property key.
   * The registration key is the screen's key.
   * The property key is the field name.
   * @return The owner of this property key.
  public PropertyOwner retrieveUserProperties()
    Record record = this.getOwner().getRecord();
    BasePanel screen = record.getScreen();
    if (screen != null)
      return screen.retrieveUserProperties();   // Return the registration key
      return null;                            // Must have a screen for this to work

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

   * Get the owner of this property key.
   * The registration key is the screen's key.
   * The property key is the field name.
   * @return The owner of this property key.
  public PropertyOwner retrieveUserProperties()
    Record record = this.getOwner().getRecord();
    BasePanel screen = record.getScreen();
    if (screen != null)
      return screen.retrieveUserProperties();   // Return the registration key
      return null;                            // Must have a screen for this to work

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

public int fieldChanged(boolean bDisplayOption, int iMoveMode)
  Record recDefault = this.getOwner().getRecord();
  BasePanel screen = recDefault.getScreen();
  screen = screen.getRootScreen();
  String strScreenTitle = Constants.BLANK;
  if (m_bSetTitleToThisString)
    strScreenTitle = this.getOwner().getString();
  if (strScreenTitle.length() == 0)
    strScreenTitle = this.getTitle(screen);
  if (strScreenTitle.length() > 0)
    Component pWnd = screen.getScreenFieldView().getControl();
    JFrame pWndFrame = null;
    if (pWndFrame == null)
      pWndFrame = (JFrame)pWnd;
    if (pWndFrame != null)
  return DBConstants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

public int fieldChanged(boolean bDisplayOption, int iMoveMode)
  Record recDefault = this.getOwner().getRecord();
  BasePanel screen = recDefault.getScreen();
  screen = screen.getRootScreen();
  String strScreenTitle = Constants.BLANK;
  if (m_bSetTitleToThisString)
    strScreenTitle = this.getOwner().getString();
  if (strScreenTitle.length() == 0)
    strScreenTitle = this.getTitle(screen);
  if (strScreenTitle.length() > 0)
    Component pWnd = screen.getScreenFieldView().getControl();
    JFrame pWndFrame = null;
    if (pWndFrame == null)
      pWndFrame = (JFrame)pWnd;
    if (pWndFrame != null)
  return DBConstants.NORMAL_RETURN;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

if (fldContactType == null)
  return null;
if (this.getRecord().getScreen() != null)
  recordOwner = this.getRecord().getScreen();
ContactType recContactType = (ContactType)fldContactType.getReferenceRecord();
recContactType = (ContactType)fldContactType.getReference();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

boolean bRefreshIfChanged = true;
    if (parent != null)
      if (this.getScreen() != null)
        if (this.getScreen().getParentScreen() == parent)
          bRefreshIfChanged = false;  // Since the screen (and record) will be closed, only need to write record
    recordNew.readSameRecord(recordCurrent, true, bRefreshIfChanged);  // Write if it is changed
  if (this.getScreen() != null)
    if (this.getScreen().getParentScreen() == parent)
    this.getScreen().free();    // Warning, this also closes "this" record.
    bLinkGridToQuery = false;   // Can't link to a closed query.
BaseScreen screenCurrent = this.getScreen();
if (screenCurrent == null)
  bLinkGridToQuery = false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

boolean bRefreshIfChanged = true;
    if (parent != null)
      if (this.getScreen() != null)
        if (this.getScreen().getParentScreen() == parent)
          bRefreshIfChanged = false;  // Since the screen (and record) will be closed, only need to write record
    recordNew.readSameRecord(recordCurrent, true, bRefreshIfChanged);  // Write if it is changed
  if (this.getScreen() != null)
    if (this.getScreen().getParentScreen() == parent)
    this.getScreen().free();    // Warning, this also closes "this" record.
    bLinkGridToQuery = false;   // Can't link to a closed query.
BaseScreen screenCurrent = this.getScreen();
if (screenCurrent == null)
  bLinkGridToQuery = false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

if (this.getRecord().getScreen() == null)
  screen.setSelectQuery(this.getRecord(), false); // Since this record isn't linked to the screen, manually link it.




