
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the default display field for this record (for popups and lookups).


代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

   * Get the field sequence of the record description field.
   * @return
  public int getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq()
    if (m_iDescription == -1)
      m_iDescription = this.getReferenceRecord().getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
    return m_iDescription;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

   * Get the field sequence of the record description field.
   * @return
  public int getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq()
    if (m_iDescription == -1)
      m_iDescription = this.getReferenceRecord().getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
    return m_iDescription;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

 * Get the default display field for this record (for popups and lookups).
 * @return The sequence of the field that should be displayed.
public String getDefaultDisplayFieldName()
  int iSeq = this.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
  if (iSeq == -1)
    return null;
  return this.getField(iSeq).getFieldName();

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Same as setupTablePopup for larger files (that don't fit in a popup).
 * @return  Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
public ScreenField setupTableLookup(ScreenLocation itsLocation, BasePanel targetScreen, Converter converter, int iDisplayFieldDesc, Record record, int iQueryKeySeq, int iDisplayFieldSeq, boolean bIncludeBlankOption, boolean bIncludeFormButton)
  Converter fldDisplayFieldDesc = null;
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq == -1)
    iDisplayFieldSeq = record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq >= DBConstants.MAIN_FIELD)
    fldDisplayFieldDesc = record.getField(iDisplayFieldSeq);
  return this.setupTableLookup(itsLocation, targetScreen, converter, iDisplayFieldDesc, record, iQueryKeySeq, fldDisplayFieldDesc, bIncludeBlankOption, bIncludeFormButton);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Same as setupTablePopup for larger files (that don't fit in a popup).
 * @return  Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
public ScreenField setupTableLookup(ScreenLocation itsLocation, BasePanel targetScreen, Converter converter, int iDisplayFieldDesc, Record record, int iQueryKeySeq, int iDisplayFieldSeq, boolean bIncludeBlankOption, boolean bIncludeFormButton)
  Converter fldDisplayFieldDesc = null;
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq == -1)
    iDisplayFieldSeq = record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq >= DBConstants.MAIN_FIELD)
    fldDisplayFieldDesc = record.getField(iDisplayFieldSeq);
  return this.setupTableLookup(itsLocation, targetScreen, converter, iDisplayFieldDesc, record, iQueryKeySeq, fldDisplayFieldDesc, bIncludeBlankOption, bIncludeFormButton);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * SetupSFields Method.
public void setupSFields()
  Record recContact = ((ReferenceField)this.getMainRecord().getField(MessageDetail.kPersonID)).getReferenceRecord();
  if (recContact != null)
    if (recContact.getEditMode() == DBConstants.EDIT_CURRENT)
    if (recContact instanceof Person)   // Profile
      BaseField field = recContact.getField(recContact.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq());
      field.setupDefaultView(this.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.NEXT_LOGICAL, ScreenConstants.ANCHOR_DEFAULT), this, ScreenConstants.DEFAULT_DISPLAY);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base

String strWeek = record.getField(record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq()).toString();
if (strWeek.length() > 0)
  dayConverter = new FieldDescConverter(dayConverter, strWeek);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

 * Add a popup for the table tied to this field.
 * Key must be the first and primary and only key.
 * @param record Record to display in a popup
 * @param iQueryKeySeq Order to display the record (-1 = Primary field)
 * @param iDisplayFieldSeq Description field for the popup (-1 = second field)
 * @param bIncludeBlankOption Include a blank option in the popup?
 * @return  Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
public ScreenField setupTablePopup(ScreenLocation itsLocation, BasePanel targetScreen, Converter converter, int iDisplayFieldDesc, Record record, int iQueryKeySeq, int iDisplayFieldSeq, boolean bIncludeBlankOption, boolean bIncludeFormButton)
  if ((!(this instanceof ReferenceField)) && (!(this instanceof CounterField)))
    Debug.doAssert(false);    // error, wrong field type
  if (converter == null)
    converter = this;
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq == -1)
    iDisplayFieldSeq = record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
  FieldConverter convert = new QueryConverter(converter, record, iDisplayFieldSeq, bIncludeBlankOption);
  ScreenField screenField = new SPopupBox(itsLocation, targetScreen, convert, iDisplayFieldDesc);
  if (bIncludeFormButton)
    if (!(targetScreen instanceof BaseGridScreen))
      new SCannedBox(targetScreen.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.RIGHT_OF_LAST, ScreenConstants.DONT_SET_ANCHOR), targetScreen, converter, ThinMenuConstants.FORM, ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_FIELD_DESC, record);
  record.selectScreenFields();    // Only select fields that you will display
  return screenField;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

 * Add a popup for the table tied to this field.
 * Key must be the first and primary and only key.
 * @param record Record to display in a popup
 * @param iQueryKeySeq Order to display the record (-1 = Primary field)
 * @param iDisplayFieldSeq Description field for the popup (-1 = second field)
 * @param bIncludeBlankOption Include a blank option in the popup?
 * @return  Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
public ScreenField setupTablePopup(ScreenLocation itsLocation, BasePanel targetScreen, Converter converter, int iDisplayFieldDesc, Record record, int iQueryKeySeq, int iDisplayFieldSeq, boolean bIncludeBlankOption, boolean bIncludeFormButton)
  if ((!(this instanceof ReferenceField)) && (!(this instanceof CounterField)))
    Debug.doAssert(false);    // error, wrong field type
  if (converter == null)
    converter = this;
  if (iDisplayFieldSeq == -1)
    iDisplayFieldSeq = record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq();
  FieldConverter convert = new QueryConverter(converter, record, iDisplayFieldSeq, bIncludeBlankOption);
  ScreenField screenField = new SPopupBox(itsLocation, targetScreen, convert, iDisplayFieldDesc);
  if (bIncludeFormButton)
    if (!(targetScreen instanceof BaseGridScreen))
      new SCannedBox(targetScreen.getNextLocation(ScreenConstants.RIGHT_OF_LAST, ScreenConstants.DONT_SET_ANCHOR), targetScreen, converter, ThinMenuConstants.FORM, ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_FIELD_DESC, record);
  record.selectScreenFields();    // Only select fields that you will display
  return screenField;

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base.db/org.jbundle.base.db

String strWeek = record.getField(record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq()).toString();
if (strWeek.length() > 0)
  dayConverter = new FieldDescConverter(dayConverter, strWeek);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jbundle.base/org.jbundle.base.mixed

String strWeek = record.getField(record.getDefaultDisplayFieldSeq()).toString();
if (strWeek.length() > 0)
  dayConverter = new FieldDescConverter(dayConverter, strWeek);




